By Ayuba Yilgak'ha, December 1, 2022*

Phone lines and phone calls are some of the greatest innovations that have made the world go round. However, I have come to realise that some calls can be unsettling. The call that broke the news of the earthly exit of my late cousin, Dr. Timothy Kitwuna Gontul is one of such.

A day before the sad horrible news broke, my cousin too, Nenbun Bauson had phoned me that the deceased was at the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) for medical attention. He however noted that he was relatively 'stable'. It was already evening and so there was no way I could go immediately.

My younger brother, Nendi, eventually came by and we collectively agreed to visit the hospital by 8 am. While I was about to step out of bed that day, the brother with whom I had arrange the visit called to inform me that it was the the last Saturday of the month and, therefore, we have to wait until after sanitation by 10am because there will be no movements. It was in the waiting time that I received the shocker from Manzo Bulus Timothy that our brother has finally answered the last call of nature. It was, indeed, a shattering piece of news!

I have learned how not to cry but not without tears. My heart bleeds with agonising tears. I'm not alone in this but other family members (both nuclear and extended), friends, colleagues and neighbours because of who this rare gem was while alive.

It was Elle Luna wrote a motivational classic with a title, "The Crossroad of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion." It is about the pursuit of passion without which a person is not worth living. Late Dr. Timothy had passion for academics and caught his nitche in lecturing. He started his lecturing career (which sadly ended with his demise) at the Department of Geography and Planning, University of Jos in 1995. His Post Graduate Degrees, M.Sc and Ph.D were both in Tourism resources planning ang management.

By all standards, Late Dr. Timothy was a genus with towering profile in academic excellence. In this life, no one was ever perfect and no one ever shall be. The deceased had his personal downsides or achiles heel but, to say the least, he was a very frank and resourceful gentleman whose contributions to nation building, especially through knowledge, were not in doubt.

Having been the first to be employed university lecturer from my village, he became a trial blazing knowledge reservoir and role model for those of us who cherish and have great passion for academics. Indeed, he was a great source of personal inspiration and encouragement to me, both at home and in school!

I have had course to disagree with Late Dr. Timothy over a number of issues while he was alive but we eventually reconciled between ourselves with him promising to lead a family reconciliation. Our reconciliation and his desire to replicate same at the family level is a testament to the fact that the deceased was a silent bridge builder!

I have one obvious regret losing Dr. Tim': He did not live long enough to attain the zenith of his academic career. Achieving such climax would have been a practical possibility since he was already a Reader (an Associate Professor), a transitional rank towards becoming a full fledge Professor of Tourism Geography. With the deceased's exit, I dare to say Tourism Geography has ended!

Late Dr. TK Gontul was born on April 7, 1964 and died on November 26, 2022. How big are the dreams of a man and how uncertain is chance of fulfilling them? We can dream dreams and make projections but only God knows how far one can go in realising them. This loss is a profound lesson in that regard!

I was looking forward to an emerging Professor Timothy Gontul becoming a Vice Chancellor of a university  someday or something even bigger to make us proud. He had all that it takes but that was not to be - Death betrayed us!

Oh Death, what have you done to us? I felt robbed and cheated by this bereavement. You have short-changed us of one of our 'finest and brightest'. You forcefully created a huge void in the  organogram and hierarchy of the family, community and the academia that will be hard to fill.

Oh death, is this your cruel way of dealing with mortals? So, it's real, anything can happen? I have also learned another lesson here, that the higher men go in their personal profiles, achievements and time, the closer they get to their graves. Now, I see and bear witness again to the reality of us fading away towards the gates of eternity which is the grave!

In Robert Greene's classic, "The Law of Nature" were the following lines: "Reality can be quite harsh and is full of limits and problems. We all must die. Every day we get older and less strong." How true this can be!

In Timothy's exit have come a new me. I'm dead to dreams but not without hope in Jesus Christ who is 'the Author and Finisher of our faith'. Before I stray far away in my beclouded imagination, let me quickly say: I am sorry lord, incase, i have sin in my reflection on this bereavement.

I know and believe it to be true that all that God does is for the greater good of those whose trust is on him. I have no questions but to say thank you to God for His grand plan and perfect will over our lives and that of our love ones. Whatever God takes is no longer ours but His and cannot be of help to us back here on earth!

Our own Tim is sadly gone and singing a hymn to say good bye to this father, brother and teacher will do. But what better hymn captures the mood of the moment than than "God be with you Till we Meet Again" which was composed by Jeremiah E. Rankin, (1828–1904) and sang by William G. Tomer (1833 –1896) as follow:
1. God be with you till we meet again;
By his counsels guide, uphold you;
With his sheep securely fold you.
God be with you till we meet again.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet,
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
2. God be with you till we meet again;
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put his arms unfailing round you.
God be with you till we meet again.
3. God be with you till we meet again;
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you;
Smite death’s threat’ning wave before you.
God be with you till we meet again.

Let us pray: Oh Lord, our wills are rolled into yours and it is in this that we draw comfort and the strength to recover from our worst shocks and to face tomorrow again. Oh Lord, I pray you will graciously raise another resourceful Timothy for the family and community. May you comfort Late Timothy's primary constituencies: The University of Jos, Gochom community and, more importantly, the immediate family!

Legacies do not die. Late Dr. TK Gontul's visible legacies, particularly, the students he trained across all levels of education and the family he raised will continue to stand in witness and in his name and honour. It is over with your infirmities, worries and cares of this fading world Tim. Rest on genius, rest tight, sir!



(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, November 27, 2022; SMS: 08116181263; loisayuba420@gmail.com)

In this piece, I tried to avoid sounding academic, but for the purpose of clarity, an attempt is made to explain what Christmas carols mean and then delve into its evolution and development to the level it is today. The point though is to contribute to the growth and development of a project that has come to be a role model in carols celebrations in Plateau State, Nigeria.

Carol(s) 'is a religious folk song or popular hymn, particularly, one associated with Christmas.' This is no definite history as to when Christmas Carols started. However, it has been observed that "Carols were first sung in Europe thousands of years ago, but these were not Christmas Carols. They were pre-Christian/pagan songs, sung at Winter Solstice celebrations. But what is Winter Solace?

Solstice as a word means, "the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about 21 June and 22 December)." Christopher Muscato, in his "History of Christmas carols", stated that "The winter solstice was a powerful pagan holiday in Europe, celebrated through drinking, dancing, and the loud singing of joyful and popular songs." 

The history explained that Christmas Carols is the transformation of the solstice practice where traditional pagan practices were changed into Christian ones by Christians of that epoch and this coincided with before the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ which is called Christmas. Today Christmas carols have become so popular and widely observed in Christendom with Shikrot Khinen Network (SKN) keying into it and organizing the Ngas Christmas carols every year since it started in 2006

Great is the faithfulness of God. That is just the best way to describe how God can build something from nothing and make great virtues out of it. This piece is a classical lesson in the power of little beginnings which SKN, the precursor and anchor of the Ngas Christmas Carols represent. 

Like child's play and from his little corner at Census, a neighborhood around the State Secretariat Junction, Mr. Darshak Simon Gobum curved and shared the initial vision with progressive friends and well-wishers and the Ngas Christmas Carols were birth and nurtured by many more people to the glory of God. Time and space cannot warrant the mention of names but posterity will be kind to these silent destiny helpers!  

The Ngas Christmas Carols is, arguably, the single biggest Christian Carols ever hosted by any tribe in Jos and Northern Nigeria. The idea of Ngas Christmas Carols which started as a mustard seed in almost two decades has leapfrogged into one of the most urbane events heralding the celebration of Christmas in Nigeria and Plateau State in particular.

One of the profoundly instructive elements of the Annual Ngas Christmas Carols is the celebration of Jesus Christ in unique Ngas cultural flavors. At the event, the best of the material and non-material culture of the Ngas people are represented with great joy and excitement and unto the glory of God. While the non- material flavor features the deployment of the Ngas dialect in praise worship; Bible quizzes; bible recitation; and lots more. The material culture is represented in the Ngas traditional attires, dances, and delicacies which are unique and spacious in every modest sense.

In the spirit of love and brotherliness, the Ngas Christmas Carols have also always featured multiple other tribal groups in the state and beyond. This has contributed to adding color and variety to the celebration. In fact, the bonding that is being cultivated between Ngas and other tribes during the carols, though intangible, is quite profound!

The Christian faith-based event, the Carols is also a platform for the promotion and showcasing of the Ngas heritage: Her culture and the demonstration of the nation's acknowledgment of God's abiding love in blessing it with so much and, more importantly, salvation through Jesus Christ.

Year after year, since the annual Ngas Christmas Carols began, the organizers, the SKN have continued to introduce new innovations into the organization of the Carols which makes it even richer in content. During the yearly event, very seasoned ministers of the Gospel, especially, those of Ngas extraction are mobilized to come with sound and life-changing Gospel messages.

During the carols too, dignitaries, especially, Ngas sons and daughters from all works of life and resident across the length and breadth of Nigeria including politicians are invited to take part and give goodwill messages that have to continue to strengthen the bond of unity and togetherness in Christ within and across tribal lineages. It has always been a gathering for the propagation and harvest of the benefits of Jesus' Revolution where love is the trade in stock.

The Ngas Christmas Carols is a one-stop event and grant point of contact for long-time-no-see friends. It is not just a period for spiritual refreshment but social interaction and cultural rejuvenation. Call it a gathering for the deployment of Ngas heritage in holy praise and worship to God. It is a link-up program for vertical and horizontal connectivity among God's chosen people and nation.

The Christmas Carols is a platform for spiritual enterprise but not without challenges. Over the years, the organizers of this noble event have had to grapple with funding constraints. The monies necessary to take care of the general organization of the program from the venue, logistics, and security are always in deficit. However, thank God for the generosity of spirited individuals who have always made sacrifices to come to the rescue in kind and cash. It has been God working through these ones and the prayer is that they shall never relent in doing good, especially, God's bidding because in due time, they shall reap the harvest.

Traffic control has also always been a challenge during the event too. With thousands of people coming for the carols, it has always been a herculean task controlling and affecting the free flow of traffic to and away from the venue. Hence, there is a need for humanitarian support from traffic control agencies, particularly, the Road Safety Corps to assist in this regard.

The general security of the venue is another challenge. With the attendance rate running into thousands and counting, there is a need for massive security deployment to protect lives and properties. God has been faithful in the area of security throughout the inception of the Ngas Carols but prayers are being said as the organizers seek the intervention of lead and internal security agencies like the police, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC) amongst others is to help now and in subsequent hostings.

When a multitude gathers, health concerns are supposed to be watched. However, due to constraints arising from the papacy of funds still, this critical need is often downplayed. It is, however, wished and hoped that going forward, ad-hoc and volunteer medical personnel will respond to partner with the organizers to have, at least, a responsive, first-aid medical squad that is always on the ground to respond to medical emergencies, any. No bad incident has been recorded but the need to think ahead and be proactive is what SKN has proven to stand for all these years.

Partnership and sponsorship are allowed in event planning and practice. Therefore, SKN is encouraged not only to seek individual support but widen the scope of resource mobilization by approaching successful corporate organizations, especially, those within the Jos metropolis, be they media outfits, business or faith-based, to crave support that can lesson the burden of organizing such gigantic event.

SKN and its brain-child-turn-big event, have come to stay and got the potential to anchor the propagation of the Gospel of Christ during yuletide seasons. There is no limit to how far men of goodwill and corporate organizations can help with innovative ideas to make these brands grow from strength to strength and coast to coast.

The Ngas Christmas Carols are trailing the blaze. Its increasing popularity has motivated many tribes on the Plateau into organising similar events in the state. What this means is that Plateau State Government could adapt and make it a grand Annual Rainbow Christmas Carols that will host all the tribes and residents of the state. This will serve dual purposes of uniting Nigerians in worship to God and promoting religious tourism in "Plateau the Beautiful". I cannot wait to see plateau inhabitants rise in unison and togetherness to worship God under one big roof and in their different but beautiful cultures celebrate the birth of our great Redeemer: Jesus Christ!

With motivation and support, SKN has got all it takes to anchor holistic ministry for Christ and it is on a straight mission to produce a unique, standard, and global brand in yuletide celebration through the Ngas Christmas Carols Season 17 which by God's grace will take place at Solomon Lar's Amusement Park along Domkat Bali - State Locust Road, Jos, Plateau State, on Sunday, December 4, 2022, from 2 Pm.

As revealed by the event's sound jingles and fliers also, popular Evangelist Danjuma Fwenji of the God's Grace Divine Mission (GGDN) is expected at the carols as a Guest preacher while Tribal groups like Berom choir, Mwaghavul choir, Pan Choir, Yoruba Choir, Michika Choir, Afro for Christ and lots more will be ministering in Special Renditions. It promises to be wow: Rainbow colored with rhythm-packed melodies and feasting from the Word of God, all in unique cultural situations like no there. May the organizers gain more wisdom and the capacity to give out their best towards satisfying the great and varying expectations of all: 

Participants and well-wishers alike, wherever they are in the universe, amen!


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