I truly and sincerely want to express my appreciation to Almighty God for his benevolence,show of love and support exhibited by several groups and individuals which lead to my emergence as the Chairmanship flag bearer of our great party APC in Kanam LGA in the just concluded primary election.

Let me specially thank the Leadership of our great party the APC who created that level playing ground for this exercise, Youth and women groups, our esteemed elders, coalition groups for Dayyabu Garga, the  media and our dear students.

My appreciation also goes to members of the academia, farmers, traders and other professional groups and the generality of our Kanam people for your show of love and support for this project.

Permit me to specially appreciate my brothers whom we contested for this privileged opportunity together.It was more of a family affair with an ultimate aim of building our dear Kanam LGA.No one is a loser as we have collectively won for Kanam's future.

Like I have always said,I remain accessible for collaboration like you all have advocated as a dream for Kanam is a dream for all.

I will keep close contact as we move into the next phase of campaigns to deliver our great party,the APC to the people.Together we shall criss cross nooks and crannies of Kanam LGA with news of our desire to further unite and build our people.

I welcome your blueprint which I will merge with mine and implement according to how God Almighty will permit so that smiles can be imprinted on the faces and lives of our people.

I say thank you so much for words alone cannot adequately express how important all of you are to me.

I will remain highly indebted and committed to our common goals in this journey of unifying our people for the progress and development of our dear LGA kanam in particular and plateau in general. 

Thank you so much.



The attention of The Coalition Of Groups in support of Hon Dayyabu Garga for Chairman Kanam LGA has raised alarm over an impending deliberate act to twist the will of the people in respect of position of councilors in Kanam Local Government Area.

In a statement signed by Taru Salim and Sani Marga,the coalition is accusing the committee of planning to play into the card of some selfish politicians who do not mean well for the development of the area.

According to the coalition,it has information financial inducements are being made to ensure that the will of the people is twisted rather than giving the Local Government Area a fair consideration so as to carry the entire citizenry along in peace.

The statement therefore states that the coalition will reject this move in its entirety if perpetrated against the wishes of the popular majority of Kanam citizens.

Councilors are key in the running of affairs of a Local Government as such twisting it for selfish gains will not speak well for an area focusing on development the statement said.

"We are therefore calling on the all Stakeholders and Party leadership in the state to caution the appeal panel not to take any action that will jeopardize the efforts geared at entrenching continuous development and peaceful nature of Kanam LGA.


Sequel to meticulous inquisitions and investigations  as well as an Extraordinary Emergency Meetings held on Sunday 27th June, 2021 by the aforementioned groups, the following resolutions were unanimously endorsed:

1. That Mr Bogoro is ordinarily a good Man of proven integrity, with a good heart full of magnanimity and love For the body of Christ and whose fraternity  with the VWANG COMMUNITY and by extension the BEROM NATION has always been savvy in a cordial bond with our people

2.  That We're not unaware of the fact that a group of ungodly few personalities in COCIN demonically misled, tactically misguided, nepotistically misinformed, and ethnocentrically misused their amity with the BoT Chairman For their parochial self aggrandized ulterior motives to caused disaffections and animosity between the Vwang people and Bogoro in Which they hijacked the protest and brought some of their mercenaries carrying placards geared towards inciting Hatred between the Berom people and Sayawa people of Bauchi whose ties of amity the enemies want to tarnish. We opine here that we only staged the Most peaceful protest in the history of Nigeria, Just to demand For justice and to remind COCIN of its corporate social responsibilities it entered in a pact with the Host COMMUNITY For the establishment of KKU. Thus, we did not asked For much to be given to us but that Which they have covenanted in writing.

3. That Prof Bogoro wasn't in Nigeria the day the peaceful protest took place and yet as a ProBeromite, yardsticks of Which he demonstrated by sending a representative in the person of Rev Dr Yakubu Pam to quell nerves and douse down tensions among the protesting youths. The Professor has since promised to act within a shortest possible time. This singular gesture is highly appreciated even as we anticipate a most urgent and favourable actions from the BoT.

4. That it's a notorious gross fact that Prof Bogoro's generosity towards the actualizations of Karl Kum university is equal to none. If the Prof doesn't mean well to us in Vwang he wouldn't have mobilized his friends and cronies who were both muslims and Christians alike into singlehandedly  with such a huge donations brought forth their surpports raising more than N600,000,000 as their contributions towards KKU Projects. May God bless you abundantly our Most Esteemed Prof.

5. We pray to the almighty to shower supernatural  blessings upon you, family and group of friends For such a generous support. We say,may the good Lord God almighty give you more wisdom, knowledge and understanding to pilot the affairs of KKU and TETFUND in Jesus name. As your children, we say to err is human But to forgive is divine. We'll give you a 100% support from Vwang. You're a Man of impeccable character and we will never allow any one to malign and demean your most revered reputations.

6. That we boldly declare our unflinching unalloyed support and vote of confidence on you and that you'd urgently act on our demands  by restoring DANIEL DUNG KIM to his rightful position of KKU's Registrar as published on COCIN Light Bearer Newspaper of June. Thankyou and God bless.


1. Barr Emmanuel Mangu BYM Chairman Vwang
2. Barr Weng Emmanuel Logyang Convener Concerned Vom Patriotic Intelligentsia


Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has advised newly sworn in Justices of the Court of Appeal to continue to uphold justice and avoid any act that can tarnish their image and that of the Judiciary. 

Governor Lalong was speaking shortly after witnessing the swearing in of Judges of the Court of Appeal at the Supreme Court Complex in Abuja. 

Lalong expressed delight on the appointment and swearing in of the Justices of the Court of Appeal including a Judge of Plateau State High Court Justice Muhammad Ibrahim Sirajo. 

Governor Lalong described the elevation of Justice Sirajo as well deserved because he has distinguished himself in the Judiciary over the years. 

He said having risen from through the ranks to be called to serve at the second highest court in the land, Justice Sirajo sustained his profile as a firm, fair, fearless and honest Judge who has dispensed justice to all manner of people according to the law and good conscience. 

Lalong also said the reform of the Judiciary will continue to demand serious engagement and action between members of the Bar and Bench as well as other Nigerians who must submit to the rule of law and democratic tenets. 

The Governor advised younger lawyers to adhere to the to the ethics of the profession at all times. 

Dr. Makut Simon Macham 
Director of Press & Public Affairs to the Governor of Plateau State. 
28th June 2021


Fellow ZAYODA comrades, peace-loving and impact-making Zaar people worldwide, Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, we greet you all. 
An African proverb says, “if you see a child dancing alone on the street, his drummer is hidden somewhere in the bush.” This seems to be the case with this lame and failed protest by the BYM. 
Ordinarily, we would waive off the temptation to respond to provocations such as the misguided protests held at the main entrance of KKU (University, henceforth) on 21st June 2021. However, it has become necessary to respond, albeit responsibly, on three premises: 
The first premise is the magnitude of the false, careless, misguided, and insensitive direct attack on our dearly beloved Zaar man (Prof. Bogoro) and the potential it has to dent and cast aspersions on his well-earned integrity, respect, and excellent track records, which we are proud of because it represents who we are as Zaar people. Neutral and uninformed passers-by, social media users, agencies, etc. may believe the evil lies written against our esteemed Prof. on placards and the press release by the BYM representatives of Vwang community (BYM, henceforth), since the protests went viral. We want to make it clear, notwithstanding, that we are very confident in the ability of Prof. Bogoro to handle such an issue, knowing that he has fought and won bigger battles than this, with God on his side. However, we find it necessary to respond to our fellow youths in Berom land. 
The second premise is the fact that a similar youth group (BYM) is behind the protest, making it reasonable for us rather than another group to respond, since we understand ourselves better as youths. 
The third premise is the potential of this protest to ignite or rather awaken a dangerous, irreversible, and irreconcilable tribal and sectional consciousness, tension and eventual division of the respected and united COCIN denomination (or the Church, henceforth) along tribal or regional lines. Hence, it becomes necessary to voice our concerns as Zaar youths who are mostly COCIN members now before it is too late. 
Now our points:
1. Our two primary concerns with the whole saga are, first, the manner in which our illustrious Prof. Bogoro was singled out on placards and in the BYM press statement (mentioned more often than anyone else, except Mr. Daniel Dung Kim who the BYM is fighting for) and attacked personally and directly. This looks to us suspicious and fishy, signalling that there is more to it than meets the eye. Even though Prof. Bogoro is the Board of Trustees chairman (BoT henceforth), he does not make decisions alone. Even if his opinion prevails on some issues sometimes (which is normal in leadership), it is the decision of the committee, not an individual. Hence, attack on his person with incriminating baseless accusations is ignorant and suspicious. Secondly, to extrapolate this issue to be a case of discrimination against the Berom people is rather ironic, uncanny, and eerie. Why would an issue that involves the qualification of one person for an office become discrimination against the Berom people? This implies that the attack on Prof. Bogoro is also an attack on Zaar people. If any tribe should complain about discrimination in COCIN, it is not Berom, seeing the number of key offices they hold, the number of projects sited in their land (e.g. Vom Christian Hospital, KKU, and even COCIN Headquarters itself). The Zaar people (and other tribes) have more reasons to complain of discrimination in COCIN, as there is no single GCC project located in our land, and only one key office in COCIN Headquarters is currently occupied by a Zaar man. But we will not play the ethnic or tribal card, because in Christ, we are all one. Be guided, BYM! 
2. The BYM said that they have donated land for free, yet ironically signed an MoU that seems to mortgage the KKU to them. This sounds like a sale or even a bait rather than a free donation. While we recognize the legitimacy of BYM to fight for their rights as enshrined in the MoU (which we believe the church should not have signed in the first place, but should have bought it or gotten a land elsewhere that is truly free) and will not meddle in their correspondence with COCIN, we believe that they followed the wrong channel. If Zaarland had been asked, we would have gladly offered far more hectares of land without mortgaging the Church, because we so much value education and we know the immense importance of having such an institution in our land. Even if an MoU is signed, we will lay our claims in a more civilized and intellectually sound manner than that of the Berom youths, without unguided attacks on individuals based on hearsays and rumours. The general development such an institution as KKU brings to a land is enough compensation, and all other compensations should be sought after with sensitivity to other tribes that are in COCIN. Be guided, BYM!
3. Another claim of the BYM that we find shameless and melancholic is that they, being the host community, have contributed a lot with materials worth millions, a truck of cement and computers. In case BYM has forgotten, two of our sons made invaluable and immeasurable contributions to KKU. They are talking about a trailer of cement, while our dearly beloved and respected kinsman, Rt. Hon. Dr. Yakubu Dogara (former speaker, Federal House of Representatives), among others, donated trailers of cements in addition to other donations to KKU. Moreover, the contributions of Prof. Bogoro, both in cash and kind, are even too numerous to mention. It is on record that he championed the course of approving KKU. How could the Berom nation represented by the BYM be so quick to not only forget such magnanimity but repay us with evil? While we recognize the value of the contributions of the Berom people and other tribes too, we make bold to say that if principal positions of the University were to be awarded based on that, then the Zaar people should have more, if not the lion share. Yet, no Zaar man, even a single one, has been so far named for any position in KKU apart from the BoT chair in person of Prof. Bogoro. But we have not protested, neither have we accused any one of discriminating against our tribe. Be guided, BYM! 
4. That our dear Prof. was mischievously tagged on a cheap placard as “Bogoro, God of KKU” was intended to be denigratory, but on a careful thought, it is actually complimentary and applaud-worthy. We know Prof.’s humble disposition will not allow him to even attempt to claim any praise or take the place of God in this matter, but the BYM has at least publicly acknowledged that he played a God-like role in the creation, development, approval and take-off KKU. Now the world knows that our kinsman is the champion of KKU, thanks to BYM!
5. To falsely accuse highly respected elders such as Prof. Bogoro, Prof. Onazi, Prof. Dakum, Mrs. Gowan, and Prof. Yamsat that they “all wanted a weak stooge candidate so that they can syphon funds and rule the university on their whims and caprices which Mr Daniel Dung Kim is highly rigid, disciplined, principled minded and cannot be cowered into dancing to their tunes” (BYM Press Statement) is unfounded, obnoxious, and lame. We call on the BYM to check the track records of these people and give reason a chance, not to be swayed into error by regrettable youthful exuberance. If the BYM claimed that the records of their fellow Vwang kinsman in person of Mr. Daniel Dung Kim was checked in the institutions he had served and nothing wrong was found in his stewardship, have they also checked the records of these people in their places of stewardship and found evidence of syphoning funds and the like? On what basis are these hugely implicating allegations labelled? He who alleges must prove! Be guided, BYM! 
6. As per the MoU, BYM quoted one of the stipulations to be “That principal officers play very important roles in the survival and growth of the university, therefore, any person qualified from the Host COMMUNITY Will be considered on merit.'' While we don’t want to delve deeply into this correspondence between the Vwang community and COCIN, we just want to ask: who determines who is “qualified”? Is it the institution or the host community? What if a pending accusation or case renders one “disqualified,” based on the operational standards of an institution? What if an institution discovers a pending issue after granting one an offer, and decides to reconsider it? Is it the law of the Medes and Persians? While we recognize the freedom and nobility of BYM to stand with their kinsman, we advise them to check these facts and pursue their rights as informed and enlightened people instead of being so emotional and attacking persons instead of addressing the real issues. 
7. Even though KKU is situated in Vwang community, it is by no means owned by the Beroms. All COCIN members have equal shares and stakes in it, because no one is more COCIN than the other. Hence, it is lame to think that because you gave a land to COCIN, you own the University and dictate its terms. Be guided, BYM! 

Based on the aforementioned points, we demand:
1. Immediate and public apology from BYM to Prof. Bogoro. While we keep our cool for now, a repeat of such dastardly act against our Prof. Bogoro will leave us with no option but to respond in unpleasant ways. 
2. That a roundtable dialogue be immediately inaugurated between all the parties involved in the saga for mutual understanding and resolution of the issues, for a smooth take off of KKU.
3. That the so-called MoU and similar ones elsewhere be revisited, to save the Church further embarrassment from those who feel entitled. 
4. That Zaar sons and daughters (and other tribes) who qualify be employed in both academic and non-academic positions of the University. This serves for unity and fairness. 
5. That when the University is ready for distant campuses, a campus should be located outside Plateau state, particularly in Tafawa Balewa of Bauchi state (and another one in Borno state, if they so wish) for proper representation of the three states that make up the majority of COCIN membership. 
6. A powerful taskforce be set up by the COCIN leadership to check the causes, practices, and rise of tribalism in COCIN, with a view to preventing a catastrophic division of the church. 
In conclusion, we want to state our confidence in the KKU leadership under our esteemed kinsman, Prof. Bogoro, as well as our openness for dialogue with the BYM, KKU, and COCIN leadership. 
God bless the Zaar nation, God bless KKU, God bless COCIN, and God bless the entire body of Christ. 

 National Youth Leader.


Governor of Plateau State and Chairman, Northern Governors Forum, Simon Bako Lalong, has congratulated Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Lyambee Jime over his appointment as the Executive Secretary/CEO of the Nigerian Shippers Council by His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Governor Lalong in a massage of felicitation said it is a well-deserved appointment considering Rt. Hon. Jime’s pedigree and achievements as a Legislator, Lawyer and Administrator who has served the nation with integrity in various capacities.

Lalong said as a Former Speaker of the Benue State House of Assembly; Two-Term Member of the House of Representatives; Former Managing Director of the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) among others, Jime is eminently suitable for the appointment and he has no doubt that he will give your best in this new assignment.

The Governor asked him to bring his wealth of experience to bear in taking the Nigerian Shippers Council to greater heights by vigorously pursuing the development of the Inland Port Terminals across the country.

He said, “for us in Plateau State, we assure you of our support and collaboration towards your success in office, and will be counting on your goodwill in continuing the projects initiated by your predecessor such as the Maritime Resource Centre cited at the North Central Coordinating Office in Jos, which is expected to impact the lives of the people and the economy of the State positively. We are also looking forward to the commencement of operations at the Inland Container Terminal at Heipang which will again provide jobs and generate employment for our people”.

He assured the new Shippers Council Boss that the Northern Governors Forum will also support him particularly on the development of Inland Port Terminals in the Region which are essential in the utilization of the rail infrastructure which is being resuscitated by the Buhari administration.

Dr. Makut Simon Macham,
Director of Press & Public Affairs to the 
Executive Governor, Plateau 
27th June, 2021.


Professor John Wokton Wade, mni.
Director-General, Research, Strategic Planning and Documentation, Government House, Rayfield, Jos.

Since the series of announcements regarding take-off of the Karl Kum University (KKU), appointments of Board of Trustees, some pioneer Management Staff, and the Governing Council, the general public saw it as another giant step within the Christiandom towards complimenting Government's  efforts in providing quality Education, Human and Capital Development. The avalanche of applause that welcomed what I consider as Magnum opus of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) cannot be overemphasized. 

However, no sooner or barely less than two months of take-off, some Members of the KKU host community rose in arms "crying blue murder" on issues that bother on appointment(s) and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This is SAD and a SHAME.

HONESTLY, for the records and without prejudice, I have keenly watched and listened with interest the varied "arguments" over issues on ground concerning the baby institution. I have also followed the phenomenal development of the baby institution since conception. I also picked interest in the concerns shown by one of our Patriots, Davidson Rotshak Lar JP who, this time around, took the benedictine approach as a typical Clergy and with kids gloves in appealing to the consciences of all concerned. That was good enough and I commend him, despite his not being a COCIN Member like myself.

On this day and time, I offer to share my thoughts and sympathy and make a clarion call with characteristic bluntness to save a situation that appear to present clear danger to institutional survival and sustainability. 

To my mind, and from EXPERIENCE, this BABY UNIVERSITY does NOT deserve this NEEDLESS HULLABALOO that is on-going and predicated on ethnicity. KKU should be seen hitting the ground, running, MOST ESPECIALLY as a FAITH-BASED RELIGIOUS institution aimed at PRO-EXCELLENCE.

Looking back in time, it took KKU over 25 years of CONCEPTUALIZING, ADVOCACY, STRUGGLING, PULLING financial & material resources together from hard toiled efforts of its Parishioners  and well meaning government and private organisations for its take off. The time for reaping the fruits of its labour and other positive multiplier effects of having a University were just about to start, given all the advertisements for recruitment of Academic and Non-teaching Staff as well as Students Admissions... but imminent threats are starring the baby at the face.

Even with the impending threats through creative selfishness, xenophobic sentiments, emotional blackmail and worst still, sacrificing integrity and honesty to the altar of mediocrity and ethnicity, the KKU must NOT be a "dead on arrival project." Hauling gigantic curses or aspersions on innocent individuals, Statesmen, Clergymen and threatening showdown through ultimatum are not the ways to go. Taking an individual like Professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro, Chairman Board of Trustees  to the cleaners is most uncharitable and unfair. He is a man of impeccable integrity who has built a name and reputation for himself in his over 30 years sojourn in the academics, public and private services. His singular, patriotic and God-fearing contributions to development, recognition and take-off of KKU and to the COCIN Alumni and family is unparalleled and cannot be quantified. He has gone through greater baptism of fire concerning the attitude and "hearts of men". Same can be said of other elders on the Board, Council and Management. These are some of the burdens of leadership in taking on the thankless job of managing public institutions and people. Having seen and experience many things of life, including "betrayal of trust" at least for the sake of the fledgling institution, the future of mankind and to the glory of God they should hold forth. They should therefore not be provoked, discouraged and tempted to "throw in the towel", please.

BE STRENGTHENED. I had experienced it before, having been thrown into the detention dungeon of security agencies to capitulate, betray and crush or kill the dreams of survical of the Plateau State  University (PLASU), Bokkos, but I refused to bulge and God eventually saw us through and the University today is still standing as one of the best and fastest growing Universities in the Country.

Many of the overzealous protesters are not truly enlightened and knowledgeable about the concept and philosophy of a University. A University by common consent is the highest citadel of learning. Once established through approved licensing from the Quality Control/Assurance body, namely, National Universities Commission, (NUC), it becomes a COMMONWEALTH for the COMMON GOOD. At this point, it becomes a "bullet proof glasshouse" that can only be watched and left quietly to carry out its mandate without deadly interference. Infact, at point of recognition, licensing and take-off, the public institution automatically transcends claim to "ownership" by the proprietor or "land donors" as being propagated." This must be brought into sharp focus in the public domain before the spirit and zeal of the founders, people of goodwill and financiers are diminished and killed.

I have chosen to only minimally comment on the "root cause(s)" of the demonstration or agitation over appointment of a Registrar or Acting Registrar as the case may be, because there are clear cut guidelines or criteria regarding conditions of service, qualifications and integrity of the interviewee(s). The Interview/Search Panel drawn from the Council are eminent personalities with cognate experience on University system and administration. They are best disposed to make public the relevant official clarifications on what transpired during interview  before we attempt jumping over our shadows and making conclusions as we are currently witnessing in this "macabre dance". But for all I know is that in any organisation, including Universities, the custodians must be seen to exhibit DUTY OF CARE in upholding the TRUTH, defending both institutional and personal integrities. IF, and where an organisation is mislead on matters of one's Curriculum Vitae, experience, exposure, service records/delivery, etc, the organisation has the inalienable right to withdraw its offer, whether appointment or a qualification. At this point, it bothers on honesty and integrity, which are essential ingredients or hallmarks in an institution or system that has the duty of hosting and nuturing MENTORS and MENTEES in perpetuity.

The MoU, presently couched as an "institutional document" appears FLAWED, and an ambush rather than expression of genuine concern(s) for the interest and progress of KKU. The MoU must have been hastily put in place and therefore did not have the benefit of a legal draughtsman "Eagle eye" on it. The MoU lamentably commits the University to dangerous antecedents that will only rear its ugly head in the long run. If the MoU with its ambush contents were part of document for registering the University, I am sure NUC wouldn't have granted the licence as it would have amounted to needless and risky compromise by an institution that is ideally supposed to be "equal opportunity" and non compromising in standards. However, with a full Governing Council in place, it is not too late for the document, which is not a legal instrument to be reviewed through due process and in line with international best practice for SUSTAINABILITY of the system.

A CLARION CALL to all and sundry, particularly Elders and Youths: Elders must not allow the system capitulate to this infantile disorder and emotional blackmail that appears to be instigated by some persons who don't understand what a University is all about or even mean well for the Church and Society. In this era of "Not too young to run" the Youth groups should see this project as theirs and their future. Elders should not watch the youths playing with fire around a combustible environment threatening a hard earned fledgling university project.

The Board of Trustees; Governing Council and Management should stand firm on, and abide by the principles and ideals for which the University was established, namely, KNOWLEDGE, CHARACTER, & SERVICE; TRUTH & LIGHT, all aimed at promoting honesty, excellent service to humanity and to the glory of God. Period!

The COCIN family is blessed with immense reservoir of Academics, Administrators, Technocrats, Elders and God-fearing people from public and private sectors. They must step in and encourage the Board of Trustees, Governing Council and the Vice-Chancellor and his Management Team in nurturing KKU. 

Please, in KEEPING DATE WITH HISTORY and for the sake of institutional integrity, I urge that common sense prevails, beyond the rhetorics of primordial sentiments and emotional blackmail of individuals or groups. 

Experience has shown that any attempt to tamper with or delay the machinery of motion of a University system by a day, week, month can cause its setback by at least five to ten years. I stand to be contradicted.

KKU as God's project BELONGS TO ALL; and so all stakeholders must not allow it to come to ruin before the eyes of creatively selfish individuals.

KKU cannot afford this imbroglio.


Professor John W. Wade, PhD (Stirling, U.K), KSM, mni.
Former Provost, College of Education, Gindiri.
Former Chairman, Implementation Committee for the Establishment of Plateau State University.
Pioneer Vice-Chancellor, Plateau State University, Bokkos.

26. 06. 2021.


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...