Plateau state University Management Vows to Enhance Staff Welfare through Corporative Society.

Registrar Plateau State University, Bokkos Yakubu Ayuba has assured of  the managements commitment to support any initiative meant to enhance and support the welfare of staff and students of the university.
The registrar disclosed this at the formal flag off of 'Plateau State Savings Loan and Investment Society Limited" a new corporative society in the institution .
Correspondent has details of the event held at the school's faculty of social sciences auditorium.
Represented by Deputy registrar establishment Vondip Ganyir, Yakubu Ayuba reminded staff of the university that,the management led by the acting Vice Chancellor Professor Shedrack Best has prioritize welfare of staff,hence pledging their flinching support in strengthening Corporative societies in the  institution, considering it's significance in  uplifting the standard of living of members.

The Registrar said the new corporative will serve as an alternative platform for staff to invest for a better future, and assured of the administration's commitment in the remission of funds as well as prompt payment of salaries to staff as well as other welfare packages in the fight against poverty.

In his address  pioneer Chairman, Plateau State Savings Loans and Investment Society Limited and Deputy Registrar Academic Affairs, Tony Ngwen Lat,  explained that the society is not in anyway pulling out members from the sister corporative in the institution but to serve as an alternative platform of investment with the aim of empowering  potential members.
Guest speaker on the occasion and head of Accounting Department, University of Jos, Doctor Bernard Alkali admonished members to prepare for retirement by diversifying their sources of income.

In there separate submission, Director, Plateau State Corporative Federation, Hanatu Menshak and, the Director Corporative Society of Nigeria, Plateau State Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Elaina Datong all assured of unflinching support towards the growth of the  new corporative.
There were goodwill messages from the Dean Faculty of Arts, Plateau State University, Bokkos, Associate Professor Chris Gonsum, Director Career Service Centre, of the University, Doctor Anna Fakah, and the office of the University Bursar, who all expressed optimism that the new society shall be great.
          . end


October 9, 2024 is loading and the people of Bassa LGC deserves a tested and proven rebuilder. Who is the man?

DR Riti is not in the race because he needs a job but to get it done. He does not involve himself in any activity until he is sure can make a visible difference. That is the man!

Dr. Riti is steady and calculative in all he does. He is never noisy but meant business when he has to speaks. What he says he does; what he does he says it. In other words, Dr Riti matches his words with action. That is the man!

Dr Riti is good at many virtuous things but has the discipline to stick to one until it finishes successfully. This means that he is a very focused brand that never gets distracted by frivolities. That is the man!

Dr. Riti has seasoned himself and can be excellent on any assignment alone. However, he has mastered the art of team work. He believe it is only on the basis of teamwork that a people can go far doing great things. That is the man!

Dr. Riti is a catalyst for positive social re-ingineering. He has God-given talent and capacity to stimulate corporate actions for the common good. That is the man!

Dr. Riti respects corporate decision(s), especially, when the issue at stake will bring about the greatest good of the greatest number. However, he has the courage to say no when any decision is discreetly at variance with the good of all. That is the man!

Dr Riti is a visionary leader. He has the innate ability to carve a realistic vision. He sees ahead, plans ahead and work ahead to bring every lofty vision to reality. That is the man!

Dr Riti is resourceful and a listening democrat. He has the patience to listen to what people has to say and blessed with the power to strike a balance. Because he fears God and loves the people in whose hand the authority to serve derive. That is the man!

There is so much to say but so little time to say them all. Dr Riti is the man to beat anyday because the grace of God is upon him and majority of the people are saying he is the one!



The road to success is paved with many hurdles. It is full of hills and valleys; potholes and distractions but a person with determination to succeed will always see silver linings in every bad situation. 

When constraints, wild winds and thunder storms rage, the person pursuing a worthy cause will gallantly press on with unrepentant hope that things can get better after all. Under the rain or in the sun, Record-breakers go on, keeping a date with that which they hold dearly!

It takes a weakling to concede or give up on a failed attempt when there is an opportunity to try again. Do not kill your dream(s) with excuses because excuses are trademarks of lazy leeches or unwanted free riders.

No excuse will ever make sense in the space of goal getters. When you failed, you can try again. There is no allowance for setbacks but new standards. Do not cite your family background or the conditions of your birth, because history is saturated with people who have broken new frontiers in all fields of human endeavour; people that have set new records and got to the top from nowhere. 

Do not say age is not on your side, because there are no short of Code brokers - people who broke through in their old ages. Do not say you are being mocked. When you live for higher ideals which contrast with bad examples of mediocres, the reactionary tendency is for the latter to called you names but that will matter nothing to a big dreamer who is on course to make it come to reality.

Do not live sleepily like Koala - that 24-hours sleeping marsupial animal common to Australian forests and expect to make any significant difference in a competitive world. 

Sleep makes poor. Stay awake and have the audacity to press on doing what you know how to do best. You have got to  start something even if imperfectly. This is because alignment and perfection come with time and practice!

In the world of work, motivation matters but beyond it, add passion. Passion is motivation amplified! To wish for something big is human but always follow it up with prayer and hard work. Hard work is the continuation of earnest prayers! Have ambition but be disciplined to stay focus on that which matters the most. Discipline is application of  raw energy in perspective! 

You can reach for the stars, the moon and sun starting the journey right where you are. It does not matter whether you are physically challenged or not. If the mind is positive, then, there are no impossibilities. 

It is a positive mindset complimented by positive energy that makes the difference. Cultivate them and you will be glad you did!

*Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 25th July, 2024*


The Church has received reports on a planned Protest being organized by some citizens of  Nigeria billed for Monday 29th July and Thursday 1st  to Saturday 10th August, 2024.

 ECWA is aware that Protest is considered, worldwide, as one of the ways of expressing displeasure or objection to certain issues, policies or actions. It is also a medium through which people voice their concerns, create awareness or push for change. The Church is also aware of the severe economic hardship and the bedeviling insecurity that the citizens are experiencing, which are the cardinal issues being promulgated as the reasons for the protest.

However, we are all aware that protest can take different dimensions as witnessed during the “END SARS PROTEST” when hoodlums infiltrated the protesters and wrecked serious havoc that led to the lost of many lives and properties. Therefore, considering the volatile nature of protests in Nigeria, which can be hijacked by miscreants and result in humongous damages, ECWA as a denomination wishes to inform the general public that we are not part of the planned protest, and we are calling on our members to disregard the action in totality, and not to participate in any way.

The Church wishes to assure members that ECWA leadership is doing everything possible in advising government at the Local, State and Federal levels to take proactive measures in addressing the plight and suffering of citizens in the shortest possible time. 

Rev. Ibrahim Kassim                                                ECWA Public Relations Officer


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...