(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, March 4, 2024; 08116181263)

The world is drifting badly. We humans are losing our humanity. That sense of love, sympathy, empathy, call it compassion which stood humans out for ages have disappeared. Humans do not care any more. Humans have become so cruel to their kinds. Things have gone so bad. Even animals do not do the things humans do today. In fact, their way of life have now become a school for the redemption of human virtues!

It was in this state of concern that John Gash in his book, "Moonspender" which was published in 1986 lamentably asked: "Where has compassion gone? I earnestly wish people would reform. I'll even reform myself when I can get a minute." When compassion eludes a people, then, nothing is left but destruction without remedy!

Compassion is that composite function or status of being sympathetic or showing of concern over the sufferings or misfortunes of others. In dictionaries, thesaurus or even encyclopedia, the term is synonymous to words or phrases like showing pity, sympathy, feeling of
empathy, showing understanding, care and concern. It is, also, about being solicitude, sensitive, tender-heartedness, 
warm-hearted, loving, kind, tender-hearted, gentle, merciful, lenient,
tolerant, considerate, benevolent, etc. Take away any of these virtues out of humanity and tell me what is left - Nothing ofcourse!

Unfortunately, humans have gradually changed from being compassionate beings to uncompassionate beings. We are increasingly becoming indifferent, heartless, careless, wicked, carnibalistic, etc. We care so little or not at all about the needs of others. This was not how God created us to function; "God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes" (Ecclesiastes 7:29 NIV).

In their evil schemes, humans have learned to celebrate the downfall of one another; in their their schemes, also, humans have learned to take advantage of the misfortunes of others; in their schemes, humans have learned to pray or plan the down fall of their fellow humans. Today, Pull him Down syndrome (PhD) has become part of our reality as humans. This shouldn't be!

When humans eat their kind, it is the manifestation of the lack of compassion in them; when humans kill, maim and destroy one another, it is also, the manifestation of the lack of compassion in them; when humans make false accusations or false witness against their fellow humans, it is still the manifestation of the the lack of compassion in them. This shouldn't be!

Where there is compassion, people cannot hurt each other with words. Compassionate people are polite and no harsh with words. They are civil and speak with grace. Their words are full of encouragements and motivations. When a compassionate man has nothing good to say about somebody, the simply shut up. Even when compassionate people rebuke, they do so with so much love and care and with very good intentions.

Where there is compassion, our governance structures will not be corrupt but decent and functional for the common good. Unfortunately, 'the poor folks, in our midst, are hurt from neglect and indifference from government, our institutions are becoming warehouses for those unable to help themselves' (Pack in Harold E. Hughes's, "The man from Ida grove", 1979).
This shouldn't be!

Where there is compassion, there shall be no kidnappings, banditry, Boko Haram insurgency, ritual killings, cybercrimes and, any other, such deadly practices. Even when such tendencies dare to raise their ugly heads, the state will be frontal and deliberate in rooting them out with the promptness they deserve!

Compassion is a trigger for healing interventions. In Mathew 14:14-21, the scripture says: "And when Jesus went out, He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick." The healing exercise reported here was motivated by Jesus' compassion and nothing else. It means that compassionate people are brokers of solutions! 

Compassion forgives. With compassion, there shall be forgiveness and, with forgiveness, there shall be no vengeance or personal vendetta. A forgiving heart does not keep malice but show mercy in every circumstances. 

Compassion is about equity and fairness. It does not show favouritism or bias. It is about being inclusive and, not showing any form of discrimination. Compassion abhores all forms of inequalities: racism (colour discrimination), gender discrimination, class discrimination, cultural discrimination, religious discrimination, regional discrimination, etc.

In a falling wall, there is no place that is completely devoid of evil but the degree of it varies with climes. In some countries, there is so much evil on a scale that is mind blowing. Nigeria is blessed but teetering on the path of destruction sustained by lack of compassion amongst people and their leaders.

It is gross deficit of compassion that has hightened the rate of insecurity which has caused so many lives and properties in Nigeria. The number of people killed and properties destroyed in this country through insecurity can only be imagined. Nigeria is reputed one of the most terrorised countries in the world.

It is gross deficit of compassion that has escalated the problems of corruption in Nigeria. The amount of resources that have stolen from private as well as public institutions can only be imagined. It is one reality that is threatening to bring Nigeria to its knees.

It is gross deficit of compassion that has escalated the problems of inequality in Nigeria. In this country people are discriminated against on the basis of religion, tribe, gender, etc. These realities have destroyed or dwarfed our national character. Most of our supposedly national leaders are behaving like sectional champions who have no responsibilities to the the Nigerian state. Their loyalty is to sectional and bias interests that are injurious to national unity and cohesion.

It is gross deficit of compassion that has implified intolerance amongst citizens. Those who see our diversity as source of strength are very infestesimal in Nigeria. We hardly recognise and tolerate the reality of cultural, religious and gender diversity. This has always been part of the triggers of violent crises in parts of the country.

It is deficit of compassion that has escalated the problems of abject poverty in the country. It is so sad that my country is the poverty capital of the world despite its enormous endowments in both human and material resources. Our is a case of water,  water everywhere but there is no water to drink. What an irony?

So much water has gone under the bridge in Nigeria through our deficit in compassion at individual, corporate and government levels. When we cultivate compassion as a national character, Nigeria will be restored to the path of greatness. There is no way a people can cultivate compassion and they will not make progress.

Humanity has suffered a great deal and it has no remedy but to go the way of compassion. When people learned to show compassion towards one another; organisations showing compassion towards one another and, those in positions of authority show compassion towards their subjects and the subjects showing concern towards their leaders, the world will be a better place for all to live with joy!

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