(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, February 17, 2024, 08116181263)

On February 9, 2024, the Ngas Development Association (NDA), through its 2024 Electoral Committee announced in a press statement the commencement of sale of forms to interested members who contest for various elective positions in the association. This marks the beginning of activities heralding the emergence of new leadership for the association through a democratic process that will be guided by the Constitution and electoral guidelines of the association.

The NDA which is the umbrella body of the Ngas nation has the women wing, youth wing (Ngas Youth Movement), National Association of Ngas Students (NANGS) and the elders forum as functional organs. It is composed of district six (6) associations (home) and 60 branches associations all over the world (diaspora) with duly registered members. The permanent headquarters of the association is in Pankshin Local Government. 

The motto of the NDA "shall be love, unity and development". The vision and mission statements of the association, therefore, was supposed to be clearly curved out within the context of this slogan as a way of defining the future ambition (the big picture) and the present motivations - mission pointers of the association.

Anyway, the objectives of the association, according to the constitution, are stated as follows: 
"To foster the spirit of love, brotherhood and unity amongst people. To work towards achieving a common good for the development of Ngas Nation. To create awareness amongst Ngas people towards realising the goals and objectives of the association. To promote socio-cultural, linguistic, economic and educational advancement of Ngas people. To offer constructive advice to government and agencies when the need arises."

Responsibility beckons, the objectives listed above are responsibilities that the leadership of the NDA are expected to champion as a way of driving the overall development of the Ngas nation. The information available to this author indicate that, since inception, the NDA had produced Nine (9) presidents along other executive members. 'The Constitution of NDA was approved in November, 1988, at an all embracing Congress of Ngas Youth Movement attended by invited Elders at Pankshin Youth Centre.The election of the first National NDA Executives was conducted in January, 1989, at Pankshin Youth Centre. Nde Gideon G.Barde was elected the first Chairman (now National President). This Executives served for two terms,1989 to 1993. Nde Joshua M. Waklek succeeded him. Thereafter, the following succeeded each other: Late Nde Elisha Dimka, Nde Emmanuel Jankanwa, Late Arch Simeon Longson and Prof. Nenfot Gomwalk, Late Nde Dominic Wakgung, Prof. Sylvester Shikyil and Engr Gonen Gofwen.' These were passionate Ngas stakeholders in their own rights!

In the nearest future, a separate piece will be dedicated towards reviewing the scorecards and achievements of each of these presidents. Be that as it may, it is important to hurriedly point out that so much has been achieved but so much is left undone as well. In other words, the NDA is far from being where it is supposed to be!

In a democracy, periodic leadership change is a universal reality. Aside constitutional provisions which limits the tenure of any NDA leadership to, at most, two tenure of three (3) years each; the desire to reinvigorate or change strategy of development in any organisation that often makes the need for new leadership very germane. In other words, the wisdom behind having a new leadership is that, new approaches will be injected as a means of adding or creating more value in the system. It is only on the basis of value creation or addition that the frontiers of civilisation can be expanded for the common good of humanity and, particularly, that of the Ngas people.

According to the press statement of the electoral committee led by prof. Meshach Gomam Goyit, the NDA election is slated to be conducted on April 19, 2024. Part of the timelines and activities lined up for action by the committee include but not limited to the following:
'1.  Advertisement runs from today (9th February, 2024) to 11th February, 2024 via Ngas social media platforms in the first instance;
2. The sales of nomination forms is between 19th February and 11th March, 2024. 
4. Costs of nomination forms are: (a). President and Vice President -  N20,000.00
(b) General Secretary - N15,000.00
(c). Assistant General Secretary and other positions - N10,000.00
5. The closing date for the submission of nomination forms is 18th March, 2024.
6. Display of the list of Aspirants - 21st to 29th March, 2024
7. Screening of Aspirants - 30th March, 2024
8. Display of the list of candidates - 1st to 18th April, 2024.'

With these line up of activities, the process has earnestly began. But more importantly is the kind of leaders the association craves given the fact that 'everything rise and fall on leadership.' No matter how endowed a nation is, as long as it has leadership deficit, there will be serious problems. In other words, no nation can develop or rise above the quality of its leadership.

Leadership is a provisional platform for showcasing relative capabilities of responsible humans to create, manage, organise and reorganise their ecosystem towards growth and sustainable development for the benefit of all. It is about influence, vision, rallying and motivating people to advance the cause of their collective progress. A leader who is a breeder of life into leadership function. Therefore, a leader is a catalyst, rudder, mover and shaker of things in any organisation or nation. In a position of leadership, the leader mobilises and organises people towards achieving great results for the collective good all.

It is important to note that leadership is seasons sensitive. Without compromising the provision of any organisation, when circumstances changes in a democratic system, conscious people are expected to change or reset their leadership button. In Ngas nation, things are not the same as the were in the the past. There is relative tendency for envy and strife, intolerance, selective favouritism, disunity as well as  increasing drive towards individualism. The nation has the population and great potential for growth but needs to step up her drive towards transformation. It is the nature of our contemporary challenges that will dictate the kind of leader we desire as a people.

There is need for effective and efficient coordination to guide our people towards upgrading its  infrastructure and human capital development as a strategy for achieving holistic progress in economy, cultural tourism and politics. The Ngas nation needs a rallying point and unifier; an inspiring and frontal mobiliser of positive actions; a careful and tested listener who is capable of democratically appealing to the morals of our people both young and old; a humble and charisma leader who will lead by example and can influence collective action amongst us at all times. 

With the new Ngolong Ngas in place, the emerging NDA leadership has the advantage of leading transformation in the land through active collaboration. The monarch will provide royal guide as the NDA leadership champions holistic development in Ngas nation.

Now we need to know, who are the contestants? Tell us about yourselves. As you do that, all eligible voters are charged, admonished or even cautioned to assess these candidates objectively if credibility is anything to go by. All mundane group, political or sectional interests or biases must be put aside in pursuit of patriotic instinct. The Ngas nation is one with one vision: rising above accepted limits of mediocres and to be respected equal of all other nations, especially, our contemporaries around the world. We must not betray this onerous task or great sense of mission!

On the wheel of progress propelled by shared sense of responsibility we shall roll and on the solid rock of hope we shall stand unshakable. There is no other way and, when situations demand, we should be prepared to be prisoners of this rock-solid-hope. If anyone has any contrary motivation, he is wrong. God bless the Ngas nation and its people which we all are proud members and stakeholders!

Democracy is gaining frequency everywhere in the world, may our election be the best and a good model for others to copy. This can only be if the process is peaceful, transparent and result in the emergence of our best brands!

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