Since the begining of the world, ideas, events and the activities of people, have continued to shape history, leaving in its wake, the footprint of rare exceptions who distinguished themselves. On the soil of Shiwer District, Kanke LGC, Plateau State, Nigeria, a new star in academic excellence has emerged. She is Precious Paradang Gonen Gofwen. 

The exceptional and sustained academic performance of this rare breed has continued to resonate with this author, the compelling reason to project her on the global map of great achievers, especially, in the academics.

Precious was born on 6th November, 2002. She attended Maranatha (now Mount Tabor), Nursery and Primary School, Jos graduated in 2012. Upon graduation, she went to Rhemaville Christian
Academy, Jos, where she obtained her Senior School Certificate in 2018, and thereafter, gained admission at Baze University, Abuja, Nigeria where she brought out the full action in her!

In the Universities, generally, first class honour are hard to come by, but Precious demystified that insinuation, thereby setting a new records as far as academics is concerned. She  proved herself, not just a one-off academic achiever but, a serial one. During her undergraduate programme at the Baze University, she graduated with a first class honours in International Relations and Diplomacy and was awarded a prize accompanied with commendation letter in 2021. This sterling achievement prompted her enrolment in a Master's programme in Leadership, Security and Society in the same University, and graduated in 2024, where she reinvented the same feat, with an award for exceptional performance, from her Faculty.

The superlative performance of Precious Gonen, has continued to attract marveling discussions amongst her school mates, the University and beyond. The question on the lips of many is that of how the 22 year old, managed to accomplish such unusual feats hence an attempt was made to get Precious' feelers, and she spoke about three (3) things: Her drive, the challenges she faced, as well as her prospects.

Precious highlighted that her journey was not a bed of roses, but the size of her dream, and the determination to pull through, was strong enough to weather down any impediment that could have hampered her progress. Furthermore, she explained that, her ambitious objectives garnished with consistency, discipline, dedication, and the unequal support of her family helped a great deal. Precious said, she managed to balance her extracurricular with academic obligations; leveraged the advise of her mentors as well as exchanging of ideas with her peers, and these greatly boosted her understanding, and enhanced her performance as a student.

Precious remains unrelenting, and it promises to be a new horizon, as she undertakes the decision to expand the frontiers of academic pursuit. Already, she has gained admission, and is at the verge of resuming a PhD programme in International Relations and Diplomacy, at Baze University, Nigeria, the alma-mater she used to repeatedly prove her worth in academics!

Precious is a genius, and a legacy in academic excellence. My conception of term genius is based on the understanding that, it is '99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration'. The Precious' star example, teaches here that, with effort triggered by passion, anybody, irrespective of gender, can make a genius!

Wonder Precious, has done so well, and line with the law of consistency, the world awaits her full/great manifestation. 

It was legendary playwright  Shakespeare, who observed and I quote that, 'some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness bestowed on them' through the benevolence of others (emphasis mine). This author is at a lost where Precious belongs in this context but very sure she is a great achiever who deserves prompt encouragement and motivation beyond the investments of parents and that of the University on her. 

Humanity stands a chance with people like Precious whose intellectual prowess is established in quality learning and proven character. Congratulations, and best wishes to the emerging Amazon!

*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 13th January, 2025;; 08116181263)*

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