The All Progressives Congress Governorship Candidate Dr Nentawe Yilwatda has assured that the insecurity experienced in towns  on border lines would be dealt with decisively if elected into office.

Addressing the people of Lamba, Bashar and Wase in continuation of his citizen engagement, Nentawe disclosed that with the available intelligence and workable template  at his disposal,he would go the whole hog against the terrorists and other criminal elements.

According to him, with available intelligence on the  modus operandi of the terrorists, it is  the political will and comprehensive strategy  that are needed to contain them.

Nentawe revealed that if elected, he would deploy advanced technology and well trained personnel in changing the narrative.

He said based on intelligence and operational capability of the terrorists, a well trained and organised counter force is needed to decisively deal with them.

Nentawe also said that as part of his strategic action plan,if voted into office,he would make available advanced surveillance  and necessary lawful equipment to security agencies as well vigilantes and hunters groups for effective counter measures against the insurgents.

He disclosed that it is on record that the terrorists usually strike especially the border towns at the end of the month and cross over to neighbouring states with little or no challenge at all.

Nentawe  also alerted the people on the divisive strategy implored by the terrorists in causing disaffection among the locals before causing mayhem.

According to him,one of such unwholesome strategies, is the mischievous use of religion and ethnic disharmony  to create suspicion and distrust in communities.

The APC flag bearer then promised that one of the first things to do in office if  elected is to totally overhaul the security architecture of the state to give it the much needed impetus to function effectively in line with international best practice.

Nentawe urged the People to remain united, assuring them that if elected as the governor he would not only ensure their security but do everything to uplift the economic fortune of the state as a whole, adding that his target beneficiaries are women, youth and persons with disabilities.

Various speakers at the forum stated that from all indications,Plateau  would for the first time  be blessed with a Professor in the person of Nentawe as the governor of the state.

After enumerating some of their challenges in the areas of security and provision of social amenities, they are of the believe that Nentawe is the person that can solve their problems if elected as  governor.

Spokesman for Generation Next Campaign Council Shittu Bamaiyi said the Governorship hopeful had paid separate courtesy calls on the Emir of Wase,Aku Mavo, and the Rekna Bashar and the Hakimin Lamba where after giving their royal blessings  described Nentawe as the most qualified to be the governor of the state###.


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, Jan. 12, 2023; 08116181263;*

When you mirror through the world we live in, it is common to see those who have and those who have not. This dualism and inequality has created a situation where some ended up becoming beggars and others helping out as benefactors. The main thesis of this exposition is that in any functional society, it is natural to have individual needs but becoming beggars to meet such needs of life on daily basis is an unacceptable indictment on our collective humanity.

Whoever has means of helping others but declined is stingy. However, those who need help but will not consider that those they seek help from can also lack are damn selfish. The latter hardly comes under public scrutiny and most often picked offence with those that might have helped out in the past but constrained in the present. Such unreasonable picking of offence is, to say the least, a form of witchcraft, one that seeks to compel someone to help out of duress and from nothing. What is your take folks when someone transfers anger of his unmet needs on an innocent former benefactor?

It was Mathew Arnold who stated that, "We are here on earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I do not know." This means that to help is virtuous but to criticise others for not providing your needs even as adults is not and unacceptable. If you are within the active work age bracket, the right thing to do is to work to earn decent means of livelihood, that is, your meal ticket.

It is not a sin to be in need but a crime to blame your poor socio-economic conditions on others. This is because God has given us all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Availing equal time, equal intellect and opportunity to live healthy lives are primarily part of those provisions. Therefore, when anyone missappriopriate his or hers, then, he/she should have himself to blame. We cannot afford to misused or misappropriated God's holistic resources and not take the blame ourselves except for system and leadership which is common in most developing economies like Nigeria.

Understood, some needs are quite genuine but often come with unsettling pressures. However, we must not be irrational to think that our benefactors are self-sufficient and lacking nothing at all times in this life. Amaechi Nzekwe in his celebrated novel, "The Rich Also Cry" published in 1996 said it all about the possibility of the rich have issues and unmet needs like the poor also do but how many beggars believe this narrative?

Despite the huge resources the rich have, their needs and appetites might be as well big too. In practical terms, people hardly make concessions to the rich in any market transaction except for lobbying purposes which is very rare. On a normal day, what can be sold to the poor for N1,000.00 (One Thousand Naira) only could possibly be sold to the rich at double the price. The mentality is that the latter have it all but that is not always the case. The rich also lack; the only difference is that they are credit worthy due to the collaterals they have at their disposal, interms of the assets they have acquired over time.

There is another mentality that is also worrisome with poor beggers. Apart from picking offence for not getting help from benefactors, sometime the complain is that the support they got is small or too small and might even return it under the guise they are too big and so it is insulting to accept such intervention. This mentality is the main thrust of another Aminata Sow Fall's novel "Beggers' Strike" which was published in 1981.

The question here is: How can a man not be too big to ask but suddenly become so big to accept a free gesture(s)? It is important to know at this point that to be assisted is not a right but a privilege.  The fact is that beggars have no choice but this hard fact does not exist in the dictionary of witchcrafting beggars.

For a fact, all benefactors deserve deep appreciation, if not for anything at least, for the audience they usually give those in need. Only ingrats will not appreciate those that had helped or are willing to help but constrained at sometimes. Unfortunately, the world is full of them who picked offence or made their anger visible when things do not go their way in the process of begging.

Experience have shown that most, if not all, ingrats are fantastically stingy people. They found it easy to beg when they have needs but get offended when blessed and others come seeking their help. In other words, stingy people love support but cannot extend same to others when they are in the position to do so.

Beggers hardly realise there is getting in giving. This does not change the fact that there is blessing in giving, especially, when extended with sincerity of purpose and not the Greek type. In other words, to give genuinely and cheerfully is a kingdom recipe for personal blessings and rewards. That is why the scriptures say, 'it is more blessed to give than to receive.' It also assures whoever cares to know that when you give generously, you will find favour ahead (Ecclesiastes 11:1).

Suffice here to state categorically that there is no known gain in receiving not to talk of begging as a way of life. Therefore, there is need to deconstruct the culture of begging with the promptness it deserves and best way to do this and turn beggers into brokers of blessing is to teach the formally or informally to learn how to create wealth cultivate the art of giving themselves. Nobody becomes a benefactor by learning how to beg. The art of begging is a defeatist art and a profile in culture of dependency.

It should be understood that no one is self-sufficient and independent in this world. The world and its people are increasingly becoming interrelated and interdependent in this post-modern (present) world. This implies that no one is an isolated island and that even literal islands have neighbours - the water bodies that surrounds them. However, you do not come to a world so globalised empty handed.The ideal thing is to have a need with something to offer from your end. 

Human needs are basic not perpetually supplied to adults. Adulthood means the capacity to take personal responsilities. Only toddlers need sustained interventions until they become adults themselves. This means that even the supply of needs of toddlers is not perpetual but limited by their subsequent graduation into adulthood over time.

As toddlers grow into teenage age, they ought to learn how to begin to contribute to the common wealth of nations from where their meal tickets or sources of livehood come. This is because it is unacceptable liability when one grow to be a free ridder in society. The fact is that responsible adults contribute to the wealth creation and there is no better trademark than this by which they are known!

The capacity of individuals, firms and  government and their right to exist is dependent on how much they contribute to the well being and welfare of all in the world of value. This is why economic agents (individual, firms and governments) which cannot substantially contribute to the welfare index of their societies are despised and treated with disdain or disrespect.

It is an incontestable fact that one point or another, all humans beg but begging makes sense only when it is targetted at meeting shortfalls that occur in a time too short to make adjustments through personal effort. Therefore, begging is not and cannot be a profession.

In capitalist nations, beggars are the most miserable of all creatures. This is because in such climes, it is believed there is no free lunch even in free town. That is why the Father of Economics, Adam Smith in his book "The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" which was published in 1776 succintly observed that it is not the benovelence of capitalist oriented baker that brings food or bread to our tables but the pursuit of their self interest  which is profit maximisation. In other words, food comes to your table when you have the capacity to produce or pay for it from your hard earnings. That is the reality in capitalist climes!

It is important to note that capitalists can extend help through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and charities but at their own convenience and timing not at the convenience of any beggar or needy persons. Therefore, to be angry with a capitalist for not helping at your beg and call is to be angry to death because your anger cannot change them one inch. What moves a capitalist is the opportunity to make profit not the need of a beggar.

There is nothing as demeaning as becoming a witchcraft in begging. As humans, we all need each other and if possible, no help should be withheld from those with genuine needs but certainly not 'professional' beggars. This is because professional begging is an artificial creation of lazy folks who are lacking in shame and doing nothing to redeem themselves from the shackles and dynasties of poverty.

Beggars have no right to be angry with those they need help from. Also, no helper is under any moral obligation to help those who perceived themselves as professional beggars. Whatever anybody gets in the form of help in this life is a privilege and not a right. May God forever bless all human benefactors and help those who want to be sources of blessing to others to have the means to do so. May God also change the witchcraft (anger) mentality of professional beggars into productive anger for our collective benefit.

In the world of valids, habitual begging is a postponed culture. Whoever picks a lazy adventure as demeaning as begging in this life will have a date with ridiculing and truamatising experiences. No one should be so fated to think that his life is destined for begging as means for survival. With time and effort, the poor can be rich and with laxity and wild passion for pleasure, the rich can be poor. Do not conclude yet, as long as we are alive, there is no such thing as fate sealing in the journey of life!




AMB GIDEON DANDERENG has been described as an astute gentleman who has attained prominence through resilience, hard work, and outspokenness. Has continued to get more tumultuous support and acknowledgments from the people as his campaign gained momentum.

This time around The Executive Chairman of Jos South and Candidate for House of Representative Jos South and East Federal Constituency under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC) Hon. Amb. Gideon Dung Dandereng received Royal blessings and seeks for support in Gyel and Du districts respectively.

The Unassuming gentleman, Dandereng who was at the palace of the Dagwom Rwei Jos South and that of Du express his readiness to lead Jos South and Jos East in the 10th Assembly, he reiterate his commitment to redeeming the lost glory of the federal constituency and giving a cordial voice to the people of Jos South and East and by extension the country at large.

In his words ‘I've come before you to seek your blessings and to inform you of my intentions to be elected as the member to represent the good people of Jos South and East Federal Constituency, I'm also here to inform you that I'm the most qualified candidate and well experienced to represent in the national assembly for as you all know it time we stick to agreement and allow the zoning pattern to take continue for the sake of peace and fair sharing of power’.

He further reiterated ‘It's not by mistake nor accident that I'm contesting for this position but rather a right that must be given a due consideration to honor that which our fathers and elders agreed upon and if elected in the national assembly I promised to be fair in treating all as equal and giving a voice to all constituents by organizing town hall meetings that all the needs of the people will be taking and submitted accordingly in the national assembly so the grassroots will feel the impact of democracy"

The Royal Fathers in their separate remarks urge the candidate to be focused and determined, they encourage and thanked him for not indulging in politics of character assassination and deformation. They applaud his style of politicking which he's going with his campaign and engagement.

Amb Gideon Dandereng also had an interface with all community leaders and associations in Gyel and Du districts respectively, where he explained and show's commitment and resilience in his leadership ambition.

The community leaders who were amazed and satisfied with the manifesto of the Greater Movement
prayed and wished him well as he has good intentions to elevate Jos South and East Federal Constituency to a higher height come 25th, February 2023.

Greater Movement in conjunction with Party leadership and other parties faithful were seen in their numbers to encourage Amb. Gideon Dandereng who's the captain of the Movement.

Amb Gideon Dandereng is a gentleman of inestimable ingenuousness as he blends with both the prominent and low in society without discrimination. It is this unchanged capable spirit that steered him to continue seeking ways of serving humanity wherever he found himself


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