Ahead of the 2023 general elections and in an attempt at the stock-taking of the
APC in Kanam Local Government Area, the Executive Chairman, Hon. Dr Dayyabu Yusuf Garga has held a meeting and directed all stakeholders to return to their wards and discuss the progress and development of the party.

He further asked them to have an interface with all concerned about addressing challenges if there are any.

Meeting with all elected and supervisory councillors, special advisers, senior and special assistants, former councillors, former deputy chairman of the council as well as elders and other critical stakeholders, Dayyabu Garga pointed out that they do not have a choice but to preach the APC because of how impactful it has been to them as a people in the area.

He said Governor Simon Lalong's administration has tried its best to get to the grassroots hence its attraction of development which Kanam has benefited from.

Garga added that in a democracy, challenges are bound to be faced as such as a family there is the need to return and iron out issues then move forward as one hence the meeting with them and directive to drive down to the people.

"We have the Badawa Zone, Dugub, Gagdi, and Gid Gid wards as such, we must consolidate on the gains and strength that we have. We will continue to initiate and execute projects that will touch the lives of our people positively as directed by His Excellency Governor Simon Bako Lalong so I am further directing you all to act in compliance as you have always done".

The Executive Chairman said the APC has paraded very qualified candidates with quality in the persons of Dr . Nentawe Yilwada for Governor, Hon Diket Plang for Senate, Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi for PKK, Hon. Bala Noma and Karlmax all of Kanam LGA as such victory is sure in the coming elections.

He equally charged them to deliver other APC candidates across the board so that Kanam would benefit more in the coming administration.

Various sums were thereafter donated by the Chairman and some stakeholders to facilitate the movement of the stakeholders to the nooks and crannies of the LGA.


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, )
In politics, things happettn. One of the most tt things in the game is choice making. The act of choice making yy uycan be right gy Uyfso difficult and in most cases so uncertain. Onyyttye choice(s) could make or mare the chance of winning in political yu yy or life opportunitu yy, y.yy y 
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The Presidentiral yCandidate of the People's utef to tt Democratic Party (PDP), Alh. Atiku Abubakar who was Obasanjo Vice President for eight years nomiBy to enated and presented his running mate, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, up front; although, not without challenges. The choice of Okowa to t igs threatening to polarised the main opposition party and lower her chances of winning. This is apart from zoning considerations which saw Atiku's Okowa as 'stealing' the chance of Southern Nigerians. The debate surrounding this development is endl tt hhess: That is the beauty of democracybbtuex for you.t

The reasons for the wide condemnation of the M-M ticket is obviously connected to two outstanding issues: The relative diversity of Nigeria and the relative novelty of the choice. Nigeria with an estimated population of over 200 million is a multi-ethnic nation-state with over 500 tribal groups which are spread across Islam, Christian and traditional religions, on the one hand, and Ytgr (free thinkers) on the other. The M-M ticket is relatively novel becauTtse after the 1993 Presidyttttential Election which saw the emergence of Social Democratic Party's (SDP's), MKO Abiola of Blessed memory and Babagana Kingibe which was eventually annulled, it never happened again. More so, is that things have changed and Nigeria has never been this openly divided, especially, along religious lines as it is today.

Conspiracy theories and deep seated suspicions on both side of the divide has continued to consume the fibre of the Nigerian State. There are many votes mobilisation platforms, one of which, is religion but when religion becomes the main tool for votes mobilisation in a religiously diverse and delicate country, it causes suspicion and could open old wounds. That is the problem with the present M-M ticket in Nigeria. 

Chief Tinubu who should known better ought not to have cited competency as justification for choosing Shettima as running mate if he must do so; but instead, winning votes threshold since it's argued there are more Muslims in Northern Nigeria. In as much much as the man, Shettima, can be competent, it is not correct to assume there is no single competent Christian APC member who can be running mate from the north. The protagonists had told the antagonists of the M-M ticket that the party is not a Christian organisation but they forgot there are Christian members of the ruling platform who cannot be de-linked from their faith.  

In his peom titled, "BAT", D. H.  Lawrence, referred to the Bat as "Flying madly." The poet further said that, "In China, the bat is a symbol of happiness" but concluded: "Not for me". Millions of spirited and patriotic Nigerians, irrespective of creed, tribe and regional inclinations are not happy with the BAT's M-M ticket. The political giant has committed needless and avoidable political harakiri by omitting or discarding very significant Christian voting population.

The APC Presidential Candidate had unusual opportunity to demystify the Nigerian jinx but squandered it. How beautiful could it have been to have a minority Muslim president from a majority Christian South and a minority Christian Vice President from a majority Muslim North? The reality of such combination would have brought Nigeria close to overcoming religious politics which has been our greatest albatross, for decades.

It is unfortunate Tinubu had the chance to balance his political game and balance Nigeria's political chemistry but wasted it. If the insinuation that fake bishops were hired to attend the unveiling of the Tinubu's Vice Presidential candidate is true, then foul. Politicians cannot achieve by political simulation what can be achieved, practically, through natural wisdom. 

What hypothesis does Tinubu want to test with the M-M ticket after he himself opposed it in 2011 as recently revealed by his bickering with Atiku (Turakin Adamawa) who is one of his top challengers? And should he won or lose, how will Nigeria looks like beyond 2023? Your guess is as good as mine! Tinubu's quest for political (democratic) correctness has taken Nigeria miles backward. His choice has amplified, further polarised and deepened the country's faultlines. And it's sad the extension of this sharp division is coming from a surposed elder Statesman who should know better.

By this choice, Tinubu have decided to throw statesmanship to the wind and, consequently, reduced himself to the status of a typical politician with religious inclination. A typical politician is selfish and thinks only of winning the next election. On the other hand, a statesmen is selfless and thinks, primarily, of the next generation, sustained national cohesion and stability amongst all contending forces in a country or nation (nation-state). They hypothesis here is that with a Muslim-Christian (M-C), mixed ticket at least, anyone could win elections in Nigeria provided the candidate is credible enough. Such victory will be victory for equity and fair representation, at least at the religious levels. It shall be victory for unity and mutual respect too, at least, for now.

There is no need flying madly, as a statesman. Hirelings, simulated Bishops cannot make for massive criticisms that greeted Tinubu's "competency" gab which hes cited as excuse for denying Christians a chance to be part of his ambition to govern diverse Nigeria. M-M ticket is possible but cannot be easy sell in contemporary Nigeria. With the  wide criticism, the APC Presidential Candidate has practically realised that such arrangement is unsettling on a scale he least expected and doing everything with his power douse the tension that is threatening to consume his long planned and most cherished ambition to be president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN)!

Tinubu was cautioned but he seems arrogant and rigid about his predetermined decision to go with M-M ticket. This is not surprising to this author, really. This is because, arrogance and rationality do not go together, just as anger and rationality do not get together; arrogance and rationality do not go together, just as fear and rationality do not go together; arrogance and rationality do not go together just as sensation (excitement) and rationality do not go together. In other words, when a man gets arrogant, angry, afraid and or too excited, he does not think, rationally, anymore. Whatever it is, some have argued democracy is not about rationality but simply the tyranny of the majority.

In times like this all manner of things happen. Point is, any decision that does not translate into making Nigerians more united cannot be rational under any guise. Any electoral victory that does not translate into the unity Nigeria is pyrrhic and of no national consequence. What is desired in development centred democray is to win popular votes and to win the peace; not to win the votes and lost national peace and unity.

Anyway, in any electioneering season, political schemers always plot all sort of schemes but, ultimately, the rightness or wrongness of their choices shall be determined at the ballot stations. Therefore, all Nigerians are challenged to show enthusiasm and willingness to activately participate in the process by freely voting candidates of their choice in the next election.

The 2023 General Election is loading. Delegates of political parties have made choices of their respective candidates. Those candidates who are required by law to have running mates have also made their choices. It is now the turn of the citizens of voting age to use their voting power to elect leaders who will govern their respective constituencies in the next four years. Let us prayed God to guide our fingers as we vote in the next poll. We should also pray the electoral process goes rancur free and the best of leaders should emerge for Nigeria and its sub-national levels.


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, July 24, 2022; SMS: 08116181263)

Theoretically, democracy is defined as a form of government organised in accordance with the principles of political education, popular will and majority rule.    Therefore, the denial or suppression of political education, popular will of the people and majority control which are critical ingredients of democracy, at any point in time, constitutes serious distress on the political system.

In the words of Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, 'democracy promises that each person should be able to go as far as her or his talents will allow'. She further added that, 'faith in the democratic promise reflects America at its best and the world at its most hopeful.' These assertions make the promises of the system look promising. However, when democracy becomes distressed, it assumes a new meaning and realities that are unacceptable within the context human civility.  Democracy in its distrestressed and altered meaning is the reality many developing countries of today. 

A renowned poet observed that, "universally, democracy is an award winning failure of this generation... Democracy is a system of lying, cheating and stealing; dictating and manipulating, promising and failing in which no one is ever held responsible to account." In other words, the system holds bogus promise with no guarantee for practical fulfillment.

One major cause of distress in a democracy is the absence political education regarding the phenomenon itself. Democracy as a concept is a working progress. In order to deepen Democracy and make it work for the betterment of all, the citizenry must be educated enough to raise the level of their consciousness about possibilities, tendencies and prospects of the grossly free moral system. With such consciousness, the people who ought to be the centre of the system, would have been capacitated to exercise their fundamental rights in dictating the tune of the political culture and practice.

The will of the majority, if not deliberately asserted, could be tempered with, thereby constituting another source destress in the system. It is, therefore, imperative to note that the expression of the will of the majority in a democracy is not automatic. Key democratic stakeholders, especially, the political elites must realise they are the moral consciences and custodians of the system. They must show extra vigilance in checkmating and moderating ultriustic but metamophosing tendencies of power and influence of those in position of authority. In this respect, any elite who is found to be docile is a moral and political liability who cannot aid the survival of the democratic system.

Another source of democratic distress is a quantitative majority that is bereft of morality. When the majority of the people lacks quality to the extend of becoming inconsiderate, unkind, selfish and immoral, they will use their numerical strength to load it the minorities. This, I call zombie or fraudulent democracy which remains the greatest downside of democracy since the system emphasises the issue of 'majority rule' without defining the quality of the threshold majority. Zombie democracy is a recipe for extended domination and violent contestation for equity and justice which might result political instability and in extreme cases civil war.

Rent seeking and excessive monitisation of a democratic system is another source of distress in a democracy. Money is said to be the root of all kinds of evil, therefore, when capitalists, merchants and money bags takes the lead in the political space, democracy becomes transactionary. In such circumstance, Greek gift becomes a strong tool for political manipulation. Money inducement in a largely impoverished economy like Nigeria distorts any sense of reasoning as how get food by any means becomes the only consideration in political decision making. This make it possible for transactional leaders to hold on to power as long as they pleases. 

The thesis that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" as postulated in Shakespeare's Macbeth is not just a theory but a practical reality. The behaviour of Macbeth exhibited this reality throughout the play. The play demostrated there is strong correlation between the amount of power Macbeth gained and his resultant corrupt actions. In other words, when Macbeth was having no title or, at most, the title of his father (Thane of Glamis), no corruption was exhibited by him. However, as he got more power, that is, becoming the Thane of Cawdor, his corrupt tendencies became more and more glaring. 

Corruption becomes emboldened if there are no strong anti-corruption institutions to stem it as it is the case in Nigeria. The excessive use money during the recent presidential primaries of the ruling and main opposition parties in Nigeria is classical example of transactional democracy which constitute huge source of democratic stress but who is seriously complaining? The institutions charged with the responsibility of fighting crimes and corruption and even the electoral umpire the regulates the process seemed to be looking the other way. This silence against criminal use of money to buy votes is so loud!

Generally speaking, people in power might have been democratically elected or appointed and assumed position of authority with ultriustic intentions, but if not properly checkmated, could turn out to be despots or tyrants and still live with the self delusion that they are on course and, for the people they are governing. This is more likely to happen when they are surrounded by bootlickers or praise singers whose only interest is to earn dubious and unmerited means of survival, even if, at the expense of the generality of the citizenry. 

It is instructive to note that in the absence of good counsel; fake ones spread. This means that the conspiracy of silence of the moral majority has negative consequences. Hence, profound and timeless hypotheses like: Evil spread when good people keep silent (Edmund Burke); The price good people pay for not participating to to govern by their inferiors (Plato), etc..

Asa,  reported the mood of Africa and Nigeria in here classic song, "There's fire on the mountain" when she sang: "There is fire on the mountain
And nobody seems to be on the run
Oh, there is fire on the mountain top
And no one is a-runnin'".

The corruption of power has become shared reality in Africa and Nigeria, particular. Examples of democrats who turned despots abound in human history, especially, on the African continent: Paul Biya of Cameroon, Yahya Jammeh of Gabon, Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe of blessed memory, etc.. This is, largely, because men of good conscience have chosen to maintain graveyard silence or shown aloofness, either, because of the fear of the unknown or just sheer indifference amongst other flamzy excuses! 

When grave silence is maintained in the face of gross injustice, Van Morrison, in his poetic song, "Wonderful Remark" would ask questions as seen in the following lines:
"How would you stand the silence
That pervades when we all cry?
How can you watch the violence
That errupts before your eyes?
How can you tell us something
Just to keep us hangin' on?
Something that don't just mean nothing
When we see it you are gone
Clinging to other rainbow
While we're standing, waiting in the cold
Telling us the same old story
Knowing time is growing old.

That was was a wonderful remark
I had my eyes closed in the dark
I sighed a million sighs
I told a million lies - to myself - to myself

How can we listen to you
When we know your talk is cheap?
How can we never question
Why we give more and you keep?
How can your empty laughter
Fill a room like ours with joy
When you're only playing with us
Like a child does with a toy?
How can we ever feel the freedom
Or the flame lit by the spark?
How can we ever come out even
When reality is stark?" These are the issues, these are the questions. 

The holistic freedom, democracy promises us has grown wings and flew away. Our elites are in love with their hypocritical lies or Omerta, the culture of silence. They tell us everyday, that, they are with us but, also, lie to tyrants that the people are not complaining. This cannot be true: The masses are not only complaining but lamenting what has become of their democracy, especially, in Nigeria.

If democracy is what we see our elites bring to us, then, it is a scam. If democracy is not scamming us then our elites are: Something is wrong somewhere. We are not getting the best of the system and there has to be a way out if we are, really, matured in mind and body. Warriott  W.J. (1937) wrote, "If we are to grow up in mind as well as in body we have to give up our youthful habit of idiolising great heroes and great criminals." This thesis came over 85 years past but apt in view of contemporary realities. 

We live in praise singing era where people, especially, youth have exaggerated the picture of public figures who are loading it on us. With the spoils of office, ones praise can be sustained forever as those who've learnt to live within their means enjoy no regards and soundly criticised by folks who see praise singing and bootlicking as meal ticket. But here, the thesis is that not all rich and powerful men are to be celebrated or paupers cursed in pursuit of what has come to be known as 'stomach infrastructure'. 

There is no sense in a people burrying their freedom on the alter of unsustainable and demeaning food drive - stomach infrastructure. Also, there is no wisdom surrendering the freedom of man on the alter of fear. To be realistic, "There is no denying that there is evil in this world but the light will always conquer the darkness"(Idowu Koyenikan). Therefore, people must learn to pay attention to the historical and empirical promises of light and justice which has often outlived tyrants and their accomplices.

Functional people must be seen to be complaining when they are or the weak and vulnerable are under oppression. The man dies in him who keeps silent in the days of tyranny (Wole Soyinka). Conspiracy of silence is a dwarfing factor in a democracy and if the system is to be sustained and flourished, then citizens must be encouraged to speak out against any move that runs fault or anti-thetical to its dictates. 

In 1990, Ellen Wilkie with Judith Gunn, in their book, "A pocketful of Dynamite", recited "Justice Anthem" which can make a suitable and promising conclusion for this piece. Repeating it here is desirable because the anthem is a disappointing caution and reminder to architechs and beneficiaries of unjust systems who see nothing good in challenging the status quo but preserving it. 

Hear it: "You may have your say today
but justice will have the final say
Justice has a strange old way
of turning up trumps
in unexpected time or place.
Cowards will use trickery
to keep injustice as it stands
while some claim they fight for human rights
but fail to see
their glaring inconsistency.
Neutralists in fact support
through their lack of opposition
those who sit upon the fence
adopt their selfish ploy
to keep their comfortable position.
Some may have their way today
but justice will sweep all before her
justice has a strange old way
of claiming the victory
in unexpected time or place." 

Injustice has definite expiry date but Justice is potent and cannot be surpressed forever. No matter how long it takes, justice like a moving river water, will have its way in time. That is the hope of the suffering masses and the nightmare of tyrants, wicked principalities and powers of this age and particularly our falling system!


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, July 20, 2022)

Leadership is a critical function in development. The rise and fall of nations start and end with leadership. When an organisation collapses, check its leadership quotient; when it blossom give credit to leadership. A bad system can be reversed and transformed into a great one with good and credible leadership. However, a great and formidable enterprise is sure to crumble in time when there is bad leadership. This means that leadership is a catalyst for holistic development.

The historical evidence of the role or absence of leadership can be sourced from history itself. The glaring distintegration of political system like socialism which reigned in the days of Fredrick Hegel and Lenin can be attributed to the rise and fall of these leaders. Today, socialism is such an unpopular Ideological system after the end of the cold war and the expansion of capitalism across the world. 

The process of sustaining the capitalist system is dependent on the sincerity of the global managers and leaders of the system. A system that is supported by functional policy trusts and legal frameworks which are largely dependent on the world view of its proponents is, likely to default in responding to emerging contradictions requiring prompt attention.

In every generation, the birth of new challenges bring compelling need for elites to brace up and develop a strong leadership response to stabile and make the system work, even if not perfectly, as there are no perfect systems in a falling world. By the way, what is leadership? and what makes a credible leader in any social ecosystem?

The desire for organised social systems make the desire for leadership germane. Leadership means status of being a leader. The leader is first amongst equals who has the capacity to make others follow willingly. In 1990, Croft Pentz wrote that, a good leader does not only know where he is going but can influence people to come along; he does not place himself above others except in carrying out responsibilities. In other words, leader are surposed to be responsible, influential with a clear vision of the distant horizon he craves the people practically reach.

Leadership is a platform for showcasing relative and superior capability humans to create, manage, organised and reorganised their ecosystem for sustainable growth and development. Because human societies evolve, their leadership models are dictated by rational thinking. That is, humans can think and, therefore, they are at liberty to order and reorder their ecosystem through the instrumentality of public policies, laws and even cultural changes. In other words, human beings and their leaders have the leverage to reorder their civilisation either materially (structurally) or non- materially (rules, policies and mores).

Unlike humans, the ecosystem of plants and other animals (other living things) is shaped by the dictates of nature and the inherent activities of man. For example, animals cannot reorder the ecosystem, say forest, by way of afforestation or deforestation. Therefore, their kingdoms are static except otherwise invaded by the activities of man. 

A man can invade and reorder the use of land so that where used to be forest can be made into a housing estate, road and or other infrastructures. It then follows that while animal's leadership emerges through natural selection, human leadership comes through certain processes and consideration and can be shaped by the instrumentality of formal or informal education and even  experience. This discourse, therefore, hypothesises that leadership capabilities are acquired not inherited as insinuated in some quarters.

If this hypothesis is anything to go by, then, it is imperative to understand the fundamentals of credible and quality leadership. A leader must be Consistent, Competent and Courageous (CCC) to  fix problems in a system. He must also operate based on shared Vision, Virtues and Values (VVV) to enjoy massive followership amongst people. In addition, a leader has to cultivate Empathy, Empowerment and Emancipation (EEE) of the people as prime drive or passion before he becomes a celebrated legend. Anything to the contrary in respect of these shared strands of leadership features is a misnomer and, so, constitute a breach of performance quotient in functional (transformational and transgenerational) leadership

*The CCC Strand*

Consistency is the conscious ability to believe in something and stand by it, especially, when such stand point has been publicly communicated to the public either in words or actions. It is important to note that when a consistent person gains new information which requires a change in previously held and shared stand point(s), the honourable thing to do is to be humble enough to publicly apologise to publics that might have been communicated such positions. The humility and integrity to do this qualifies one to be seen as honourably consistent. A leader who makes responsible adjustment is not inconsistent but pragmatic.

Competence is the cognitive and practical ability to be successful in solving challenging problems in a system. It involves possessing practical and applicable knowledge and skills to create a functional system or fix a broken one; sustain and make the system work even better. Competence is a practical concept not a theoretical one. It is determined after an activity has been delivered successfully and the feedback duly reported. This means that success or failure in one function, does not automatically guarantee success or failure respectively, in other functions. Even if the activities are the same, times, geographies and situations (internal and external) might have significantly changed. Therefore, new competencies are required for geographic and time changing activities. For instance, successful leaders in analogue democracies might not make successful leaders in digital ones because of changes and variations in technology. A slow and analogue leader who cannot be prompt and responsive to the speedily changing dynamics of the present time is sure to fail no matter how intelligent he or she has been.

Courage is the virtue of being bold and pushy in a fearful and challenging situation. It is a strategic ability to stay on and pursue solutions in a seemingly or practically difficult condition. Courage is the attribute of not being a coward but showing of bravery in any given circumstance. Stoicists believe that courage is 'the virtue that can champion the course of right.' Therefore, a leader should have a full dose of it encourage his subjects, especially, when things get tough. 

*The VVV Strand*

The vision of a leader matters a lot, especially, when it is a shared one. Vision can be described as the capacity to see ahead to enable the visioner plans ahead so that the future cannot take him unawares. It is not a snappy glance but a product of constructive venturing into future possibilities which can be attained through shared discipline and dedication. A leader got to have vision for his followers and to ensure that the actualisation of it translates into the overall well-being of the led. The beauty of a leader's vision lies in sharing it with the people it is meant to transform, going forward. There's no leadership when there is no shared vision initiated by a leader to guide the subjects. It was shared vision which drive the process of transforming Singapore from a Third World to a First Word country under Lee Kuan Yu.

Value is percieved as the worth of something. It is important that leaders create something worthy to advance the lives of the citizenry. The value a leader attaches to his followers determines the amount of commitment he will cultivate in serving them. A leader who places low premium on his people will serve them carelessly but when high premium is placed on the well-being and progress of the people, adequate and extra attention is placed on their welfare. It is value attachment which sustains or changes the direction of civilisation of a people: Way of life, methods of production and the nature of social relations, whether, at individual, family and community levels. Values can be created, added or placed on something: Value creation is about being innovative; value addition is also about innovativeness or transformed packaging while value placement is about price naming after due assessment.

Virtue has to do with the act or status of maintaining high moral or maternal standard. It is about integrity and the attribute of being resourceful, useful and excellent in all dealings with self and the environment around someone. A leader must strive to cultivate and manifest cherished attributes of integrity, hardwork, cordial relationships, sympathy, etc. in his daily life with the people. A leader is supposed to serve as a status symbol and his visible character manifestations should serve as a huge source of inspiration to his subjects. The behaviour of a leader is surposed to alter the behaviour of his subjects in positive ways which results in optimal productivity and enhanced social welfare. There is no virtue in fear, excessive anger, waywardness, laziness greed, etc.

*The EEE Strand*

Empathy is a very critical element in leadership. Empathy is described as the strategic sense of feeling what others feel. For instance, it is empathy when a leader mentally and emotionally feels the hunger his subjects are feeling; feels the physical pain others are feeling; feels the sense of lack others are feeling; feels the sense of loss or lost others are feeling; feels the fear others are entertaining. Empathy is also about celebrating when others are celebrating; rejoicing with those that are rejoicing. Great leaders are not saddists but personalities who guaged the mood of others and intervened to provide succour as much as they can. They are not insensitive and their peace is unsettled when the peace of others is at stake. It is not myth: A story was to told of President of a small Island country who cultivates the habit of going to bed without food when his subjects are found to have slept without food. He denies himself luxury because his subjects were peasant who cannot afford luxurious life. There can be no credible leadership without empathy. A leader that empathises, sympathises; he who sympathises is empathic as well because the two are two sides of the same coin! 

Empowerment is another mandate of leaders. Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of people to produce (create or add value) and be highly self-independent. It can be effected through the provision of cognitive knowledge, skills and vocational capabilities to produce. Empowerment could also mean material support like finances and other factors of production to encourage economic or social agents to participate and contribute to wealth creation. It discourages free ridding and expels laziness in the society. The aim of empowerment is always to promote freedom from lack and undue control by others. An intellectually powerless person or someone who is bereft of ideas and economic power is a perpetual slave and is in dare need of emancipation.

Emancipation is  the process of being free from want and undue control. The Maslow Hierarchy of need outlined the stages of need of man from cradle to the zenith where wants becomes drives. The scholar postulated that at the lowest level, man's needs are, basically, those of food, clothing and shelter; the second stage is that of self recognition and love; the next is pursuit of power and self actualisation. Nobody wants to be controlled but to be in charge. That is the sense of freedom people crave. Even though there is no absolute freedom, it is the responsibility and desire of credible leaders to ensure their people are free: Free from lack and free from tyranny. In democracy and capitalism which are the drivers of contemporary global system (globalisation), citizens are entitled to free choice of enterprise, association and their leadership, provided those engagements are done within the confine of law. Emancipation does not mean trampling on the freedom of others but promoting it. It is work done zero when a people are emancipated at the expense of the freedom of others. There has to be a balance to ensure mutual benefit for the total population.


Croft, M. P. (1990). _The complete book of zingers_ . Illinois: Tyndale house Publishing, Inc.


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