Fellow ZAYODA comrades, peace-loving and impact-making Zaar people worldwide, Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, we greet you all. 
An African proverb says, “if you see a child dancing alone on the street, his drummer is hidden somewhere in the bush.” This seems to be the case with this lame and failed protest by the BYM. 
Ordinarily, we would waive off the temptation to respond to provocations such as the misguided protests held at the main entrance of KKU (University, henceforth) on 21st June 2021. However, it has become necessary to respond, albeit responsibly, on three premises: 
The first premise is the magnitude of the false, careless, misguided, and insensitive direct attack on our dearly beloved Zaar man (Prof. Bogoro) and the potential it has to dent and cast aspersions on his well-earned integrity, respect, and excellent track records, which we are proud of because it represents who we are as Zaar people. Neutral and uninformed passers-by, social media users, agencies, etc. may believe the evil lies written against our esteemed Prof. on placards and the press release by the BYM representatives of Vwang community (BYM, henceforth), since the protests went viral. We want to make it clear, notwithstanding, that we are very confident in the ability of Prof. Bogoro to handle such an issue, knowing that he has fought and won bigger battles than this, with God on his side. However, we find it necessary to respond to our fellow youths in Berom land. 
The second premise is the fact that a similar youth group (BYM) is behind the protest, making it reasonable for us rather than another group to respond, since we understand ourselves better as youths. 
The third premise is the potential of this protest to ignite or rather awaken a dangerous, irreversible, and irreconcilable tribal and sectional consciousness, tension and eventual division of the respected and united COCIN denomination (or the Church, henceforth) along tribal or regional lines. Hence, it becomes necessary to voice our concerns as Zaar youths who are mostly COCIN members now before it is too late. 
Now our points:
1. Our two primary concerns with the whole saga are, first, the manner in which our illustrious Prof. Bogoro was singled out on placards and in the BYM press statement (mentioned more often than anyone else, except Mr. Daniel Dung Kim who the BYM is fighting for) and attacked personally and directly. This looks to us suspicious and fishy, signalling that there is more to it than meets the eye. Even though Prof. Bogoro is the Board of Trustees chairman (BoT henceforth), he does not make decisions alone. Even if his opinion prevails on some issues sometimes (which is normal in leadership), it is the decision of the committee, not an individual. Hence, attack on his person with incriminating baseless accusations is ignorant and suspicious. Secondly, to extrapolate this issue to be a case of discrimination against the Berom people is rather ironic, uncanny, and eerie. Why would an issue that involves the qualification of one person for an office become discrimination against the Berom people? This implies that the attack on Prof. Bogoro is also an attack on Zaar people. If any tribe should complain about discrimination in COCIN, it is not Berom, seeing the number of key offices they hold, the number of projects sited in their land (e.g. Vom Christian Hospital, KKU, and even COCIN Headquarters itself). The Zaar people (and other tribes) have more reasons to complain of discrimination in COCIN, as there is no single GCC project located in our land, and only one key office in COCIN Headquarters is currently occupied by a Zaar man. But we will not play the ethnic or tribal card, because in Christ, we are all one. Be guided, BYM! 
2. The BYM said that they have donated land for free, yet ironically signed an MoU that seems to mortgage the KKU to them. This sounds like a sale or even a bait rather than a free donation. While we recognize the legitimacy of BYM to fight for their rights as enshrined in the MoU (which we believe the church should not have signed in the first place, but should have bought it or gotten a land elsewhere that is truly free) and will not meddle in their correspondence with COCIN, we believe that they followed the wrong channel. If Zaarland had been asked, we would have gladly offered far more hectares of land without mortgaging the Church, because we so much value education and we know the immense importance of having such an institution in our land. Even if an MoU is signed, we will lay our claims in a more civilized and intellectually sound manner than that of the Berom youths, without unguided attacks on individuals based on hearsays and rumours. The general development such an institution as KKU brings to a land is enough compensation, and all other compensations should be sought after with sensitivity to other tribes that are in COCIN. Be guided, BYM!
3. Another claim of the BYM that we find shameless and melancholic is that they, being the host community, have contributed a lot with materials worth millions, a truck of cement and computers. In case BYM has forgotten, two of our sons made invaluable and immeasurable contributions to KKU. They are talking about a trailer of cement, while our dearly beloved and respected kinsman, Rt. Hon. Dr. Yakubu Dogara (former speaker, Federal House of Representatives), among others, donated trailers of cements in addition to other donations to KKU. Moreover, the contributions of Prof. Bogoro, both in cash and kind, are even too numerous to mention. It is on record that he championed the course of approving KKU. How could the Berom nation represented by the BYM be so quick to not only forget such magnanimity but repay us with evil? While we recognize the value of the contributions of the Berom people and other tribes too, we make bold to say that if principal positions of the University were to be awarded based on that, then the Zaar people should have more, if not the lion share. Yet, no Zaar man, even a single one, has been so far named for any position in KKU apart from the BoT chair in person of Prof. Bogoro. But we have not protested, neither have we accused any one of discriminating against our tribe. Be guided, BYM! 
4. That our dear Prof. was mischievously tagged on a cheap placard as “Bogoro, God of KKU” was intended to be denigratory, but on a careful thought, it is actually complimentary and applaud-worthy. We know Prof.’s humble disposition will not allow him to even attempt to claim any praise or take the place of God in this matter, but the BYM has at least publicly acknowledged that he played a God-like role in the creation, development, approval and take-off KKU. Now the world knows that our kinsman is the champion of KKU, thanks to BYM!
5. To falsely accuse highly respected elders such as Prof. Bogoro, Prof. Onazi, Prof. Dakum, Mrs. Gowan, and Prof. Yamsat that they “all wanted a weak stooge candidate so that they can syphon funds and rule the university on their whims and caprices which Mr Daniel Dung Kim is highly rigid, disciplined, principled minded and cannot be cowered into dancing to their tunes” (BYM Press Statement) is unfounded, obnoxious, and lame. We call on the BYM to check the track records of these people and give reason a chance, not to be swayed into error by regrettable youthful exuberance. If the BYM claimed that the records of their fellow Vwang kinsman in person of Mr. Daniel Dung Kim was checked in the institutions he had served and nothing wrong was found in his stewardship, have they also checked the records of these people in their places of stewardship and found evidence of syphoning funds and the like? On what basis are these hugely implicating allegations labelled? He who alleges must prove! Be guided, BYM! 
6. As per the MoU, BYM quoted one of the stipulations to be “That principal officers play very important roles in the survival and growth of the university, therefore, any person qualified from the Host COMMUNITY Will be considered on merit.'' While we don’t want to delve deeply into this correspondence between the Vwang community and COCIN, we just want to ask: who determines who is “qualified”? Is it the institution or the host community? What if a pending accusation or case renders one “disqualified,” based on the operational standards of an institution? What if an institution discovers a pending issue after granting one an offer, and decides to reconsider it? Is it the law of the Medes and Persians? While we recognize the freedom and nobility of BYM to stand with their kinsman, we advise them to check these facts and pursue their rights as informed and enlightened people instead of being so emotional and attacking persons instead of addressing the real issues. 
7. Even though KKU is situated in Vwang community, it is by no means owned by the Beroms. All COCIN members have equal shares and stakes in it, because no one is more COCIN than the other. Hence, it is lame to think that because you gave a land to COCIN, you own the University and dictate its terms. Be guided, BYM! 

Based on the aforementioned points, we demand:
1. Immediate and public apology from BYM to Prof. Bogoro. While we keep our cool for now, a repeat of such dastardly act against our Prof. Bogoro will leave us with no option but to respond in unpleasant ways. 
2. That a roundtable dialogue be immediately inaugurated between all the parties involved in the saga for mutual understanding and resolution of the issues, for a smooth take off of KKU.
3. That the so-called MoU and similar ones elsewhere be revisited, to save the Church further embarrassment from those who feel entitled. 
4. That Zaar sons and daughters (and other tribes) who qualify be employed in both academic and non-academic positions of the University. This serves for unity and fairness. 
5. That when the University is ready for distant campuses, a campus should be located outside Plateau state, particularly in Tafawa Balewa of Bauchi state (and another one in Borno state, if they so wish) for proper representation of the three states that make up the majority of COCIN membership. 
6. A powerful taskforce be set up by the COCIN leadership to check the causes, practices, and rise of tribalism in COCIN, with a view to preventing a catastrophic division of the church. 
In conclusion, we want to state our confidence in the KKU leadership under our esteemed kinsman, Prof. Bogoro, as well as our openness for dialogue with the BYM, KKU, and COCIN leadership. 
God bless the Zaar nation, God bless KKU, God bless COCIN, and God bless the entire body of Christ. 

 National Youth Leader.

1 comment:

  1. Valid reaction.
    The actions were indeed wrong.
    Peace and greater restraint is necessary.



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