A WORD OF CAUTION TO POLITICAL POWER BROKERS IN PLATEAU STATE When it comes to general elections, Plateau people know what to do. Because primary elections are controlled processes, anybody could monitise and manipulate the delegates to install whoever he/she pleases as candidate (s) but, ultimately, the citizens will decide who carries the day at the secondary poll and Plateau electorates hardly missed out on that. Therefore, power brokers, in the state, are cautioned to take caution from the lessons of history. No sitting Governor has ever produced his successor in Plateau State. This is so not because this feat is an impossibility but failure of imposition. This should not be in view of the benefits of genuine continuity. Imposition breeds wild political intolerance and hatred which could lead to impulsive protest voting that may result in the emergence of unprepared elements in the corridors of power. Hence, bad leadership with nothing to offer the state. Let us break the circle of bad leadership. “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, said Winston Churchill. (Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, April 27, 2022)



When it comes to general elections, Plateau people know what to do. Because primary elections are controlled processes, anybody could monetize and manipulate the delegates to install whoever he/she pleases as a candidate (s) but, ultimately, the citizens will decide who carries the day at the secondary poll, and Plateau electorates hardly missed out on that. Therefore, power brokers, in the state, are cautioned to take caution from the lessons of history.

No sitting Governor has ever produced his successor in Plateau State. This is so not because this feat is an impossibility, but the failure of imposition. This should not be in view of the benefits of genuine continuity.

Imposition breeds, wild political intolerance, and hatred which could lead to impulsive protest voting that may result in the emergence of unprepared elements in the corridors of power. Hence, bad leadership with nothing to offer the state. 

Let us break the circle of bad leadership. “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, said Winston Churchill.

(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, April 27, 2022)

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