By Ayuba Yilgak'ha 
I had just woken up from sleep when i saw a post on the demise of Nde Dr. John Kut-dang Jinung. That was on August 28, 2021. To be sure it was a reality, I sent Short Message Service (SMS) to a bossom friend with whom I had had, at least, two very important meetings with and the deceased.  My friend confirmed the sad news as I took a very deep breath and then  told myself 'such is life'! 

Death is a responsibility which cannot be delegated. Therefore, the deceased has come to terms with this reality and have shouldered his gallantly while leaving us with the pain of abruptly missing his motivations.

I got wind of the  loaded name Dr. John Kut-dang Jinung in his Plateau AIDS Control Agency (PLACA) days but I only met him in person recently. And since we met, our close interface has continued until his death.

Perhaps the best way to describe the departed Dr. is to see him as a networking rainbow man. Call him a repository of dynamic and rainbow of network and ideas!

He was highly resourceful and innovative. Strategic. Proactive. Visionary. He was so dogged and more importantly a dedicated servant of God. By his disposition, Late Dr. John Jinung was a mentor per excellence.

It was the deceased's mentorship that attracted some of us to keep a date with him all through. His passion for genuine socio-economic and political transformation which we all want to see in our society was unparalleled and I have learned quite alot from his contagious mentorship.

The resourcefulness and innovativeness of Late Nde John Jinung is represented by his physical legacies. He facilitated the establishment and management of PLACA which contributed emensely in halting HIV/AIDS which, at a point, was a scourge in Plateau State and Nigeria. You cannot mention the establishment of platforms like HELP international, Arput Development Network, Plateau Indegenous Development Association Network (PIDAN), Leadership and Development Academy (LADAN), etc without referring to Dr. Jinung of blessed memory.

The deceased was dogged and could easily adapt to change as expressly shown in his survival capabilities both in public and private sector life. After his voluntary retirement from the Nigerian police; he went to make indelible makes in marks in the service of Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) through his expertise in resources mobilisation towards the church's development projects and evangelism. Late  Dr. Jinung also went from his meritorious service in the church to be a superstar in the civil society sphere both locally and internationally.

Indeed, at the family level Late Dr. Jinung was a pillar and a rallying point; at the church's level, he was a resource mobiliser and passionate preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ; while at the community level, he was a springboard of practical and progressive ideas. At 67 the deceased died a fulfilled man after generously emptying his bowl of ideas and energies in the service of the community and generation he was born to impact. 

The gamtion, dynamism, doggedness and above all the kingdom mindedness of Late Nde John Jinung were unanymously attested to by sympathisers throughout the activities leading to his burial. At home and abroad,  these attributes were rare human endowment mix which translated into useful effects in the lives of the high and mighty; the low and the weak across all levels of human society.

The story of Late Nde Dr. John Jinung is a classical narrative of a man who leapfrogged from a very humble background to be a big and reliable shed where succour could be drawn with ease. It was lessons and legacies in balanced success this special breed of a man cultivated and left for us to practically emulate for better life. The statement his life made was loud and clear and we who are left behind are encouraged to bear the touch of his glorious sense of vision and mission for humanity even as we bit him farewell.

The Ngas nation has again lose one of its finest and brightest elder statesmen, one who believed strongly about the prospects of Ngas Nation, Plateau and Nigeria. This sad development is coming at a critical time when the services of this man of many colourful parts were needed most. Anyway, it is the verdict of "The Uncaused Cause and The Unmoved Mover" and nobody can question it!

I wish the dead could hear us from this side so I can ask the departed Late Dr. John Kut-dang Jinung, Sir, where do we go from here? This is because the deceased gave me two assignments which were duly concluded and reported back to him with the expectation that the next assignment will come then, kachaow, death struck. As it turns out, the expectation I had was only mine; the deceased had exhausted all the assignments that were needed to be assigned. 

Sleep tight rainbow man of ideas. May God reward his investments in humanity and console the immediate family, Ngas Nation, the Civil Society universal, Plateau state and Nigeria.

*(Modest thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, d 8, 2021; SMS: 08116181263; Email:*

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