(Modest thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha; Oct. 28, 2022; 08116181263;


The entire existence and progress of human society thrive on the tripod of matter, space, and time. How a nation or people explore, deploy and use these natural endowments to determine their respective level of development. Hence,  the need to appreciate these resources with the view to perfect how best they can be harnessed and appropriated to advance human progress.

In elementary science, "matter is anything that has weight and can occupy space." this essay, it is referred to all physical resources, be they living things(trees, animals, human beings, birds, etc) and non-living things(rocks, water bodies, weather, sun, and moonlight, etc) which have value and could be carefully explored, diligently exploited and judiciously appropriated through the knowledge of science and technology for the benefit of man and other living creatures that need them. It is the sum total of all planetory bodies and everything in them that Matter does not exist in a vacuum but in space.

Space can be described as a location or place where the matter in all its dimensions exists and human activities take place. All human institutions, whether, formal or informal are spaces without which no matter could be located and harnessed. In order to appropriate matter which exists in space, time is required.

It is the time dimension of matter that constitutes what is called chance (opportunity).  In other words, time is the opportunity to work or carry out any activity on earth. It is an economic resource and allowance for human actions which constitute the focus of this expository treatise.

All living things have 60 seconds, a minute, 60 minutes an hour, Twenty four hours a day, on average, 30 days a month, Twelve months a year, ten years, a decade; twenty -five years, a silver jubilee; Fifty years, a golden jubilee; Hundred years a century, One Thousand years, a Millennium, that is, if any single human could last this long. There is none as far as my history tells me. As long as men live, there is no discrimination in the allocation of time; they enjoyed the equal opportunity to explore, exploit and appropriate every resource (matter) that is available to them except for those who for unnatural reasons are confined (prisoners).

Prisoners, though have the inalienable right to live, are within the time of incarceration, denied the freedom to walk about and explore available opportunities that life could offer them. Their stay in confinement has a time dimension. How long their freedom is taken away from them has economic implications because of the time lost would have been deployed into productive ventures that will add to the overall economic output.

Time is a strict master and in its natural order always fair and just to all. Once it starts, it does not wait for any man. Men are either adjusting to their regular rhythm and deliberate speed or missing out on everything. While other resources (matter and spaces) could be conserved, time is delicately not conservable and controlled. It is an unseen essential that could trigger transformation in a nation if properly harnessed but destroy the same when misused.

The value man attaches to time (opportunities) and his purposes shall ultimately determine what he makes out of it. It is important to note that the value of time derives from man's understanding of it and he stands to badly lose when it is not used properly. As a corollary, the value man places on his purpose (s) also guides how his time could be structured to achieve optimal results. This implies, that given the purpose (s) of man, and other resources available to him, time is one of the most critical resources that needs careful exploration and appreciation for a man to break through.

Time provides limitless opportunities for greatness, yet, it is the singular most abuse of all resources in human history, especially on the continent of Africa. While "time is money" in other climes like the USA; it means virtually nothing in the continent. Africans could go to war in pursuit of power to control other resource endowments such as land, forest, rivers, seas, and oceans, and other planetary bodies, but care less about time, which, though equally allocated by natural order, could be as scarce as any other resource.

"The time in Africa", they say, "is when the program gets started." This implies that time is of no consequence and is not taken seriously in the continent. The concept of African time simply refers to flagrant abuse of time. It means coming late to every function, be it school, wedding, business meetings, duty post, etc. A programme in Africa, which is scheduled to start by 10 am could unapologetically start at 12 pm (Two hours behind time)! The African time mentality has become a cultural malaise and a retrogressive myth trap that must be deconstructed and replaced if any productive and meaningful progress can be in the continent at all.

The main thesis of this piece is that poor use of time is the bane of underdevelopment in Africa. Continents or countries that have mastered the use of time have made tremendous progress in every facet of their lives, be it economic, social, cultural, moral, etcetera. A nation that comes behind in time management can be sure to come behind in all development indicators. In other words, nations that waste time waste every opportunity for rapid development. This is especially so in the 21st-century world where technology is a defining element.

The justification for this hypothetical consideration is based on the fact that most of the countries that have made great progress have no clear evidence of endowment material or physical resources. For instance, Taiwan has a history of constant importation of sand, but yet is making great progress. Due to the poverty of material resources, countries like Spain and Japan are constantly depending on taxes to develop, but Africa, which is described as the 'black gold' is lagging behind in almost all development indicators. What makes the difference is that while these countries (Taiwan and Spain) invest Quality time in Human Capital Development to create value from nothing; most African countries are wasting quality time in rent-seeking. The country's people have no time discipline and less commitment to the need to sharpen their skills which have the potential to enhance speed in the production of goods and services in the continent.

The general drive in the 21st century, actually, is to attain speeds in the use of time facilitated by technology. In Africa, however, the speed which is ultimately measured in time is not an issue at all. Africans, from the least to the mighty often behave as if they have all the time in the world. Disrupting important occasions for coming behind time is a sign of power and proof of relevance. Important dignitaries who apologized for coming late to one function lives to repeat the same crime tomorrow and subsequently too.

During important functions, it is common to hear very Important Persons (VIPs), who ought to be modeled in time management, telling people something like, '...apologies, please. Due to the huge demands of my office, I could not get here in time.' Then the question is asked: Why are leaders or public functionaries not defaulting in time management in other climes?  Leaders elsewhere are time conscious, time disciplined, and time productive but not in Africa. It is a mentality of rogues to keep repeating actions acknowledged as wrong yet do nothing to change it!

Time management is poor in Africa, but why? Attempts are being made to answer this all-important question by examining the situation in Nigeria with the view to making inferences and recommendations. There is no better theoretical explanation for Africa's failure to maximize the use of time other than Murphy's Law which says, "Everything that can go wrong will." With this fated philosophy, Africans believe, whether the time is properly managed or not, what will be will be. In order words, African underdevelopment is a fate dictated by natural order; not anybody's undoing but really?

Nigeria is sixty-three (63) years old and blessed with all manner of material and human resources, but has woefully failed in achieving rapid development. With its estimated 206m people and 923,768 km2 land mass that is characterized by diversified weather and rich mineral deposits, the country is grossly underdeveloped.

Over the years, Nigeria has mobilized resources from within and without but has continued to default in time management. It can be argued that a substantial part of the problems militating against the development of Nigeria is closely tight to time insensitivity and wastage. The nation-state is behaving as if it has all the time in this world. In terms of value creation and productivity, Nigeria cannot explicitly and unambiguously account for its over six decades of existence as a sovereign state.

Lateness to work, absenteeism, truancy, and idleness at workplaces are recurring decimals in Nigeria. This is part of the unfaithfulness and the deficit in patriotism associated with resources in the country. Except for private establishments or public offices perceived as 'lucrative', other places of work in Nigeria's public service often become functional from 9 or 10 am on weekdays and begin to wind down by 1pm.

It is not an exaggeration to argue that, on average, the active work hours in most of the country's public institutions is 3 hours as against the supposedly eight hours per day. Worse still, Nigeria's work system is characterized by so many public holidays, which consume lots of work hours annually. These glaring abuses of labor time have a substantial negative effect on productivity in the economy and must be reversed if the country is to leapfrog.

Skills and time mastery are recipes for rapid development. Anything that has a time dimension is an opportunity to make a difference. The problem, though, is how to use it. When you don't know how, ask questions; If you know less, still ask questions to know more. With the right questions, your mind can be illuminated and there is no feat you cannot attain. 'Time', 'they say, waits for no one.' The opportunity cost, that is, the alternative forgone after choosing to misuse time in Nigeria is development. In other words, when time is misused or mismanaged, development is forfeited. This is the headache and nightmare of contemporary Nigeria.

Time has no reverse gear. It is not elastic nor is it renewable. Those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months running into years, decades, and even centuries, etc., you failed to utilize constitutes missed opportunity that cannot be regained or recovered. Because I previously did not have a quality understanding of the dynamics of working time, I cannot account for, at least, ten (10) cumulative years of my life on earth. And I do not think I am the only victim of this glaring waste of time and resources. Therefore, this exposition is meant to awaken our consciousness and, if possible, to forestall further misappropriation of the time resource at private and public workplaces.

Time must be put to better use in Nigeria if it must catch up with developed and emerging countries that have gone ahead. The country with its people must, angrily and deliberately, redouble efforts to redeem the time, and resources or maintain the status quo and be left behind forever. God forbid!



The attention of the Plateau State Government has been drawn to Media reports purportedly emanating from a Press Conference said to have been granted by one Engr. Lawanson Ngoa, Managing Director of Bleneson Services Nig. Ltd, the former Contractor engaged by the Plateau State Government to carry out its Legacy Projects dubbed the Lalong Legacy Projects.

During the said Press Conference allegedly held in Jos on 31st October 2022, the Managing Director of the erstwhile contracting Firm made spurious, false and misleading allegations against the Plateau State Government over the termination of the Contract and its re-award to a new Contractor with a view to misleading the Public, currying undeserved sympathy and unfairly disparaging the Government of Plateau State.

Among other things, the said Engr. Ngoa claimed that the Government has no right to terminate the Contract “while he is still alive” and that there is a pending case before the Court on the matter.

Although he did not State the Court where his case is pending or the nature of the case and the reliefs he seeks, the Government has found it necessary to put the records straight before he gets away with his misleading assertions.

1. Sequel to the failure of the contractor to deliver the projects within agreed Timelines, the Plateau State Government issued a Notice of Termination of the Contract with Bleneson Services Ltd “the Contractor” (not Egnr. Lawanson Ngoa), via a Letter on 9th March 2021 in line with the letters and spirit of the Agreement of the Parties which which allowed either Party to terminate the Contract upon giving appropriate Notice as stipulated under the Contract.

2. Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination, Bleneson neither responded nor contested

the reason for the Termination as given by the Plateau State Government in the Letter.

3. After the period of Notice of Termination had elapsed without any response or reaction from Bleneson,  the Government of Plateau State considered the Termination as concluded, with same having been accepted by conduct, by the silence of the Contractor.

4. Indeed , after the Termination, (and this fact is verifiable), Bleneson Services Ltd evacuated all its Materials, Machinery and Staff from the Project Sites and moved them out of the State.

5. It was after therefore clearly an afterthought that Bleneson went to Court to seek for Orders of Injunction supposedly to stop the Plateau State Government from terminating the Contract- a Contract already Terminated vide the State’s Letter of Termination, dated 9th March, 2021. This was clearly a futile effort to  invalidate the completed termination. It was therefore no surprise that the High Court of Plateau State denied Bleneson the Ex-parte Orders sought behind the State Government, as no Court of Law can restrain an act that is already completed!


6. Eventually, based on a Notice of Preliminary Injunction filed in the Suit on account of Bleneson’s refusal to abide by the a Pre-action Protocol required to be issued by every Litigant before commencement of the Suit, the High Court of Plateau State, after hearing the Objection struck out the Suit.

7. Rather than comply with  the requirement of the Rules of Court in order to qualify to reinstitute the Suit by doing what the Company ought to have done ab initio -,i.e, approaching the Plateau State Government in writing with its claims, which if not amicably resolved will then confer on it the right to institute a Suit of damages, Bleneson chose to  appeal  the Ruling of the Court to the Court of Appeal, which said Appeal is still pending.

8. It is instructive that the Contract with Bleneson is a Contract for the provision of Services, which each party could have Terminated or even repudiated, whether rightly or wrongly. Bleneson has no right under the Law to insist on carrying out a Contract the State has clearly evinced an intention not to allow it continue with. It is within the State’s right to do so. By continuing with its work, Plateau State Government is not in breach of any Court Order. If there was any, Engr. Ngoa would have cited it during his Press Conference.

9. Upon successful termination of the Contract and repossession of the Project Sites, Plateau State Government, in line with the Terms of the Contract, wrote Bleneson to come forward for a Meeting towards appointment of an Independent Valuer to ascertain claims (if any) and to facilitate reconciliation of Accounts as envisaged, which Invitation Bleneson rebuffed! 

10. Bleneson flatly refused to come forward and indeed Engr Lawson Ngoa threatened physical harm to Staff of the Plateau State Government who went to dispatch Letters of Invitation to its Office in Abuja to that effect. Even Staff of Courier Companies were threatened with Physical harm if they dared come to Blenson’s Office to deliver such Mails! The State Government has the Managing Director of Bleneson on Tape issuing Threats of physical harm against our Staff. To think that the same person now claims the Plateau State Government never invited him for any resolution Meeting is the height of mischief by someone we have since come to know as a Serial Liar!

11. No one should be fooled by the misleading and false claims by the Managing Director of Bleneson that the termination was done behind them or they were not invited to make their claims. On the contrary, the company and its management chose to ignore the invitation perhaps to have sufficient reasons to play to the gallery in an attempt to blackmail the Government.

12. Following the refusal of Bleneson to Cooperate and put forward its claims for work done or losses incurred (if any), Stakeholders in the project met and took a decision to invite the President of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS) to appoint an Independent Valuer to assess the level of work done to allow for reconciliation of Accounts.

13. The task was successfully carried out and a Report submitted which is available for Bleneson to access anytime it is willing to engage with the State.

14. Because the records are intact and the fact that the process of terminating the contract was painstakingly followed in line with due process, the doors of the Plateau State Government are still open for Bleneson to come forward with any claims for debt, damages or losses incurred (if any) as a result of the Termination.

15. As for the Termination of the Contract which is for Services, the Plateau State Government has exercised its rights as enshrined in the contract and has given Bleneson ample opportunity to take advantage of the same terms.

16. The Contract with Bleneson therefore stood terminated and irreversible upon the expiration of the Notice of Termination. Bleneson and its Managing Director are at liberty to continue to live in Denial! What is more, the Plateau State Government has since taken possession of its Sites and found another Contractor to complete the Projects which could not be delivered by Bleneson as agreed in the erstwhile Contract.

17. To think that Bleneson and his array of Lawyers are pretending to be unaware of the elementary position of our Law that you cannot force a mere Contract of Service on an unwilling Party and that Bleneson’s remedy lies in a Claim for Damages for wrongful Termination only (if any) is a crying Shame! It is noteworthy that despite the finality of the Termination by the State, Bleneson and his Lawyers are yet to file any Case in pursuit of what is his actual due, assuming the Termination was wrongful - a Claim for Damages, resorting instead to instituting a multiplicity of Court Cases seeking to restrain an act that has already been completed and can no longer be restrained! Bleneson has sadly added to this, a media campaign hype of misinformation, lies and mischief.

18. The Government of Plateau State wishes to make it categorically clear that it refuses to join Bleneson in its aimless and foolish Voyage to nowhere, in the process of which the Company is serially abusing the process of our Courts of Law.

19. Members of the Public are therefore advised to ignore any Media gymnastics and misinformation by Bleneson and its Managing Director Engr. Lawanson Ngoa that seeks to turn facts on their head with a view to attracting for the former Contractor undeserved sympathy and unnecessary attention.

20. Bleneson‘s Managing Director is assured that the Doors of the State Government remain Open for discussions and resolution of all post-Contract issues with Bleneson, whenever that Company and its Management is ready for such discussions.

21. The Plateau State Government reassures the Public and the good Citizens of the State that all steps taken so far by her with respect to the Lalong Legacy Project are strictly in line with the Terms of its Contract with Bleneson Services Nigeria Limited; in the best interest of our State and perfectly within the Laws of Nigeria.

21. God bless Plateau State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria as we THINK and ACT Plateau always.

Hon. Dan Manjang, mnipr

Commissioner for Information and Communication,

Plateau State.

1st November 2022.



•Promises him support.

•You are a rare example of our product.

•The Governor chose rightly.

 The leadership of the Pankshin Old Boys Association POBA has described the appointment of one of
its members, Hon Daniel Dung Dalyop, Darf. D, as another recognition by the Governor Simon Lalong administration of picking the right people for the job.

Said the will further association will rejig the vibrancy of members of the association have continuously exhibited wherever they find themselves serving.

National President of POBA, Barr. Steve Abar stated this when he led the National Executive of the alma mater as well as Exco of POBA Set 95 to identify with the Honorable Commissioner who is a product of the class of 95, Government College Pankshin.

They recalled with nostalgia all events of the past and resilience, commitment, discipline and hard work which he said remains a hallmark of products of the college.

Abar said though, at the twilight of the administration of Governor Simon Lalong, POBA strongly believes the Commissioner will impact youths who form a greater part of the population as well as sports which is a unifying factor in today's clime where religion, ethnicity, and other divides have no place.

 "We are so proud of you because even before this appointment, you have been a very loyal and committed member of your Set as well as the National Body. You have never missed attending congress meetings and the national conventions as such, it is just right that we identify with you".

Earlier, the Coordinator of POBA Class of 95, Kenzy Ngupar welcomed the National Exco on behalf of the Class and thanked them for identifying with one of their own describing Hon. Daniel Dung Dalyop, Darf D as one of the propellers of unity of the Class saying they remained grateful for the gesture by the Governor and POBA National Exco.

 In his response, The Honorable Commissioner For Youth and sports Development Hon. Daniel Dung Dalyop appreciated his alma mater for the visit of congratulations and solidarity saying Government College Pankshin played a very strategic role in his life as a kid growing which has molded a lot of them into what they are today.


He said Governor Lalong has his reasons for bringing him on board at such a critical time that he is capping his dreams for the state up and promised to exhibit the highest level of commitment not to disappoint the Governor, POBA, and others who are looking up to him.

He commended Governor Simon Lalong for the continuation of the legacy projects in the state of which Government College Pankshin is a beneficiary. The commissioner promised to always return to POBA for counsel and to be a true representative of the association wherever he goes.

Throwing some jibes at some of his classmates, he called on them to return the "ducks" or "big birds" back to "Up men".

That was a very popular and funny scandal among the prestigious POBA Class of 95 that is yet to be settled decades after their graduation.






(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, October 28, 2022; 08116181236;

Make no mistake about it, human beings are social and sexual beings. The reality of this construction means that where two or three opposite sex meet, they are most likely attracting each other, exhibit courtship behaviour, and possibly indulge in sexual intimacy over time irrespective of faith or ideological background. The speed and extent to which this happens vary with individuals or groups who might be more sexually active than others.

Sexual intercourse is hard to define in the contemporary world. At the most basic level, however, it is the intimate and physical interaction of sexual organs between two adults, especially, husbands and wives who have erotic love for each other for ecstatic pleasure, satisfaction, and procreation. This activity is often preceded by several other activities tagged foreplay, e.g caressing which enhances the quality of sex between the partners. When sex activities exceed the scope clearly defined here as it is the reality of today's world, it amounts to an 'extramarital affair' which should be carefully watched, discouraged, and, if possible, voided. 

Incidences, tendencies, or trends in sexual adventure and exploitation can be tamed but not easily among sexually active people. In a community of eunuchs, castrated, raped or virgins, curtailing or controlling sexual anxiety is easier than when people who have experienced sexual pleasure are involved. Those who abstain from sex in response to religious and/or diabolic considerations are also there, but, in any case, are social accidents waiting to happen when the conquering reality and power of sexual urge is underestimated by them.

Sexual motivation is a passion. It has its root in emotion which like fire, is a good servant but a bad master. Sex, fear, and anger are in the same emotional equation. In other words, they are of emotional construction that has consuming powers, especially, when they take hold of a person.

Here is the issue, any society that is exposed to untamed sexual seduction is likely to be consumed by it. There is nothing religious about this reality. A godly man or woman who pretends to have sexual immunity when in the corner with the opposite sex is sure to indulge in sex over time, especially, when the company is appealing or attractive in any way. Truth be told, secret sex is more prevalent among idealists than realists. In other words, any problem whose reality is ignored or underestimated cannot be solved, but rather grows steadily to such a point that it cannot be managed any longer.

A chastity or sexual purity is a virtue, but cannot be easily attained by pretense or wishful thinking. Inbuilt and deeply seated in humans is a delicate sex battery that can be charged anytime. Any natural man or woman who runs away from sexually charged environments is wise. Underestimate this escape proposal to your peril if your body chemistry is standard. It is only a fool who steps into a fire and assumed he/she will not be burnt at all.

The need to moderate the sexual orientation of people has become urgent, significantly, in the 21st century. In contemporary times, sex has become so common and the most abused provision or endowment to humans.  Rather than using it responsibly for procreation and decent marital pleasure, it has been exploited for varying purposes which range from commercial to ritual, diabolic and unnatural practices that are outside the frame of its design.

Sex for marital pleasure and procreation is an aged-long and traditional function of man. Through it, decent families are cultivated and raised for the building of functional societies and the promotion of civilization. Any society whose family units default in taking the responsibility of childbearing seriously is bound to go extinct in time because the available people might be consumed by natural catastrophes, health epidemics/pandemics, old age, and death. Through birth control measures like abortion and the use of contraceptives, some countries have suffered a gross deficit in the human population that could have anchored productivity functions. This reality has created an urgent and compelling need to accept migrants as a short-run solution and pay willing citizens to bear more children as a long-run solution. Countries like Germany, Spain, etc. Have experienced this reality.

Sex drive for diabolic and ritual purposes is another dimension the sex revolution has taken. Sex is a mysterious point of contact for spiritual exchange and importation with sex partners. For example, a man or woman that is demon-possessed could mysteriously but easily transmit those spirit(s) to as many as those they share sexual beds with. It has been insinuated that in a desperate move to gain fame, wealth, and power, some have gone so low to the extent of sleeping with lunatics, corpses, etc. There is no extent desperate, occultic, and diabolic folks cannot go when it comes to pursuing their orgies and reckless ends. This calls for great caution and self-discipline.

The use of sex for commercial purposes is one of the most lucrative, but contradictory adventures in human history. It is an aged-long practice that has evolved and has taken a new dimension with the advent of digital technology. Throughout history, women rocked by poverty have sold sex as a means of subsistence, but this has grown into a full-scale commercial venture from where many have made big but illicit fortunes. For instance, it is reported that Georgian London city, as beautiful as it is, was substantially, built from the proceeds of prostitution in the 18th Century (Dan, 2009:X). In every major city and town around the world, varying degrees of prostitution, which range from petty sex vendors to call girls branding or modeling class exist and are operated openly or discreetly depending on extant laws governing the host communities of practitioners.

With the advent and sophistication in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), sex merchants have built cathedrals for sex merchandise and distribution. Sex has become a big trade hub after drug cartels in the world's shadow economy. Phenomenal innovations in the sex business, which range from pimp arrangements sustained by human trafficking, blue filming, pornography, sex dolling, etc. Have since become an evidential part of the internet world with well-developed websites and contacts (addresses) for easy access and patronage. The world today is enmeshed in a new orientation and civilization that is saturated by an untamed drive towards achieving utopian sex Eldorado.

There is a scepter of gay orientation that is permeating most modern civilizations. This scepter draws from the Epicurean philosophy which held that 'we eat and drink for tomorrow we die. A similar orientation is "Tantra", which is a religious, but mystical "treatise on any subject at all" and "teaches us that by embracing everything in life and delving into it totally, anything can be turned into a transformative, ultimately ecstatic, experience (Barbara, 2007). This 'everything' includes a liberal sex drive which is tended towards achieving maximum orgasm or satisfaction. It is in this context that sex merchants and mania converged to explore their divergent yet complimentary motives which are often outside the accepted rules of behavior in highly religious and conservative societies.

From innovations arising from open-ended teaching in Tantra comes amplified and escalating sexual disorders like lesbianism, homosexuals surrogacy, transgender, palimony, and Paedophilia ('persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children). The saddest thing is that these abnormalities are welcomed and legalized in some countries within the globalized world. These practices are vigorously campaigning for, and promoted with incentives on the one hand and threats of sanction where those proposals or adverts at turned down. For instance, the United States of America (USA) under the Obama administration had threatened to withhold grants to African countries which opposed and refused to legislate and domesticate gay rights. I remember with much gratitude to God when the  Nigerian government stood its ground and soundly rejected gay rights with a law outlawing it in 2014. The west is not giving up on its campaigns and threat of cultural globalization concerning profaned sex though. The desperate campaign is visibly present with us today, even in the remotest of communities.

Indecent dressing, increasing cases of abortion, rape, and free circulation of pornographic pictures, videos, and sex cartoons on social media are falling out of the sex revolution in Nigeria as in other parts of the world. How much data is used in accessing, downloading, and circulating sex-related content on the internet, especially, social media can only be imagined? It is not an exaggeration to argue that there are more sex partners on the internet than there are in outside it. There is an analog cum digital sex revolution that is destroying the very foundation and fiber of family life among couples. The family unit which is the anchor and custodian of sex freedom has been invaded and it is on the verge of utter ruin. The reality of this development is established in the increasing cases of planned single parenthood amongst adults today. In the past, single parenthood occurred mostly as a result of what was called a 'social accident' but this is not so now.

Some of the reported cases of infertility and disease which materialized in most matrimonial lives fall out from secret and unhealthy premarital expeditions in sex that did not manifest immediately. Extended dangers in sexual recklessness, whether before or within marriage are enormous and the implication is that once family units crumbled, society is finished. This is the situation this pro-family treatise seeks to deconstruct.

Indiscriminate sex tends to increase the production of the bastard population; increase cases of abortion; sterilization and infertility through the use of contraceptives; high risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), loss of productive energy, or abandonment of more production ventures on the altar of sexual pleasure, loss of prestige and trust, etc. Samson in the scriptures cheaply betrayed his Nazarene calls in pursuit of pleasure at the seductive and entrapping laps/cleavages of Delilah; King David's throne was desecrated when he slept with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, and, subsequently, prompted into further sin by successfully plotting the killing of the husband.

For a fact, when a sex transaction or relationship is involved, there is no guarantee of faithfulness in anything, no matter how anointed a man or woman is. When sex is concerned, there is no guarantee of trust, security, and safety. When sex is involved, anything can happen. Sex power has brought down nations and kings; destroyed anointed priests and religious cathedrals and exposed the world, it is meant to recreate destructive mode. In other words, sex is a springboard for recreation, but a quick trigger and catalyst for mass destruction too. It can relax or calm the body, but could light the fire of war amongst close friends.

Sexual passion like tongue must be tamed to enjoy its full promise. Do not underestimate the danger that is inherent in illicit sex which is a subtle pollutant. Like polluting and smelly smoke, once sex disorder takes its course or is activated, only God knows how far it can pollute the air we breathe. Sex, and profanity is the leading way to the grave.

Sexual endowment, which is a social catalyst, a nourishing meal for marital intimacy and procreation must be jealously protected from poisonings that indiscriminate and unprotected sexual intercourse bring. Those who are commissioned to indulge in sex as married adults must do so responsibly and for the purposes for which the endowment was provided by the creator.

Meddling in sexual activities can be tempting and the fallout from them can be quite fearful. Hence, the need for escape keys. In Psalm 119:9 (NIV),  the Bible asked, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word." "Your word" here means the Word of God, but what does it say?: "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body"(Corinthians 6:18, ESV). When it comes to sexual temptations there is no overcoming stamina, but to flee it!

Proverbs 5:1-6 (NIV) is cited to conclude this prose: "My son, pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight, that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge. For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end, she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.

She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander, but she does not know it." Very profound words to instruct the wise here!


Barbara, C. (2007). Urban tantra. Califonia & New York: Ten Speed Press.

Dan. C. (2009). The secret history of Georgian London. London: Windmill Boo


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...