Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, November 10, 2022; 08116181263;

Every human is defined in either of these two ways: Who he is or how he wants people to see him. Who a man is tied to his integrity quotient; how he wants the world to see him is related to his reputation. In between these two stand points lay the balancing window for explaining what has become the reality of existence and the puzzling way of life of man and his institutions, be they economic, political, religious, etc.

Because the issue at stake has alot to do with the reality of things and its derivatives, it is important to take note of the postulation by Berger and Luckman (1966) that, 'reality is socially constructed and that the sociology of knowledge must analyse the process in which this (reality) occurs.' Therefore, this discourse is situated within the context of positive and normative reasoning which are two opposing analytical approaches used in behavioural sciences like psychology, political science, sociology, economics, business management, etc explain social phenomena.

Positive reasoning percieves things from the the prism of  "What is" (realist school of thought) while normative thinking is related to the idea of "What ought to be" (idealist school of thought). The philosophical foundation of the concepts of integrity and reputation are built around positive and normative approaches in social analysis respectively.

Integrity is the attribute of being constantly one's self whether in secret and/or in the open because what is being done is righteously, morally and legally correct. On the other hand, reputation means hypocritical attribute of being flippant in action to gain acceptance before divergent publics. In other words, integrity is a constant; reputation is a variable which changes with changing circumstances.

Elexander the great once told his name sake, a soldier who run away from one of his country's wars against enemies: "Change your name or change your ways." This was because Elexander saw himself as a committed and determined soldier who cannot abandon any battle engagement and so those who bear names like his should live up to that expectation, no more; no less!

Learning to be consistent in thoughts, words and actions is in deficit in today's world but a  virtue that cannot be wished away. The actions of men must reflect the spirit and letters of their words and the words of men reflecting in their everyday actions to minimise or even eliminate all indicting contradictions surrounding individuals or groups of individuals. "If we are ashamed to bear the true tag of what we do, then we must change what we do. A witch should be bold enough to answer a witch and stop answering a prophet", said Pastor Etim Ogbeide.

Any problem that mimics cannot be solved easily. It is only when men live up the true meaning of their belief systems that their Ideological problems, if any, can be tracked and solved. A religious fanatic or bigot who masquerades as a liberal saint is an accident waiting to happen because a man cannot pretend forever. This is also because, "to a religious bigot humanity is barely skin-deep. He lives in a world of surfaces, a world of masks and artifice. Thus he expouse the absoluteness of externals"(Olatunji, 2022). This means that for a religious zealot, religion is valued above humanity it is meant to shape and so cannot be predicted.

In the community of people friendship is germane. However, all friendship are built upon mutual benefit or mutual predictability and trust. No two person can reliably and sustainably co-habit who are practically strange bed fellows. Strangers could relate but temporarily until those involved graduate from mere acquintances to good friends whose relationship is driven by sustained mutual understanding. 

One of the greatest challenge of communal living is discreet conservatism, that is, being, "careful and prudent in one's speech or actions, especially, in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment." Discreet conservatism is the maintenance of secretive or tonque-chequing disposition that is meant to hide someone's mischievous tendencies. It is anti-thetical to sound and enduring relationships.

Pearl Buck in a forward to "Passport to Friendship", a book written by William Peters in 1957 noted that, "if people knew each other well through their various ways of living and thinking, a human relationship would result which, based upon mutual understanding, could mean peace on earth and goodwill among men." This assertion implies that being earnest, plain or reasonably opened to one another in a community creates reliable atmosphere for brotherhood and sisterhood to thrive between and amongst neighbours. It motivates trust and deepens the bond of unity amongst people which every society craves, especially, in the globalised social configuration of the 21st Century.

The construction of a man's character and his disposition towards others is dependent, largely, upon the credibility of his mentoring agents in terms of the quality of instructions he is fed with in his life time. This idea is validated by Gimi (2022) who asserted that "the attitude of individuals, groups and communities towards one another are, in fact, a reflection of the way and manner in which they are conditioned by the providers of various forms of knowledge on whom they rely for guidance." Therefore, any personality stature that is built upon faulty instruction is bound to result in moral and ethical contradictions that diminishes the the integrity of a man. In other words, it takes credible moral instruction to build integrity quotent that is worth celebrating within the context of universally accepted virtues of truth, love, empathy. He that is truthful, loving and empathic bears the toga of a man of integrity.

The missing link between integrity and reputation represents the birth of human and societal contradictions. In a falling or imperfect world, humans and their institutions are susceptible to failures but no one is ever willing to admit failure. Individuals, groups and institutions, be they religious or political or even social, hardly own up to their glaring failures but, instead, claims reputations that cannot stand integrity test. For instance, a man who has failed stomach-flat, in his moral responsibilities, will still want to fake being morally upright just to gain acceptability in his community.

A thief will always fake being innocent until caught in the act; a liar faking honesty until caught lying; etc. How truly innocent are the innocent faces human beings carry in today's world? The amount of innocent faces we see around us cannot be reconciled with the excalating trends in crime and violence being perpetrated around the world today.

In religion, people arrogate to themselves saintly disposition and reputation they cannot deliver. Perhaps, religion has become one of the practically leading breeding grounds for evil but who will accept this fact?  There are churches everywhere, mosques everywhere and traditional shrines in communities, all claiming to be decent worship centres and agencies for social control but the evil men sometimes perpetrate from those centres could make one lose sleep through out his life. Places reputed to be platforms for the cultivation of God's oracle of peace, unity and love have bequeathed to us lame and morally sick community memberships. Today, people kill, rape and swindle their fellow men with reckless abundance, all in the name of religion thereby robbing religious bodies from where the criminals belonged of their integrity claims.

Nominally, there are fewer etheist, people who have no religion than religious people in the world today. Therefore, it can be hypothetically argued that 80% of the world's worst crimes are perpetrated by, at least, 20% of the world's religious rembership. And 20% of the world's worst crimes are perpetrated by etheists.

The outcome of actions or inactions taken in the name of religion in Nigeria is quite baffling. In the name of religion, morally exposed elements who have violated the country's standing rules could escape justice with great ease. Reflecting on this terrifying effects, Gimi (2022) stated that "it is discouraging that even after most Nigerians have recognised the fact that their respective religions, regions and ethnicities are the basic identies, they still have continued to show absolute recklessness in the way they handle those critically defining realities of their existence."

The new social order of this present century, globalisation, is a unique phenomenon which requires humans to go beyond just tolerating one another but to accept the reality of diversity and learnt to live together as one and the same people with common destiny (fate). In other words, the new civilisation provides ample opportunity for diverse people to congregate and share the beauty of their common humanity. It is, therefore, odd for anyone to take hard-lined and prejudiced decision to isolate and eliminate, with impunity, people whose shared belief differs from his or her own.

As the world increasingly become a "global village", narrowed community for human interaction through the power of phenomenal advancement in Information Communication Technology (ICT), intolerance and rejection of other people of different belief is an outdated fashion. It is ironical that while the world converge and integrates, others are engaged in fruitless effort to return humanity to the age of barbarism or cannibalism where humans eat humans. This should not be under any guise.

Whenever there is clash of civilisation (culture), especially, in this globalised and  democratised age, civil dialogue remains the only credible and harmless solution. Terrorism, religious or cultural fundamentalism will not do. In fact, the gun can only kill humans but certainly not their belief system. beliefs are intangible but deep seated spirits or shared ideas that can only be deconstructed through diligent and convincing instruction (teaching). History has shown that no force, no matter how powerful could expel or root out established belief systems in people; only sound, persuasive teaching could. That is why socialist and communist ideologies that were thought to have been eliminated during the cold war are still being nurtured in parts of the world today.

In the political space,  democracy is acclaimed the best of political systems. It is reputed to be a system which guarantees unreserved practice of rule of law (institutionalism) and majority rule. However, what happens even in advanced democracies like the United States of America (USA) sometimes defy democratic logic and leaves a bad taste. Under the United Nations are closed to 200 countries but America alone or any of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council could veto any global decision and that's it. 

America could declare war on any nation against UNs' protocol or unsolicited interventions and no sanction might be meted on it. Therefore, democracy is an elitest system of government of the privileged few who have military capacity to impose dominance on others and if convenient through controlled balloting. It is an elite system of government that legitimises itself through the manipulation of the common masses.

A man is what he does not what he wished he would have done. He is his actions and not his fantasised imaginations. This is the main thrust of the adage, "action speaks louder than voice." It is absolute hypocrisy doing one thing and professing another that is not in tandem with the action taken.

Integrity matters a lot but it seems to be missing in the dictionary of men, especially in the 21st century. No wonder artificial intelligence is increasingly the driver of civilisation in this age even in matters of relationship. It is unfortunate, man is increasingly losing his pride of place in the womb of time but together, we can reverse the order. Man is to rational to destroy his civilisation through irrationality!


William, P. (1957). Passport to Friendship. Philadelphia, New York: J. B. Lippincott Company

Gimi, S. (2022). Deborah Samuel: Hell in the spoken words (1). The Nation, May 19, 2022.

Berger, P. & Luckman, T. (1966). The social construction of reality. New York: Penguin Books.



Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has presented a budget proposal of One Hundred and Thirty-Nine Billion, Three Hundred and Fifty-Seven Million, One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and Eighty Naira, Thirty-Eight Kobo (N139,357,144,980.38) for the 2023 fiscal year.

Laying the Appropriation Bill before the Plateau State House of Assembly, the Governor said the budget consists of Seventy-Seven Billion, Six Hundred and Fifty Million, Six Hundred and Forty-Two Thousand, Thirty Naira, Eight-Five Kobo (N77,650,642,030.85) only as recurrent expenditure representing 55.72% of the total budget, and Sixty-One Billion, Seven Hundred and Six Million, Five Hundred and Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and Forty-Nine Naira, Fifty-Three Kobo (N61,706,502,949.53) as capital component which represents 44.27% of the total budget. 

He said the budget shows an increase of Thirty-Two Billion, Six Hundred and Forty-Nine Million, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Seven Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty-Eight Naira, Twenty-Six Kobo (N32,649,877,338.26) from the 2022 approved budget.

The Governor said the 2023 budget estimate tagged “Budget of Infrastructural Consolidation and Transition” will focus on completing major projects of the Rescue Administration and ensuring that government machinery continues to operate in a most efficient and productive manner.
He said "Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, you will recall that having completed many inherited and abandoned projects from previous administrations, this Government initiated many projects many which have been completed. Among them are the Legacy Projects comprising of world standard schools and hospitals spread across the 17 Local Government Areas of the State. Although the Legacy Project suffered a setback as result of the failure of the previous contractor to deliver the project within agreed timelines, I am happy to say that the project having been terminated has been re-awarded to a new contractor and advance payment made. The Contractor is to to complete the project for commissioning before the end of this administration". 

Other projects which are being completed and will soon be commissioned according to the Governor include the Plateau High Court of Justice Complex which is more than 95 percent completed and currently being furnished. Also, the British American Junction Flyover and Dualisation to Lamingo Road Junction will be completed and commissioned before the lifespan of this administration. 

The General Hospital Mabudi, Langtang South Local Government and General Hospital Kwall, Kanke Local Government are equally being furnished and will soon be commissioned. Similarly, the completed Shendam internal roads and bridges as well as the Angwan Dadi – Kalong Bridge (being the longest bridge in Plateau State) will also be commissioned soon. Others include the Potato Value Chain Processing Centres in Bokkos, Mangu and Barkin Ladi, Riyom Water Works among others. 

Lalong said the Rescue Administration will continue to operate under a prudent, accountable, and transparent manner in line with the commitment to give value for money and improve the lives of the citizens. 

While urging the Assembly to give the proposed budget desired attention, the Governor said he has already directed all heads of MDAs to fully cooperate and make themselves available for the defence of the budget as well as provide necessary details that may be required.

In his speech, Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly Rt. Hon. Yakubu Sanda said the House will give the budget all necessary attention in order to ensure its passage into law for the good of the citizens. 

He added that the accelerated passage of the Budget after all the legislative process will also demonstrate their continued partnership with the executive in the delivery of dividends of democracy to the people.

Sanda advised heads of MDAs to cooperate with the House by appearing promptly to defend their estimates. 

Deputy Governor Prof. Sonni Tyoden, Deputy Speaker House of Representatives Rt. Hon. Idris Wase, Member Representing Pankshin, Kanke, Kanam Federal Constituency Yusuf Gagdi, APC State Chairman Hon. Rufus Bature were among dignitaries that graced the budget presentation.

Dr. Makut Simon Macham 
Director Press and Public Affairs to the Governor of Plateau State. 
11th November 2022.

David Dimka mobilizes support for Tinubu towards campaign flagg- off

Press Release;

As preparations are being finalized for the official Flag-off of the APC Presidential Campaign in Jos, Plateau State on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, the leader of the DVD Movement in Plateau State, Comptroller Victor David Ďimka fsi has called on his teeming supporters to come out enmasse and welcome the Presidential Candidate, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, (The Jagaban  of Borgu Kingdom) and his running mate, Senator Kashim Ibrahim Shetimà.

The leader of the DVD Movement who is a member of the Presidential Çampaign Council (PCC) said it is imperative to mobilise support and ensure that the good people of Plateau State give the Presidential candidate and his campaign team a rousy welcome to the State.

According to him, "Plateau State is known for hospitality and I believe Bola Ahmed Tinubu and  his team will be received in a very unique way."

The APC Presidential campaign ìs set to take Plateau by storm, and history has it that the State being a melting point of politics in the Middle Belt region is also symbolic of victory for national elections in Nigeria.

"We will leave no stone unturned to ensure receptive welcome for the Presidential team.

 This will be an opportunity for us in the State to define our strong position as APC State and our readiness to mobilise support for BAT and his team", he said.

 *#DVD* *Media*  .

Procold collaborates with Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) to educate Nigerians on safe use of original and authentic medicine.

Procold collaborates with Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) to educate Nigerians on safe use of original and authentic medicine.
With the rise of drug abuse and self-medication by Nigerians, Procold, Nigeria’s reliable brand and medicine for colds, flu and Catarrh launched an #Originalmovement campaign that seeks to educate Nigerians on safe use of drugs.

As the #Originalmovement gets underway, Procold initiates a bold move in  collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria as its long-term partner to encourage all Nigerians to take the authentic and best quality medicines by entering into a formal agreement, through establishing  a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which has been signed by both parties at the 95th Annual National Conference of PSN held at Gowon Hall, Crispan Suites & Events Centre, Rayfield, Jos on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

Speaking at the event and representing Orange Drugs Limited, Marvin Lucky, Head of Brands at Procold for West Africa, stated that “for more than 35 years, every household in Nigeria has relied on Procold as the trusted and reliable medicine for colds, flu and catarrh. The endorsement of Procold by the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) is a testament of what the brand is known for. As the number one brand for Cold, flu and Catarrh in Nigeria, this collaboration becomes another milestone for the commitment to always provide the best quality product the Nigerian public”

Professor Cyril Usifoh, the President, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) in his speech, said “Procold has been a leading and established brand among the cold remedies in Nigeria for over 3 decades. He affirmed that the leadership of PSN is excited that Procold has been stepping out, to not only providing good quality product to every Nigerian family for years, but also embarking on health education and promotion for Nigerians as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility. 
The President further stated that PSN is very proud to be associated with Procold at a time that all pharmaceutical stakeholders need to brace up to ensure Medicine Security in Nigeria. The endorsement is therefore a commitment on the part of PSN to always advocate for Nigerians’ health through access to best quality medicines.”  

The Annual National Conference was a remarkable success with the Chairman of Occasion, former Nigerian Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, GCFR, the host, Plateau State Governor, His Excellency,  Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, CON, Special Guest of Honour, the Executive Chairman of NDLEA  Gen. Mohammed Buba Marwa, OFR, CON and other important dignitaries were in attendance to witness the MoU signing and also attested to efficacy of Procold in the treatment of cold, flu and catarrh. 

Orange Drugs Limited, the manufacturer of Procold in Nigeria, is dedicated to offering consumers the best in pharmaceutical industry to build a better health for the nation.




(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, November 9, 2022; 08116181263;

Before I proceed with this intellectual exercise, permit me to make a disclaimer here. I am not a linguist and do not have a literary license. However, our linguists and literary icons will pardon me to stray into their knowledge and professional domain today. After all, I am protected if writing is an art because art allows room for creativity.

Transfuturistic rationality (reasoning) is my intellectual coinage. I came about it when I was philosophizing and trying to put together one of my pieces under my literary column, "Modest Thoughts" which is a platform I have used to share my worldview on many cross-cutting issues affecting humanity.

Transfuturistic rationality or reasoning, in my estimation, is any present action or actions that are tale guided by future consequences or outcomes. When a man attempts to answer the question of what will the consequential effect of his action (s) tomorrow be, he or she engages in transfuturistic reasoning. Another concept that could be referenced or liken to this thinking is Buddhist philosophy encapsulated in the Law of Karma. The law of Karma summarizes that what a man sows, the same shall he reap. The scriptures replicated this law in the Book of Galatians 6:7.

I never understood the philosophy behind the Law of Karma until an Abuja-based computer guru, whom I have so much respect for, Engineer Ogak Gowon, lightens my intellectual ignorance through a response he gave to one of my numerous Social Media posts. Below was the intelligent hint he provided:

_"Must Japanese are Buddhist. Their religion teaches them the law of cause and effect. Karma. The Buddhists believe that your present life is determined by your past life. Hence their actions today determine their next life and so they are more worried about their next life by being conscious of their present state.. it is indeed a good life to emulate."_

Take note of the emphasis on consciousness about the interplay between present actions and future effects the explanation captured. Transfuturistic reasoning and the law of Karma are also in consonance with a wide range of natural science laws. Therefore, they are not abstract laws, but practical principles of life and nature. This calls for sober reflection.

Transfuturistic rationality is very important in the life of humans who are moral agents. It is germane because it has the potential to shape the quality of interaction amongst humans (social intelligence) and service to God (righteousness).

Transfuturistic reasoning is an intellectually induced factor for human progress. It relates to intellectual reasoning and capabilities that are smart in catching the vision of what tomorrow brings. The main thrust of the philosophy is that there is tomorrow in man's present enterprises and engagements.

Let me graft the full content of the idea that motivated the idea of Transfuturistic reasoning in the first place. Without editing, it reads: _"TRANSFUTURISTIC RATIONALITY

If tomorrow comes, that distress contact you refused to attain today, might just be the hotline you will need to sort yourself out of tomorrow's distress. Empathy, therefore, becomes the antidote for tomorrow's needless shame. This is what I termed transfuturistic rationality, that is, action(s) teleguided by future consequences (Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, April 16, 2022)." After putting together the body of this piece, the idea of the title mysteriously came to me and was accordingly reflected upon and developed.

Transfuturistic rationality is a phenomenon for all people. It is good for businessmen who want their customers to keep coming. If you maltreat your customers in business, they shall maltreat you tomorrow by not returning to patronize your product or services. It is good for politicians who always have the next election to face.

When a politician deceives people to win an election or a public officeholder failed to deliver on his core mandates to the people, his chances in subsequent elections will be jeopardized. Transfuturistic rationality is good for a student who is aspiring to be the best, valedictorian. Such a student must work hard to get it at graduation or miss out on the altar of laziness.

Transfuturistic rationality is all about the drive for enduring virtues of life. It is a vision, sympathy and empathy, love, morality, wisdom, endurance, patience, consistency, investment, etc. Towards a better and more rewarding future. It is a forward-looking phenomenon that de-markets the will to be insensitive to tomorrow's repercussions. Transfuturistic rationality encourages people to pursue the path of honour and integrity where people who make it to see tomorrow will not have to be ashamed about their yesterday's actions or inactions. It is all about carving a path in the way of increasing relevance amongst reasonable men.

Whoever wants to secure his tomorrow must not lose sight of history. Luck Dube sang a song with the lyrics "there is no future in the past" (history), agreed, but there is a great lesson to learn from it. History is the barometer that guides the launch path of success. A good knowledge of it helps man to avoid the pitfalls of the past while venturing into the future which is full of opportunities and possibilities. It is transfuturistic rationality when a man becomes history conscious as a strategy to escape the repeat of past contradictions.

The knowledge of the history of a horrible past like the Rwandan genocide, eugenics, and its clear genocidal manifestation in Nazi Germany, etc. Is necessary to awaken human consciousness about any movement that could plunge humanity back into those evil days of man's cruelty against man. It is in this light that Crichton (2004) wrote that the theory and history of eugenics was a dreadful and embarrassing one but it is a story that should be well known to every global citizen so that its horrors are not repeated. Anything short of the motivation to know about an ugly past to safeguard the future is transfuturistic irrationality.

We are all victims of transfuturistic negligence. Part of the future we refused to effectively construct yesterday is now the present (today) we are battling to survive. As a nation and as individual citizens, we are struggling with existential problems which derive from transfuturistic irrationality. Nigeria's socio-economic and political woes and structural imbalances which manifested insecurities like Boko Haram insurgency, banditry, kidnapping, etc., or escalating unemployment and poverty, stunted economic growth as well as endless agitations for holistic restructuring are there to warn us against further inaction because tomorrow will always come.    

Transfuturistic irrationality is when a man or a person throws caution to the wind and behaves as if tomorrow will not come. A classic example of transfuturistic irrationality is the John Maynard Keynes postulation which favors the short run (now) with the mindset that in the long run (future) we are all dead. Transfuturistically irrational persons are often present sensitive, but future useless. This means that should the future comes, the man who failed to plan gets confused or disorganized and at risk of missing it all. A disorganized today is a recipe for a chaotic tomorrow because the present and the future are functionally related under normal circumstances.

Transfuturistic rationality is the cultivation of wisdom in the womb of time. It is the consciousness to be proactive, that is, thinking ahead. The phenomenon is the defining element of visionary people who plan seeds which, upon germination, gives reasons for the celebration of past decision(s). Therefore, transfuturistic rationality is the currency of the future, which derives from present investments.

It is important to note that transfuturistic rationality is not a linear concept. Since the phenomenon has a time dimension, it is prone to natural and artificial moderation which can be dictated by unforeseen influences arising from the social environment. Transfuturistic reasoning subscribes to the theory of chaos which functions within the context of dynamism. Hence, it provides an opportunity for the hopeless to be hopeful since there is a window for surprises. This is the point of departure of this phenomenon from the law of Karma.

The gains and benefits of today's civilization are the product of somebody's sacrifice and commitment to trasfuturistic rationalization. On the other hand, however,  the woes the world is suffering today are products of somebody's transfuturistic irrationality.

At leadership levels, transfuturistic rationality gives birth to the transgenerational transformation of societies. At the individual level, trasfuturistic rationality raises the personality profile of those who cultivate it, but diminishes the profile of those who jettisoned it over time. May the benefit of this discourse awaken our consciousness to the need to take transfuturistic reasoning seriously.

Futuristic rationality is a deliberate attempt to strike a balance between life's responsibilities of today and the consequences of tomorrow. It has to do with the tracking and moderation of present actions to ensure that their consequences do not result in injurious pain(s), going forward. It is a new lexicon in human philosophy and/or relations within the context of the interrelationship between or amongst the actions or inactions of the past the present and the future.


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...