By Yohana Tokbish
February 4th has been set aside as World Cancer Day. It is a day for massive sensitization on cancer disease, treatment options and palliative care, HPV vaccination awareness, and lifestyle moderation.


In 2022, the global cancer community commemorated the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helped to attract attention to, and awareness about, the disease. The event also emphasized on, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this disease with the theme: “CLOSE THE CARE GAP” is for us to recognize that our commitment to act will lead to powerful progress in reducing the global impact of cancer. All the hundreds of activities organized on International Breast Cancer Awareness Month happen in almost every corner of the globe. International Breast Cancer Awareness Month has become one of the most amplified and impactful global platforms for all cancer patients and advocates - a platform where we can all make a lot of noise, by way of reminding all that we can win the war on cancer.

Scientific update has it that Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. Cancer scenario in Nigeria reveals that about 500,000 new cases are diagnosed every year, and that it kills over 250,000 people annually in Nigeria. It is further said that Cancer kills more people than HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (ATM) combined (WHO 2006a, 2006b). However, medical experts have continuously advocated early detection, regular awareness creation, timely screening, vaccination and treatment as major interventions against the disease.

The Civil Society for CANCER Eradication in Nigeria (CiSCANEN), and other key stakeholders in the response to cancer in the Plateau State hereby urges everyone to join this campaign and commit to strengthening CiSCANEN activities for qualitative achievement, in the areas of screening, early detection, treatment and palliative care.

The primary goal of International Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer and is an opportunity to rally the international community to end the menace of preventable suffering from breast cancer.

Globally, there are an estimated 20 million new cases of cancer and 10 million deaths from cancer.  The cancer burden will increase by approximately 60% over the next two decades, further straining health systems, people and communities. The predicted global burden will increase to about 30 million new cancer cases by 2040, with the greatest increases occurring in low and middle-income countries.

On January 17, 2024, the American Cancer Society (ACS) released their Cancer Facts & Figures in their 2024 report, which provides nationwide and state-specific estimates of new cancer cases and deaths for the current year. This year's data includes a sobering milestone--this is the first year the U.S. expects to surpass 2 million new cases of cancer. Researchers attribute this trend to aging and growth in the population as well as a rise in diagnoses of 6 of the 10 most common cancers (breast, prostate, endometrial, pancreatic, kidney and melanoma cancers).

Another significant finding in the 2024 report is that people are increasingly being diagnosed with cancer in their youthful age. The incidence of colorectal cancer in adults younger than 50 has increased as well as the breast cancer mortality rate for women under age 50. Additionally, racial disparities in cancer cases remain. Although advances in early detection and cancer treatment have decreased death rates, not everyone has benefitted from these advances equally. Barriers are significantly greater in minority communities than in white communities. Disparities are also prevalent in the LGBTQ+ communities. The 2024 report includes a special section which explores the distinct challenges LGBTQ+ people face.

The good news, however, is that Cancer can be prevented and controlled by implementing evidence-based strategies for cancer prevention, screening and early detection, treatment and palliative care. The most common modifiable risk factors for cancer, which are shared with many other non-communicable diseases, are Tobacco use, Low fruit and vegetable intake, Harmful use of alcohol, Lack of physical activity, age or race, and obesity. Some preventive measures include exercise (physical activity helps combat obesity and lower the risk of breast cancer), avoidance of  sugary drinks, and reduced consumption of energy-dense foods and processed foods, reduced intake of red meats (such as beef, pork, and lamb) and avoidance of  processed meats,”

 One third to one half of cancer cases could be prevented by reducing the prevalence of known risk factors. Examples of actionable interventions are tobacco control and lifestyles. The most effective primary prevention of breast cancer is based wholly on government approaches, with legislation, regulation and fiscal policies combined with activities to change community and individual behaviour. Public health messages and health promotion should present evidence on specific risk factors.

 Despite being a largely preventable and treatable disease, Breast cancer is an important public health problem, affecting mostly young and middle-aged. and socioeconomically deprived women in developing countries.

To tackle this important determinant of gender and socioeconomic inequalities, In March 2021, the World Health Organization introduced the Global Breast Cancer Initiative, aiming to reduce the burden of breast cancer, the most frequent cancer in women globally and in the American region.

The initiative aims to reduce global breast cancer mortality by 2.5% per year, thus averting an estimated 2.5 million deaths by 2040. In 2020 there were nearly 500,000 new breast cancer cases and over 100,000 breast cancer deaths in the Americas. If successful, nearly 480,000 breast cancer deaths would be averted in the Americas region alone during the 20-year period. Activities for the initiative will focus on three pillars: Health promotion, Timely diagnosis, and Comprehensive treatment including supportive care

The Civil Society for Cancer Eradication in Nigeria (CiSCANEN), Plateau State chapter has been able to organize a one-day capacity building workshop, with a total of 224 (122 Male, 102 Female) members on basic facts of cancer and demanded creation on cancer education and 480 (male-390 and female- 90) members of the National Association of Nigerian Traditional Medicine Practitioners (NANTMP), Plateau State Chapter sharing experiences on the medical aspect of cancer treatment and care.

A total of 24,123 (female= 15,264 and male 8,859) people (market men & women, NANTMP members, students, workplaces and the general public) in Plateau have been reached since 2016.

 Breast screening and examination has been conducted in secondary schools, tertiary institutions and the workplaces in Plateau State covering 1,034 women out of which 34 of them had lumps and nipple discharge suspected to be cancer cases.

 As we congratulate the Barr. Caleb Mannaseh Mutfwang for emerging as the Executive Governor of Plateau State, we urge him to help follow up with the University of Jos Cancer Centre which was proposed during the last regime of President Mohammadu Buhari which stands out among his achievements as a dream come true to us at CiSCANEN, Plateau State chapter. This is so because it has come to serve as a boost to our activities in combating cancer on the Plateau. Our only humble request is that you help us support the creation of the “Plateau State Cancer Agency (PSCA)” as a necessary complement to the Cancer Centre as it will better coordinate the activities of the Civil Society Organizations to work in collaboration with the National Cancer Centre and to also enhance the quest/bid for the proposed April 2024 “Plateau State Cancer Trust/Health Fund lunch”.

Lastly, CiCANEN, The Government of Nigeria, through the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA), successfully launched the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in 16 phase 1 states in October 2023. The introduction saw a successful turnout. Nigeria met its target coverage rate in most states with strong multispectral collaborations across relevant stakeholders such as Faith-based organizations, line ministries, education institutions, parents/guardians, community/traditional leaders, and other priority groups. The HPV vaccine offers significant value in the prevention of cervical cancer and related diseases.
HPV vaccination commenced a multi-age-cohort (MAC) campaign targeting girls aged 9-14 through school and community-based outreach and mobile strategies. After the successful introduction, the vaccine has been routinized and made available for adolescent girls who missed out during the campaign. While Plateau state takes its turn on the HPV vaccine campaign with other 20 states in phase2, Lessons learned from the phase1 introduction from the 16 states show the need to comprehensively engage and collaborate with the plateau key stakeholders at all levels and pre-sensitize communities to inoculate them against myths and misconceptions about the HPV vaccine,  we therefore call on all the key stakeholders (government, religious/traditional/community leaders) to rally round and give their maximum support for a successful exercise which will significantly reduce the incidences of cervical cancer among our young and adolescent girls

In conclusion, Every Action Counts as the World Cancer Day is a truly global event. In order to achieve the objective of reaching as much of the world’s population as possible, your help is needed, whether you do something as large as running your own World Cancer Day campaign, or as simple as sharing our template messages amongst your media networks and organizations, every action has an impact. Show the world that we can win the war on cancer. Get involved in the fight against cancer.


We appreciate that everyone supporting the Day has different needs and priorities, so there are a wide variety of ways to get involved and to also take advantage of the numerous vegetables and fruits we have on the Plateau: cabbage, carrots, fresh tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, mangoes etc which serves as diets for cancer patients. As we jointly participate in fighting cancer, it is hoped that the disease will be reduced to the barest minimum.

Submission on 2024, World Cancer Day with the theme “CLOSE THE CARE GAP” BY:

Tokbish Yohanna Mizak,

Deputy National Coordinator/Plateau State Coordinator,

The Civil Society for CANCER Eradication in Nigeria (CiSCANEN),

Email- tokbishy@gmail.com......... 08036788777, 09035334480







On a very sad not, we inform members of the passing away of one of  POBA's greatest, Nde Dominic Wakjissa.

Until death he was one of the very few surviving first sets of the Pankshin Old Boys Association as they were referred to as the 001s meaning those to hold the first Admission numbers into the school at inception as the Craft School.

The National President,Mr Kenzy Ngupar on behalf of all POBA Members mourn this great passage as one of the biggest reservoirs of the history of that great institution has bowed out but in glory.

POBA deeply mourns and prays God to comfort the family as well.

Members will be informed and carried along as the family makes updates on other activities in the coming days.

May the soul of Nde Wakjissa,001,rest in peace.Amen.

Kwaltamai Adamu,Esq.
Secretary General


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, January 31, 2024; 08116181263)

This prose is a commentary on matters arising from the novel political situation that the supreme court ruling of Friday, January 12, 2024, on the Plateau State governorship appeal, has created. Novelty which is described as relating to something new, is a visible reality of any organic society. When Ideas, policies or laws, which were painstakingly made and celebrated yesterday become obsolete today, it is because change is a constant as one of the ancient philosophers, Hericlitus, will put it.

Practically speaking, the increasing complexity and dynamics of evolving societies often have the potential to throw up new and challenging situations or a situation that will require quick and appropriate solutions to manage that reality. The outcome of the supreme court ruling which upturned the appeal court ruling that favoured the All Progressives Party's candidate on November 19, 2023 and validated the victory of His Excellency Barr. Caleb Mutfwang (BCM) of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) at the ballot as well as at election tribunal, has created novel situations that were not known to law. Before the apex court ruling, the Court of Appeal  tribunal, through its rulings had sacked two (2) senators; five (5) members house of representatives and, sixteen (16) house of assembly members including the governor, on the ground that they were not validly nominated and sponsored for lack of 'party structure'. 

On that insinuation, the appeal court which is the final court to entertain any case arising from state assembly and national assembly elections, by law had invalidated the mandate of these state and national assembly members as well as the governor who were all PDP members. The difference, however, was that while the governor governor had the extended opportunity to further appeal to the supreme court, these law makers had no such window of opportunity to try their luck at the 'policy court'.

After the court of appeal judgement in respect of the governorship, governor Mutfwang whose mandate has been voided, promptly, approached the supreme court with an appeal which sought the review of the judgement that ousted him from office. The appeal of the governor was for the final court to determine whether the decision of court of appeal tribunal that removed him against the verdict of the lower election tribunal which validated his victory was right and, also, prayed that the verdict of the former be voided in his favour. The appeal was considered and his prayers were summarily and favourably answered.

The judgement indicated that the appeal court judgement was done in error, maintaining that the appellate court has no jurisdiction to entertain pre-election matters; neither does it has the powers to determined whether a party has structure or not. In specific terms, the novelty in this whole political situation is that the supreme court has declared that the judgement of the court of appeal was wrong but, yet, so many 'political heads' have rolled as the PDP lost its elected members at state and national levels with the principal offices some of them were controlling before the appeal court hurricane that befell it took place.

The whose situation is a dicey political lock-jam. What will be the way out? Will the beneficiaries of the appeal court judgement which was declared incorrect get away with it or something can be done legally to redeem those lost mandates? These are questions that have continued to generate heated debate amongst legal experts, political actors and public affairs commentators, some of which have made extreme, moderate legal, political or even moral submissions. There is no absolute solution because the issue at stake is not clearly known to law in Nigeria. The supreme court ruling has created a new political lock-jam in the state and the politics of Nigeria with dicey future implications if not legally addressed. In politics, there can never be absolute solution, really.

Before now, I used to think I went to school but the legal firework that followed the conduct of the 2023 election in Plateau State which produced elected representatives with His Excellency, BCM as tended to prove me substantially wrong. It was through that legal tussle that I got to learn legal phrases, terms or terminology like "justice in rem", "functus officio" and "writ certiorari", etc but my interest is on the first three.

Justice in rem refers to justice in respect of peculiar cases. Elementarily, the idea of justice in rem as applied to election tribunal cases is that, tribunal and appeal tribunals are special purpose courts which are set up to strictly and specifically handle issues arising from the conduct of election. They are different from conventional court cases. Here issues that do not directly touch on the election (including pre-election matters) are excluded, if not proactively raised within fourteen (14) days of the event or matter in contest by members of the political party involved who have stake (for instance as aspirant(s)). Also, fresh evidence which were not captured and presented at the point of filing any election case cannot be presented at any appeal after the case has been heard and decided at a lower court. This means that election tribunals cannot entertain any extreneous issue that has nothing to do with the conduct of election itself. This explained why the issues of fake certificate of president Tinubu and, the double nomination of the vice president, Shettima; the issues of party structure, invalid nomination of PDP candidates in Plateau State were jettisoned by the supreme court. 

Functus officio, by description, means that ruling of court or tribunal cannot be benefitted in retrospection. Therefore, the ruling of the supreme court which favours governor Mutfwang cannot be benefitted by state assembly whose fate were sealed at the court of appeal. By implication, they have to bear the cross of the fate that has befallen them within the context of functus officio. That is the position of law but not the position of politics, considering that the issues at stake are novel. Hence, the back and forward political puzzle that is on going in Plateau State.

The writ of certiorari is, technically,  an anti thesis of functus officio. In a sense, "it is a formal order issued by a higher court, typically, an appellate court, to a lower court or tribunal. It instructs the lower court to send up the entire record of the specific case for review. This, essentially, allows the higher court to re-examine the lower court's decision and, potentially, overturn it or correct any errors it finds." In other words, lower tribunal or appeal tribunal court judgements can be reviewed. It is in the light of this postulation that political pundits like Hon. Timothy Holy, a former member House of representatives for Pankshin, Kanke and Kanan wrote as follow: "I am of the strong opinion that all PDP members of the State Assembly sacked by the Appeal Court should resume their offices immediately to continue from where they were stopped. This is because of last Friday's judgement of the Supreme Court (per Justices Okoro, Helen & Emmanuel Agim). For our national assembly members, our Distinguished Senators and Honourable Members should immediately write to the Senate President, Rt. Hon Speaker and the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC intimating them of the Supreme Court nullification of the decision of the Appeal Court regarding their elections. These decisions are in line and in conformity with the positions of Justices of Supreme Court that sat on our case last Friday that the Court of Appeal lacks jurisdiction in all the cases. Taking this path is actionalising the decision, consolidating our position, and giving life to the judgment." I don't know but this opinion is more political than the explicitly legal process which wit of certiorari prescribes. In other words, the supreme court has not asked the appeal court to submit its decision regarding the state and national assembly members from Plateau State.

Some moralist have proposed that the beneficiaries of the allegely faulty appeal court rulings in Plateau State, particularly, the 16 yet to be sworn-in house of assembly members and the national assembly members including the former governor of the state, Senator Simon Bako Along who was recently left his ministerial appointment and sworn-in at the red-chamber to represent Plateau South Senatorial zone are to resign. How easy this suggestion can go will be a matter of conjecture.

We are in a democracy. While these issues are being debated, one question that readily comes to mine, also, is that going forward, should matters of election (election disputes) be allowed to be handled by the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) solely together with the tribunal courts as it were. This is be after final results of elections are collated and winners declared and returned elected, these outcome are often further tested at the tribunal up the final court, as the case may be and, in some cases, some of the winners the electoral umpire had earlier returned are reversed or have their victories invalidated. In as much as the two steps process of validation of victory is to ensure proper checks on human tendencies, has the arrangement addressed our fears in the light of present realities?

The second concern that needs reconsideration is that if electoral tribunals and appeal tribunals are to continue to preside over electoral disputes in Nigeria, at what point should the state and national assembly election be tribunal concluded in the light of the current Plateau contradiction? Will candidates contesting at those leveled be allowed, henceforth, to pursue their case up to the supreme court like it were in the case of governorship and presidential poll? It this should happened, it means more responsibility for the apex court because the number of electoral cases they will be handling will increase exponentially. Now, which way to go on this matter.

Democracy has its practical good sides and downsides. In theory, the system promises equal opportunity for  all citizens to participate which is good. In addition, we have been taught that democracy is a game of numbers but left in glaring delimma about who has the convincing powers to determine the winning majority. Is it the court or the people? Whichever way you look at it, there are issues. 

If the majority democracy relies on, is not qualitative to the extend that the people are substantially armed with knowledge to make informed choices or decisions regarding the alternatives that are available to them and, also, without duress or compulsion from any quarters, there will be problem. In other words, the rule of the majority democracy emphasises could throw up possibilities that are counter productive if the majority lacks the requisite quality to make decisions that work for all. This concern is captured in the view of a philosopher, Franz Kafka, who wrote that: "One idiot is one idiot. Two idiots are two idiots. Ten thousand idiots are a political party." What does this suggests to you? Kafka's postulation is pregnant with meanings. Commenting on the philosopher's submission, an anonymous commentator stated, emphatically, as follows: "Never underestimate the power of idiots in large numbers. They can even elect an idiot to represent them as president." This submission with the commentary that it attracts is very instructive. They spoke to the reality of how an unformed majority of people, who are united in action, could produce a leader of their kind in a democracy!

Again, allowing the courts to determine the will of the majority is a  relative challenge too. How can the the will of the majority be left at the mercy of 3, 5 or 7 panel of justices who might be pruned to human inducements or errors to decide? Ain't this result in thwarting the will of the people in some cases? 

Another concern that needs mention for public discourse is when the will of the people is decided based on legal technicalities. In a democracy, there is no technicality that is as important as the expression of the will of the majority which democracy is anchored on as it were. Unfortunately, legal technicalities have take precedence in legal jurisprudence. This is a situation whereby a matter that concerns the will of the people is sacrificed on the altar of legal technicalities. Granted, technicalities have it place in law as it is in any other profession but its applicability in a democracy should always reflect the will of the majority. No more, no less!

In view of the novel issues arising from the contradictions generated by the appeal court ruling and, the subsequent supreme court ruling which, finally, validated the election of governor Mutfwang with the state/national assembly members losing their seats, on the same ground, because the latter could not have the opportunity to test their fate at the apex appeal court, responsibility has beckon on the national assembly to rise to the occasion to salvage our democracy from sliding towards anarchy. The assembly is called upon to promptly and critically review the Nigeria's  legal system, particularly, our electoral laws with the view to curtail the reoccurrence of these new realities of politics and legal demands that have emanated from Plateau state!

It is important to note that any issue arising from this legal tussle that is not trashed will resurface itself in the future general elections. With the issue of party primaries being the the exclusive preserve of the political parties, there is the need to promptly legislate on the conduct of political parties to ensure internal party democracy thrive. Intra party democracy has to be taken seriously if, as a nation or states, we must get our leadership recruitment process right. 

The point has to be reiterated that the recruitment of party officials at all levels must be taken seriously to make sure that capable hands who have the wherewithal to, efficiently, run the affairs of political parties emerged without undue manipulation from transactional politicians. This point has to be stressed with emphasis. Nigeria is party democracy and, therefore, the place of party structure cannot be taken carelessly, going forwards. In other words, when Nigeria gets it right at the party level, the county's democracy will be better. Political parties are like family units of a society. In a party democracy, citizens have to belong as active members of a political platform in order to contribute in shaping the society through participatory leadership recruitment process. A citizen who belongs to no political party in a multiparty democracy is like members of a society who have no family root.

Plateau politics is at stake. Which way to go: The way of "functus officio" or "writ of certiorari"? Anyway, in a sporting competition, ""any team can have a bad century!"", as Janice Peterchak will put it. However, in a contest between good (virtue) and evil (vice), good should prevail or win by all legitimate means. As the legal issues generated by the 2023 general settles, it is important to state that the next election is no far anymore. Therefore, those who emerged victorious at the polls/tribunal courts should roll off their sleeves and settle for responsible and purposeful governance. This is because the people that voted them into power deserve nothing short of good governance that is driven by quality leadership. Wake up Nigeria; the world is watching. May the country, generally and; Plateau State, in particular, prosper in peace, unity and sustainable development!


 Once again in its continuous and relentless efforts of supporting the indigent youths to have an opportunity to go to the University the Rume’s Educational Foundation has paid the JAMB registration fees for over fifty candidates in Mile 8 Fer Pankshin Local Government Area of Plateau State.

The Coordinator of the Foundation Bildr Raphael Rume said it is disheartening to see that in this century a family does not have a single graduate simply because they cannot afford to pay for the registration of the examination.

He noted that it is an annual programme which in started in 2019 and it is yielding much fruits as some of the beneficiaries were able to secure admission into the tertiary institutions.

Raphael said the foundation also embarked on provision of writing materials to pupils in the mile 8 Fer community, as it seeks to expand the scope of the educational intervention to include career counselling, mentoring, and workshop for the parents on the need to support the education of their children.

The programme facilitators Danat Emmanuel Tanko explained that about one hundred candidates participated in the pre-UTME examination on which over fifty of them successfully passed the test and are selected.

He appreciated the Rume’s family for the wonderful initiatives, noting that it will go a long way in supporting some of the indigent families.

A youth leader Shuabu Christopher and some of the beneficiaries expressed their appreciation and delights for having the opportunity to sit for the JAMB examination.

The Rumes Educational foundation has since 2019 engaged in sponsoring candidates for JAMB examination, mentoring the youths on career choice and also donating instructional and writing materials to pupils and students in Mile 8 Fer community.


Plateau killings: Enough is Enough-Forum of PYC Chairmen

Plateau killings: Enough is Enough-Forum of PYC Chairmen

The Forum of Plateau Youth Council Chairmen of Local Government Areas has decried the incessant killings in the state.

In a Press conference on Tuesday 30th January 2024. The Forum describe the situation as barbarically and inhumane.

The press statement read-




30th January, 2024


Dear Nigerians, Fellow Youths, Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed Members of the Press, we thank you for joining us this morning.


The Forum of Plateau State Youth Council (PYC) Chairmen of the 17 Local Government Areas of Plateau State is addressing this Press Conference in the light of the recent spate of unprovoked attacks, atrocities and well-orchestrated genocide being carried and sustained on the People of Plateau State by Fulani Militias.  The situation in Mangu, Bokkos, Riyom, Barkin Ladi, Bassa LGAs of the State is deeply distressing, marked by attacks, destructions, land grabbing, that demand immediate national and international attention and intervention.


These terror attacks have resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, displacement of Communities and destructions of property worth billions of naira. The relentless wave of violence, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of these heinous acts orchestrated by the Fulani militia must be halted.


We call on the President of the of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu to immediately declare the Fulani militia a Terrorist Group and order the Military and all Security Forces to go after them with full lethal force in Plateau State and work towards the restoration of peace in our State. Mr President should give a marching order for the rebuilding of the villages in Mangu, Bokkos, Barkin Ladi, Riyom, Bassa that are in ruins as a result of the barbaric acts of these terrorists and ensure the safe return of all displayed persons. 


On the eve of Christmas, the 24th December, 2023, over 17 villages in Bokkos LGA were again attacked by the rampaging Killer Fulani Militia. This very attack resulted in the gruesome murder of over 200 innocent men, women and children, maiming of hundreds and looting and burning of property worth millions of naira.


Again,  the Governor of Plateau State, His Excellency Barr Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang had to declare a 24 hours Curfew in Mangu Local Government Area on the 23rd January, 2024 following the deteriorating security situation in the area. Despite the 24 hours Curfew imposed by His Excellency, the Fulani Militia defied the Curfew and attacked Kwahaslalek and some surrounding communities, killing no fewer than 25 persons and burning countless property on Wednesday, 24th January, 2024.


All these attacks are aside the isolated killing of our youths and people in their farms in the affected Local Government Areas. Our Youths cannot go to their farms and where they manage to cultivate their farms, Headers graze on these farms, destroying the crops cultivated.


How long shall this carnage and dastardly acts continue? We say enough is enough!

Some recent attacks villages on bokkos





Yalwa Nono











Butura kampany

Magi mangor



Some recent Affected Villages in Mangu LGA include; Kantoma

Jwak Maitumbi


Farin Kasa
















Ligit Lubang

Sabon Layi

Sabon gari




These and a lot more villages ranging to more than 45 villages that are affected are all districts of Mwaghavul extraction of Mangu LGC alone without the details of other Native Communities in other mentioned LGA's totalling over 50.


Just yesterday, Wang, Garau-sha , and Maiduna villages in Bokkos LGA were attacked by Fulani marauders. We are yet to ascertain the level and magnitude of casualties and devastation.


This is to underscore the GENOCIDAL pattern of these terror attacks in plateau state.


Our Dear President, take action in accordance with the Oath of Office you swore to protect the Lives and Property of Nigerians no matter their faith or religion. You must not allow terrorists to hold ransom the RENEWED HOPE you promised to Nigerians. The people of Mangu, Bokkos, Riyom, Barkin-Ladi and indeed all the LGAs in Plateau State are being killed and their property destroyed. Our people are living in perpetual fear and intimidation.

Mr President, we are not BREATHING, we are not only being suffocated, but we are dying! We need your immediate attention and intervention to STOP THE KILLING ON THE PLATEAU!


Equally, the international community cannot stand and watch idly while innocent civilians suffer and lose their lives due to the senseless terror butchering going. We call on the international community to come to our aid in addressing this genocide and the humanitarian crisis that has been occasioned.  


We are also calling on the International Community through the United Nations to help us and end this Genocide on the Plateau. We call on the International Criminal Court to focus its attention to Plateau State with a view to identifying actors for prosecution. 


To all Patriotic Plateau Youths, this is the time to drop any toga of political coloration and unite to protect our “Plateau Heritage” which has been under siege, deliberate and continues attacks since the return to democracy. From 2001 under Sen. Joshua C. Dariye, it continued under Sen. Jonah David Jang, persisted under Rt. Hon. Barr Simon Bako Lalong and refreshed under the new Government of Barr Caleb Mutfwang.


While we look forward to the immediate intervention of the President and the international committees, we encourage our Communities to continue to seek ways and efforts in protecting their ancestral heritage.


We also want to take this moment to warn those behind this incecesnt killings, burning down of houses and destruction of farmland all In the name of making the state ungovernable for for the Government of Plateau State to achieve their selfish political goals, to as a matter of urgency desist from such as the youths are on a thorough investigation anyone found involved in this mehem the youths will never take it likely with them and their co-travelerz


On a final note, we call on all Government agencies saddled with the responsibility of attending to victims of disaster and attacks to as a matter of urgency attend to so many Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in these Communities attacked in Mangu, Bokkos, Riyom and Barkin-Ladi LGAs of Plateau State.  All persons arrested in connection with this attacks should be prosecuted and all persons making inflamtory statements in the social media should be arrested and prosecuted in line with the laws of the land.

We call on the Military and other Security Personnel in the affected Local Areas to be civil in their relationship with the civilians and locals. Plateau people are peace loving and will continue to support peace initiatives.


God will protect our communities

God will protect/guide our heritage

God will protect Plateau State

God is in charge of Nigeria


Thanks and God bless you as you continue to pray for Plateau and support victims in various ways.



CHAIRMAN, Plateau state youth council PYC Mangu, Chairman Forum of Plateau State Youth Council PYC Local government Chairmen forum.




Apostle Elam Tanko had a parley with widows

Sequel to the directive issued by the Governor of Plateau State His Excellency Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang to members of his ‘structured’ political Party to go out and mobilise their supporters to canvasse for votes for the two People Democratic Party, PDP’s candidates Hon Simon Mwadkon for the Plateau North Senatorial seat and Hon Musa Agah for the Jos North/Bassa Federal House of Representatives who are also participating in the Saturday re-run elections.

To this end, over five hundred widows in Tudun Wada who were beneficiaries of the Apostles Ellam Tanko's benevolence invited him and his political associates to express their appreciation and support to him.

Speaking to newsmen some of the women said Apostles Ellam Tanko is a great philanthropist who has done a great thing for them most especially during the Christmas celebrations therefore, when they heard that PDP is participating in the Saturday re-run election it gladdened their hearts hence in solidarity they decided to call him to show their readiness to mobilize people to come out on Saturday and votes the PDP massively.

Responding Apostle Tanko noted that it was out of his desire and passion to put smiles on the faces of people most especially the fewer privileges which he has been doing for a very long time, but considering the economic hardship and continuous rising of foodstuff in the market he wonders how the people are coping most especially the widows, therefore, when he got the opportunity to have some bags of rice he decided to reach out to them.

He appreciated the administration of His Excellency Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang gestured despite the distraction of the needless court cases, he was focused and providing unprecedented dividends of democracy to the people; just in three months the face of Plateau state has greatly transformed and the people are smiling.

He noted that the governor has started on good notes and he believed more is coming and Plateau shall be great again.

Apostles Ellam Tanko urged the women to remain steadfast and mobilized other people to come out en mass and vote for the two PDP candidates on Saturday and they should not be distracted by other political party’s propaganda.

Also speaking at the gathering Hon Musa Agah the PDP’s candidate for the Jos North/Bassa Federal House of Representatives, said his coming Tudun Wada is like a thanking you visit because the Tudun Wada people have voted for him twice and he believed he is going to win again and this time with a very large margin.

Well, appreciating the widows he urged them not to succumb to any pressure or inducement but should be focused because this election is about liberating Plateau state from undemocratic forces.

Also speaking the DG Campaign of Hon Simon Mwadkon the Senatorial candidates for Plateau North noted that PDP remains unbeatable most especially in Plateau state, noting that PDP remains committed to providing succour, and attending to the well-being of the people.

Apostles Ellam Tanko Chanlaham is the leader of the Apostolic Harvest Restoration Ministry –he has been reaching out to the widows to find out ways of encouraging and helping them to alleviate their sufferings so that they should feel abandoned and he has been doing it in several places. 


Apostle Elam Tanko had a parley with widows

Sequel to the directive issued by the Governor of Plateau State His Excellency Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang to members of his ‘structured’ political Party to go out and mobilise their supporters to canvasse for votes for the two People Democratic Party, PDP’s candidates Hon Simon Mwadkon for the Plateau North Senatorial seat and Hon Musa Agah for the Jos North/Bassa Federal House of Representatives who are also participating in the Saturday re-run elections.

To this end, over five hundred widows in Tudun Wada who were beneficiaries of the Apostle Elam Tanko's benevolence invited him and his political associates to express their appreciation and support to him.

Speaking to newsmen some of the women said Apostle Elam Tanko is a great philanthropist who has done a great thing for them most especially during the Christmas celebrations therefore, when they heard that PDP is participating in the Saturday re-run election it gladdened their hearts hence in solidarity they decided to call him to show their readiness to mobilize people to come out on Saturday and votes the PDP massively.

Responding Apostle Tanko noted that it was out of his desire and passion to put smiles on the faces of people most especially the fewer privileges which he has been doing for a very long time, but considering the economic hardship and continuous rising of foodstuff in the market he wonders how the people are coping most especially the widows, therefore, when he got the opportunity to have some bags of rice he decided to reach out to them.

He appreciated the administration of His Excellency Barrister Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang gestured despite the distraction of the needless court cases, he was focused and providing unprecedented dividends of democracy to the people; just in three months the face of Plateau state has greatly transformed and the people are smiling.

He noted that the governor has started on good notes and he believed more is coming and Plateau shall be great again.

Apostle Elam Tanko urged the women to remain steadfast and mobilized other people to come out en mass and vote for the two PDP candidates on Saturday and they shouldn't be distracted by other political party’s propaganda.

Also speaking at the gathering Hon Musa Agah the PDP’s candidate for the Jos North/Bassa Federal House of Representatives, said his coming Tudun Wada is like a thanking you visit because the Tudun Wada people have voted for him twice and he believed he is going to win again and this time with a very large margin.

Well, appreciating the widows he urged them not to succumb to any pressure or inducement but should be focused because this election is about liberating Plateau state from undemocratic forces.

Also speaking the DG Campaign of Hon Simon Mwadkon the Senatorial candidates for Plateau North noted that PDP remains unbeatable most especially in Plateau state, noting that PDP remains committed to providing succour, and attending to the well-being of the people.

Apostle Elam Tanko Chanlaham is the leader of the Apostolic Harvest Restoration Ministry –he has been reaching out to the widows to find out ways of encouraging and helping them to alleviate their sufferings so that they should not feel abandoned and he has been doing it in several places. 



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