What comes to your mind when terms automation is mentioned to you? Have you tried to ask questions when new buzz words like Artificial Intelligence (AI) crosses your mind? Technology has taken man to such a high pedestal but there is one thing that cannot be outsourced: Character. Character is the test of our humanity.
Digital machines could be programmed to handle hard skills but when it comes to soft skills, the power to think and relate, humans must take charge. Machines can make fine fabrics but only humans can build network of relationships.
The day the power to think and relate is outsourced to machines, then, humanity is finished. Only humans think, only humans relate; machines cannot, not even animals that we can learn from, especially, in our present civilisation.
Any civilisation that is tended towards replacing humans is a recipe for destruction. Watch it. Watching it is just the right thing to do. Too much of everything is bad.
We need technology but the power to manage it must be man's. The machines that gives abundance must not leave humanity in want!
When machines start planning food menu for families; when machines start cooking and serving man; when machines start writing theses or school assignment for man; when machines start replacing humans in bed, then, the beginning of the end of man has started.
The knowledge of science that promotes genetic modification or restructuring could be lethal to human survival and progress in the long run!
Like dinosaurs, humans could go extinct when our progress in science and technology is left untamed. Dinosaurs were great species of animals but extinct today. As great as they were in the past, they are history or myth now.
Ease might end up becoming man's greatest undoing in the 21st century. Technology promises ease for man but have the tendency to destroy or replace man too. Its gains are so real but potential downsides are real too!
Technology is a good servant but, certainly, a bad master. At the level of servanthood, it makes you feel highly of yourself and ontop of the world. At the level of masterhood, on the other hand, fear technology, fear water and fear fire. Their control is always total and utterly destructive without remedy!
In all of this, do I sound like an alarmist? No, I don't. I am just thinking. My thinking is predicated on the assumption that for everything that has a good side, there is a bad side to it.
God bless the ingenuity, the thinking power of humanity that has brought us this far. Our scientist, technologists and even artists have given humanity a new value and meaning but let man (generic usage) not outsourced the energy that makes him what God created him to be.
We are created in the image of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made to work and manage the world. We have been given the delegated power to take dominion until the master of the universe returns. To do these, God gave man the unique power to think, so that through his ingenuity, he will do great things that glorifies Him (God). That is the wisdom of God!
Within our dominion, man has fashioned and is fashioning out technologies to help us deliver on God's delegated obligations. If we handle the role with 'pride of life' or to make name for ourselves like Lucifer did or like the sons of men did while initiating the building of the Tower of Babel (1John 2:16-17 and Genesis 11:1-9), then, we are in for big shockers. God will scatter us!
'You are the Lord, that is your name, you will never share your glory with any man, you will never share your glory with anybody, Almighty God, that is your name'. There is no better way to conclude this piece than singing this song as a reminder to man that the power to invent is God's gift to man for His glory and not for man to replace His will and purpose!
*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, March 7, 2024)*
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