Walbe Orgak

As politicians kick-start campaigning, another opportunity has come for us to choose
upright and capable leaders, men with the pedigree and good track records of outstanding performance and excellence.

Amongst the array of dependable politicians that are seeking elective office is DIKET SATSO PLANG. This writes up is an attempt to briefly summarized some of his outstanding qualities.

CHARISMA:  Diket Plang is a gentleman and politician of tremendous propensity and the wherewithal to represent, his talent and the abilities to present or discuss issues are germane as senatorial candidates.

  He can entertain discussion on any subject matter under the sun with a gentlemanly mien and a blazing desire when it bothers to service humanity and community development. As a young person who was the Head Boy at the Gindiri Boys Secondary School, President of the Fellowship of Christians Students ATBU branch, Treasurer, of the Plateau Students Association and Chairman Gindiri Old Students Association ATBU Branch.

This is not to mention his foray into public office; his credentials in politics are colossal and outstanding. 

 DOGGEDNESS AND SELF-MOTIVATED: his accomplishments in all ramifications are admirable, looking at his past records and monumental achievements within and outside the political cycles are commendable, his has consistently left an indelible mark in the sand of sands of time.

   PASSION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE: right from youthful age he has utilized every small opportunity given to him to impact people around him. The leadership skill he acquired right from a youthful age has helped to propel him. The experience he obtained makes him believe that the essence of life is to render service to humanity to the best of his ability.

A MAN OF UNQUESTIONABLE CHARACTER: because of his, integrity, uprightness and far-sightedness his acceptability knows no bounds he has won several elections in both schools and in partisan politics. His outstanding performance in politics and other engagements is praiseworthy.

GRASSROOTS POLITICKING: he has built a reputation in grassroots politics, as a former Councilor, Local government chairman, and member Plateau State House of Assembly.   

HUMILITY: Diket Plang's extraordinary humility and leadership qualities and his passionate patriotism in all the tasks given to him are endless, given his track record in providing brilliance and ideal ideas on developmental issues; indeed, he is a round peg in a round hole in any political office. 

FIRMNESS: his humbleness can never be taken for granted because could be decisive, he will remain firm and committed to a just cause when believed an issue is right; he pursues it relentlessly to the conclusion he doesn’t give up easily.

TEAM PLAYER: his successes in politics are hinged on his ability as a team player, he is someone who actively engages other people to complete tasks, meet goals or manage projects, as a team.

PHILANTHROPIST: He is an individual who feels the welfare and comfort of the people come first, a meticulous leader who has proven that he will sacrifice all it takes to improve the lives of the people around him.

 ACHIEVER: right from his youthful age up till this moment, he doesn’t believe in failure. He has an insatiable quest to achieve results in any task given to him.


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