As this auspicious month of Ramadan starts today, The Executive Committee of Bukuru Old Students Association, BOSAT on behalf of its members is felicitating its members and other Muslim Ummah across the world that may this Ramadan bring peace and blessings for the entire humanity and brighten our path toward enlightenment.

Ramadan is a month of blessings, forgiveness, mercy, and freedom from the hell fire, A Holy month for Muslims that serves as a time of self-reflection and strengthening their relationship with God.

Therefore, we urged the Muslim Ummah to use the sacred month to intercede and pray for the progress of BOSAT.

Signed: Raphael Rume

National President, BOSAT


Chief Gushop Picks Gubernatorial Form in Abuja

Chief Gushop Picks Gubernatorial Form in Abuja
Chief Jerry D Gushop, has today at the PDP National Headquarters, Wadata Plaza Abuja, picked the Gubernatorial Nomination and Expression of interest forms to run for the Office of the Governor of Plateau State. The gubernatorial hopeful who was accompanied by many supporters assured Plateau people of a new kind of leadership that will be experienced in Plateau state when he emerges as Governor in 2023.

Chief Gushop further said his campaign will be  issues-based, and coming from the private sector, the task of lightning Up Plateau state would be the focus of his campaigns and engagements anchored on the needs of Plateau state and each of the seventeen local Government Areas.



Commandant/Comptroller Immigration Service (CIS) Ngunan Tar retired from active service in the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) today, March 29, 2022. This retirement corresponded with her 60th unique birthday celebration. Before her glorious exit from the service was up to yesterday the Commandant/CIS in-charge of Nigeria Immigration Training School Ahoada (NITSA), Rivers State who served with great distinction.

How time flies, the Commandant was recruited into the NIS on April 20, 1988. In spite all career progressional challenges, she rose to the rank of CIS. 

It is important note that Dr. Mrs Tar was one of the few Comptrollers who duly participated and are patiently waiting for the outcome of last year's promotion interview to the rank of Assistance Comptroller General of Immigration (ACGIS). Even in retirement, therefore, I am confident she will soon be called upon to be decorated with the rank of ACG to the glory of God Almighty!

Born on March 29, 1962, Comptroller Tar began her academic pursuit at Local Government Education Authority (LGEA), Primary school, Harga in Katsina-Ala, Benue State. Through due diligence and commitment, she persevered in the pursuit of knowledge until she successfully defended her Doctorate Degree (PhD) in 2018. 

In her career as Immigration officer, she traverse the length and breadth of Nigeria until she too over as Commandant NITSA in 2020. It is instructive to note that this dedicated CIS was the first to be Commandant of the great training institution with that hard earned doctoral title thereby raising the status of the office she occupied in the school.

Let me state that should NIS has the dream of upgrading one of its training schools to university status like the Nigeria Military and the Nigeria Police are having today, the educational qualification of its staff members have to be enhanced and Commandant Tar is one of the few specimens in the service that can be referenced and emulated to realise the idea.

Under Commandant Tar's stewardship, NITSA had the highest number of Deputy Comptrollers of Immigration (DCIs) and Assistant Comptrollers of Immigration (ACIs). Prior to her taking over as Commandant, the school often had one DCI but currently the number has skyrocketed to five (5) each major departments of the school headed by a DCI. This indicated that the status of NITSA has, indeed, being raised in terms of manpower supply.

Commandant Tar is an index of discipline. She is highly disciplined and a consistent disciplinarian anywhere she finds herself, be it at family, work place or community level. She has always maintained that rules are sacred and ought to be maintained as sign of loyalty to constituted authorities or institutions. 

The Commandant always referenced her childhood and adulthood sense of obedience and responsibility. For instance, she said once her parents instructed her and her siblings not to step out, even if all the doors or gate of the house is flung open, she will not go out. Also, she noted that, even as young girl then, after cooking in the family house, her mother will always insist that the pot used for the cooking must be properly washed before eating. Those disciplines, she recalled, were faithfully maintained by her, hence, the least beaten amongst her siblings.

This virtuous mother is hard working and has always shown great passion in all she does. During the 24th Inspectorate Basic Course in NITSA, this workaholic mother will always go to the kitchen to ensure food is properly cooked and served to 660 trainees. In those routine inspection visits, the commandant shown great enthusiasm and desire to even take over the kitchen utensils and participate in the cooking process and, interestingly, in her full service uniform. I am yet to see a regimented superior military or paramilitary officer who will go so low to do such task as cooking while his subordinates (cooks) watch and learn from like that. 

I realised that this charismatic mother, Tar cannot assign a task she cannot do herself. This made her a reliable mentor worthy of emulation.

Mrs Tar is, indeed, a highly proactive model leader whose taste for details is legendary. In other words, she is highly punctilious and her uncompromising quest for standard is next to none. You cannot work under this great superior officer and leader without parting with the culture of transparency, accountability and decorum as personal virtues. She abhors all forms of lies and cannot shy away for immidiately rebuking her staff but always doing so in love. That is what makes the difference in her approach to discipline.

For the Commandant also, human beings are carriers of virtues, gifts and talents which can be harnessed and deployed for use to advance human progress. However, she knows, also, that no individual or group of individuals are indispensable. Her disposition is that individuals or people who, with impunity or sheer carelessness, sturbonly refused to activate their unique potentials towards advancing human and institutional progress should be excused to try the sun from other climes. In fact, indolent people makes Commandant Tar allergic!

CIS Tar is a pragmatist. She is highly adventurous and her drive for innovations is insatiable. She is very opened to fresh ideas and with strong, superior and convincing arguments, Mrs Tar will humbly set aside any decision she would have taken otherwise but certainly not doing so at expense of Institutional and moral best practices. She believes no system should be static and so determined to unbundle or set aside any outdated dogma that cannot add any value to human human society.  

Dr. Mrs Tar is a woman of faith. She fears God and totally depend on Him to use people to get great task accomplished. It is her strong conviction and believe that with God all things are possible. It can be deducted from her mindset and philosophical disposition that whatever cannot be done now could only have been limited by time and knowledge.

Commandant Tar is indeed a respected phenomenon. She is an enigma whose trade in stock can be commissioned for men who wants to succeed in life to under study and gain great virtue. No philosophical and value stand point defines CIS/Commandant Tar's world view than the profound adage that says: "Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well"! 

Without sounding immodest, I have the conviction that Dr. Ngunan Tar, a great Amazon, shall go down in the annals of history of Nigeria Immigration Service and, particularly, NITSA) as one who came, saw and, by the grace of God, duly paid her dues in the advancement of the system!

Commandant Tar is a dedicated farm with special interest in Mushroom farming. She is married with four well trained children: Wilma, Terhila, Terkura and Favour. This great mother is also very a patriotic and passionate peace ambassador who is making silent effort in peace building initiatives, especially, in Benue State, Nigeria through Global Peace Women Foundation, an international Non-Govermental Organisation (NGO) with headquarters in United States of America (USA). 

Let me sincerely thank Commandant Tar, my boss for the confidence she reposed on me and the honour of directly serving under he as Special Assistant (SA). It was a rewarding experience working closely with her in NITSA. Even though I tried to do my best, I cannot be sure her confidence and expectations of me were fully made. Therefore, I take responsibility for all my errors and do sincerely apologise for same. I also appeal that she never ceases trying me (or even others) because my shortcomings couldn't have been delibrate but just that I am fallable. My loyalty is extended and if I should have another opportunity, nothing stops me from serving under Mother Tar!

Let me prospect and project here that the last  of this celebrated woman in the mirrow is yet to be heard. As the Commandant/CIS, Dr. Mrs Ngunan Tar, pcc+, mspsp, JP, gallantly bows out of NIS after 34 solid years of meritorious service, I sincerely pray she finds even greater opportunities to serve God and humanity in the days ahead and doing so in good health too. May the fruits and memories of her modest investments in Nigeria and NIS, in particular, continue to satisfy and give her sustained joy even in retirement. 

When i consider that others out there who started this same journey with Ngunan Tar could not last to see their retirement days, I can only but say she is a favoured woman. Happy retirement, Happy birthday to a leader-cum-mother so idyllic!

*Ayuba, Yilgak'ha (SI), Special Assistant to the Commandant/CIS*



It was John F Kennedy, former President of the United States of America (USA) who averted, "Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve a lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples to build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. It takes a leader whose charisma, pragmatic disposition, and/or a high sense of duty and patriotism to inspire fresh hope and motivate positive actions in a people.

The place of leadership cannot be underestimated in the life of an organic state which is susceptible to changes arising from

the interplay of dynamic forces both within and without. Each time nation progress, there is a  meritorious leadership pull or push behind it. The reverse is the case when a nation is retrogressing: There is a mediocre leader behind it. In other words, national progress or retrogression is largely the function of leadership capability!

Let me, draw our attention to a profound hypothesis which is attributed to Boller (1981) who says, "All nations generate self-serving myths that show the people and the country in a favorable moral light. Quite often, these myths focus upon an individual hero who simultaneously embodies or expresses the national character." Plateau stands for something: One state under God and the anchor of Nigeria's unity and progress. This claim is geographically convincing, politically correct, and culturally defensible!


Plateau State has no short of heroes who have generated myths of greatness. For example, the state had had the popular emancipator, Late Chief Solomon Daushep Lar of blessed memory who governed the state from 1979 to 1983, and others that follow both in the political arena and other fields of human endeavor and duly acknowledged but in my modest estimation, former military administrator, Late Joseph Dechi Gomwalk has generated more myth-making than any other leader in Plateau history. And ironically, he served in a military environment.


The benefit of Collective Memories(CM) as a historical phenomenon which Schuman and Scott (1989) defined as "widely shared knowledge of past social events" deeply bore witness to this factual claim. The establishment of the first color television, construction of JD Gomwalk Secretariat, Plateau Publishing Company, Jos campus of the University of Ibadan which subsequently becomes the great University of Jos, road network quality road network across the former Benue State which occupies more than 50% of the present North Central Nigeria, etc, on my mind!


What about it then, does it matter? Seriously, it does: In this crucial time of our chequered history, plateau needs a man who embodies the myths that gladden our hearts and swells our collective pride.


Plateau deserves a new visionary leader, somebody courageous, emotionally and morally balanced, and determined to make a clear difference in governance. The state needs a catalytic and transgenerational but incorruptible leader that the spoils of office cannot corrupt and the tendencies of anti-progressive forces cannot distract.


Plateau needs a brand of tested leader in the order of our legendary JDG. We need a man with JD Gomwalk's vibes to govern Plateau the beautiful. We, and myself, personally, do not care where this expected leader might come from; the concern is the noble things such 'messiah' can do to make this endowed but weak state, not only great but a trailblazer in the comity of states and a manner befitting of a 21st-century standard.


It is high time Plateau State breaks away from its civil service orientation; strategically harness its tourism and agricultural potentials, maximize its proximity to the nation's seat of power, the Federal Capital Territory, and, more importantly, restore genuine and lasting peace to the state. A mediocre who does not have the stamina and requisite leadership capabilities to deliver on these critical areas will not be good enough.


When former President Lee Kuan Yu who brought Singapore "From the Third world to the First World" was about to exit power on the eve of the National Day Rally, he warned Singaporeans as follows: "One key requirement (for getting it right) "is: let's avoid hypocrisy. And let's do things honestly... There is no use, it is futile kidding ourselves... If a thing is going to get better, if you leave it alone, then leave it. May it'll get better. But if you know it's going to get worse, it is irresponsible to leave it."


He continued: "The recognition that there is a problem at the beginning of the solution. Get our ablest and our best into politics. If you believe you are going to get good governance, whatever you do, then you are going to risk it all away. Your vote in jokers, cranks, weak men, charlatans with some gift of the gab, you run a very serious risk of losing everything you have... Your future depends on what you make of it. The government can give you that framework, it can give expression to the will of the people but the people must have that will. If you don't have then there is nothing government can do." This message is aptly ours today.


Yu's moving speech is for us because there are outstanding contradictions in our polity which require conscious and deliberate attention to reverse in. It is also a message for us because there is lukewarmness in our citizens when it comes to matters of going out to vote. It is for us because mundane considerations are still common factors in our voting decisions. It is for us because there is a vital merit factor we need to emphasize and pay close attention to if we want to break through. It is for us because an opportunity has come for us to make leadership choices at various levels of governance and we do not want to take chances.


A golden opportunity has come for us to make a difference. Frank Fanon will put it this way: "Each generation must out of relative obscurity discover its purpose and fulfill it or betray it." What does this charge suggest to you? Very simple: The choice is entirely ours to make in this voting year. A people reap what they collectively sow. You cannot sow objectivity and reap tyranny, or sow subjectivity and escape dictatorship!


Vote tribal instincts, cultural biases, and or religious sentiments and we will be sorry for ourselves. Let us objectively pay attention to our inner convictions and prayerfully vote the dictates of our conscience and Plateau shall be better for it.


If this charge does not make sense to you today; it will sometimes in the nearest future when the chips are down. When the reality of the problems we subjectively invest our votes in began to manifest, no tribal sentiment, religious bias, or cultural deception could help; only objectivity can. Conversely, when the fruits of the votes we objectively invested in began to yield results, not even our tribal, cultural, and religious differences will diminish our collective sense of Joy.


If Greek gifts or mundane considerations or political spoils like salt, wrappers, motorcycles, phones and even cars, etc. for votes still attract or motivate our voting instincts, then we are part of the deep-seated problems militating against our collective progress. Sheer lukewarmness or indifference in matters of public interest cannot fix deep-seated contradictions or leadership crises in any system be it mechanical, digital, or human system.


A vote for objectivity is a deadly missile against mediocrity, corruption and impunity but a cheering booster to good governance and that is what we want. Active participation in politics is a necessary condition but objective voting is even more important and a sufficient condition for the enthronement of a good governance structure. In other words, only objectivity can change our narrative. God bless Plateau State and her people.


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, March 26, 2022; SMS: 08116181263)




Schuman, H. & Scott, J. (1989). Generations and Collective memory. American Sociological Review, 54, 359 - 381.


Boller, F. P. (1981). Presidential anecdotes. New York: Oxford University Press.


Lee, K. Y. (1990). National day rally speech. YouTube video.

HON. Shikir Nuhuh CALEB picks nomination and declarations forms expresses optimism that PDP will cruise to victory at General Elections

HON. SHIKIR NUHU CALEB picks nomination and declaration forms,  express optimism that PDP will cruise to victory in the General Elections

An astute politician Hon Caleb Shikir has picked his nomination for Kanke State Constituency at the PDP party secretariat office in Jos.

Speaking to newsmen Hon Caleb Shikir noted that his motivation is hinged on the passion to serve his people whole heartily.

He said ‘wealth of experience as a Local Government legislature and exposure in the private sector are his driving force to aspire for the position of the state House of Assembly.

Shikir expresses optimism that PDP is on the right to reclaim power in 2023.

Accompanying Hon Shikir to pick the forms where his wife and several other politicians amidst cheering and commendations.

Shikir Nhuh Caleb, a native of Tipik-Dewa in Garram District, Kanke Local Government Area of Plateau State, believes that things work out best for those who make the best of their circumstances.

He is an experienced banker, accountant, administrator, microfinance expert, and entrepreneur who is very dedicated, intelligent, meticulous, oriented, energetic, motivated, and industrious, with over 25 years of experience in both the public and private sector of the Nigerian economy and entrepreneurship.


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...