(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, October 28, 2022; 08116181236; loisayuba420@gmail.com)

Make no mistake about it, human beings are social and sexual beings. The reality of this construction means that where two or three opposite sex meet, they are most likely attracting each other, exhibit courtship behaviour, and possibly indulge in sexual intimacy over time irrespective of faith or ideological background. The speed and extent to which this happens vary with individuals or groups who might be more sexually active than others.

Sexual intercourse is hard to define in the contemporary world. At the most basic level, however, it is the intimate and physical interaction of sexual organs between two adults, especially, husbands and wives who have erotic love for each other for ecstatic pleasure, satisfaction, and procreation. This activity is often preceded by several other activities tagged foreplay, e.g caressing which enhances the quality of sex between the partners. When sex activities exceed the scope clearly defined here as it is the reality of today's world, it amounts to an 'extramarital affair' which should be carefully watched, discouraged, and, if possible, voided. 

Incidences, tendencies, or trends in sexual adventure and exploitation can be tamed but not easily among sexually active people. In a community of eunuchs, castrated, raped or virgins, curtailing or controlling sexual anxiety is easier than when people who have experienced sexual pleasure are involved. Those who abstain from sex in response to religious and/or diabolic considerations are also there, but, in any case, are social accidents waiting to happen when the conquering reality and power of sexual urge is underestimated by them.

Sexual motivation is a passion. It has its root in emotion which like fire, is a good servant but a bad master. Sex, fear, and anger are in the same emotional equation. In other words, they are of emotional construction that has consuming powers, especially, when they take hold of a person.

Here is the issue, any society that is exposed to untamed sexual seduction is likely to be consumed by it. There is nothing religious about this reality. A godly man or woman who pretends to have sexual immunity when in the corner with the opposite sex is sure to indulge in sex over time, especially, when the company is appealing or attractive in any way. Truth be told, secret sex is more prevalent among idealists than realists. In other words, any problem whose reality is ignored or underestimated cannot be solved, but rather grows steadily to such a point that it cannot be managed any longer.

A chastity or sexual purity is a virtue, but cannot be easily attained by pretense or wishful thinking. Inbuilt and deeply seated in humans is a delicate sex battery that can be charged anytime. Any natural man or woman who runs away from sexually charged environments is wise. Underestimate this escape proposal to your peril if your body chemistry is standard. It is only a fool who steps into a fire and assumed he/she will not be burnt at all.

The need to moderate the sexual orientation of people has become urgent, significantly, in the 21st century. In contemporary times, sex has become so common and the most abused provision or endowment to humans.  Rather than using it responsibly for procreation and decent marital pleasure, it has been exploited for varying purposes which range from commercial to ritual, diabolic and unnatural practices that are outside the frame of its design.

Sex for marital pleasure and procreation is an aged-long and traditional function of man. Through it, decent families are cultivated and raised for the building of functional societies and the promotion of civilization. Any society whose family units default in taking the responsibility of childbearing seriously is bound to go extinct in time because the available people might be consumed by natural catastrophes, health epidemics/pandemics, old age, and death. Through birth control measures like abortion and the use of contraceptives, some countries have suffered a gross deficit in the human population that could have anchored productivity functions. This reality has created an urgent and compelling need to accept migrants as a short-run solution and pay willing citizens to bear more children as a long-run solution. Countries like Germany, Spain, etc. Have experienced this reality.

Sex drive for diabolic and ritual purposes is another dimension the sex revolution has taken. Sex is a mysterious point of contact for spiritual exchange and importation with sex partners. For example, a man or woman that is demon-possessed could mysteriously but easily transmit those spirit(s) to as many as those they share sexual beds with. It has been insinuated that in a desperate move to gain fame, wealth, and power, some have gone so low to the extent of sleeping with lunatics, corpses, etc. There is no extent desperate, occultic, and diabolic folks cannot go when it comes to pursuing their orgies and reckless ends. This calls for great caution and self-discipline.

The use of sex for commercial purposes is one of the most lucrative, but contradictory adventures in human history. It is an aged-long practice that has evolved and has taken a new dimension with the advent of digital technology. Throughout history, women rocked by poverty have sold sex as a means of subsistence, but this has grown into a full-scale commercial venture from where many have made big but illicit fortunes. For instance, it is reported that Georgian London city, as beautiful as it is, was substantially, built from the proceeds of prostitution in the 18th Century (Dan, 2009:X). In every major city and town around the world, varying degrees of prostitution, which range from petty sex vendors to call girls branding or modeling class exist and are operated openly or discreetly depending on extant laws governing the host communities of practitioners.

With the advent and sophistication in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), sex merchants have built cathedrals for sex merchandise and distribution. Sex has become a big trade hub after drug cartels in the world's shadow economy. Phenomenal innovations in the sex business, which range from pimp arrangements sustained by human trafficking, blue filming, pornography, sex dolling, etc. Have since become an evidential part of the internet world with well-developed websites and contacts (addresses) for easy access and patronage. The world today is enmeshed in a new orientation and civilization that is saturated by an untamed drive towards achieving utopian sex Eldorado.

There is a scepter of gay orientation that is permeating most modern civilizations. This scepter draws from the Epicurean philosophy which held that 'we eat and drink for tomorrow we die. A similar orientation is "Tantra", which is a religious, but mystical "treatise on any subject at all" and "teaches us that by embracing everything in life and delving into it totally, anything can be turned into a transformative, ultimately ecstatic, experience (Barbara, 2007). This 'everything' includes a liberal sex drive which is tended towards achieving maximum orgasm or satisfaction. It is in this context that sex merchants and mania converged to explore their divergent yet complimentary motives which are often outside the accepted rules of behavior in highly religious and conservative societies.

From innovations arising from open-ended teaching in Tantra comes amplified and escalating sexual disorders like lesbianism, homosexuals surrogacy, transgender, palimony, and Paedophilia ('persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children). The saddest thing is that these abnormalities are welcomed and legalized in some countries within the globalized world. These practices are vigorously campaigning for, and promoted with incentives on the one hand and threats of sanction where those proposals or adverts at turned down. For instance, the United States of America (USA) under the Obama administration had threatened to withhold grants to African countries which opposed and refused to legislate and domesticate gay rights. I remember with much gratitude to God when the  Nigerian government stood its ground and soundly rejected gay rights with a law outlawing it in 2014. The west is not giving up on its campaigns and threat of cultural globalization concerning profaned sex though. The desperate campaign is visibly present with us today, even in the remotest of communities.

Indecent dressing, increasing cases of abortion, rape, and free circulation of pornographic pictures, videos, and sex cartoons on social media are falling out of the sex revolution in Nigeria as in other parts of the world. How much data is used in accessing, downloading, and circulating sex-related content on the internet, especially, social media can only be imagined? It is not an exaggeration to argue that there are more sex partners on the internet than there are in outside it. There is an analog cum digital sex revolution that is destroying the very foundation and fiber of family life among couples. The family unit which is the anchor and custodian of sex freedom has been invaded and it is on the verge of utter ruin. The reality of this development is established in the increasing cases of planned single parenthood amongst adults today. In the past, single parenthood occurred mostly as a result of what was called a 'social accident' but this is not so now.

Some of the reported cases of infertility and disease which materialized in most matrimonial lives fall out from secret and unhealthy premarital expeditions in sex that did not manifest immediately. Extended dangers in sexual recklessness, whether before or within marriage are enormous and the implication is that once family units crumbled, society is finished. This is the situation this pro-family treatise seeks to deconstruct.

Indiscriminate sex tends to increase the production of the bastard population; increase cases of abortion; sterilization and infertility through the use of contraceptives; high risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), loss of productive energy, or abandonment of more production ventures on the altar of sexual pleasure, loss of prestige and trust, etc. Samson in the scriptures cheaply betrayed his Nazarene calls in pursuit of pleasure at the seductive and entrapping laps/cleavages of Delilah; King David's throne was desecrated when he slept with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, and, subsequently, prompted into further sin by successfully plotting the killing of the husband.

For a fact, when a sex transaction or relationship is involved, there is no guarantee of faithfulness in anything, no matter how anointed a man or woman is. When sex is concerned, there is no guarantee of trust, security, and safety. When sex is involved, anything can happen. Sex power has brought down nations and kings; destroyed anointed priests and religious cathedrals and exposed the world, it is meant to recreate destructive mode. In other words, sex is a springboard for recreation, but a quick trigger and catalyst for mass destruction too. It can relax or calm the body, but could light the fire of war amongst close friends.

Sexual passion like tongue must be tamed to enjoy its full promise. Do not underestimate the danger that is inherent in illicit sex which is a subtle pollutant. Like polluting and smelly smoke, once sex disorder takes its course or is activated, only God knows how far it can pollute the air we breathe. Sex, and profanity is the leading way to the grave.

Sexual endowment, which is a social catalyst, a nourishing meal for marital intimacy and procreation must be jealously protected from poisonings that indiscriminate and unprotected sexual intercourse bring. Those who are commissioned to indulge in sex as married adults must do so responsibly and for the purposes for which the endowment was provided by the creator.

Meddling in sexual activities can be tempting and the fallout from them can be quite fearful. Hence, the need for escape keys. In Psalm 119:9 (NIV),  the Bible asked, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word." "Your word" here means the Word of God, but what does it say?: "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body"(Corinthians 6:18, ESV). When it comes to sexual temptations there is no overcoming stamina, but to flee it!

Proverbs 5:1-6 (NIV) is cited to conclude this prose: "My son, pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight, that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge. For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end, she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.

She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander, but she does not know it." Very profound words to instruct the wise here!


Barbara, C. (2007). Urban tantra. Califonia & New York: Ten Speed Press.

Dan. C. (2009). The secret history of Georgian London. London: Windmill Boo

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