To be a great achiever is never a geographical feat but a product of mental, emotional and/or physical effort. In other words, success is often and reliably a mental, emotional and physical frequency/reality.
A hardworking, focused and determined person, irrespective of where he/she comes from (geography), gender (sex), colour (race), religion, tribe and tongue (language) can be successful in anything over time. In an ideal and functional world, no one fails or succeed based on mere natural cleavages or affliation but mindset!
A positive mindset in a healthy body will generate holistic energies and frequencies that will bring or make success in anything a reality.
Never believe in the myths of success by geography, gender, tribe, religion, colour, tribe and/or language. Those things are just environments that could shape mentality but, certainly, not the practical determinants of success. Any success that derives from these environments is an accident or coincidence that might not be replicated or repeated with certainty.
Show me a person with high aptitude, and sustainably committed to excellence, and I will show you a person who will succeed in times and seasons!
*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 14th Dec, 2024)*