The road to success is paved with many hurdles. It is full of hills and valleys; potholes and distractions but a person with determination to succeed will always see silver linings in every bad situation. 

When constraints, wild winds and thunder storms rage, the person pursuing a worthy cause will gallantly press on with unrepentant hope that things can get better after all. Under the rain or in the sun, Record-breakers go on, keeping a date with that which they hold dearly!

It takes a weakling to concede or give up on a failed attempt when there is an opportunity to try again. Do not kill your dream(s) with excuses because excuses are trademarks of lazy leeches or unwanted free riders.

No excuse will ever make sense in the space of goal getters. When you failed, you can try again. There is no allowance for setbacks but new standards. Do not cite your family background or the conditions of your birth, because history is saturated with people who have broken new frontiers in all fields of human endeavour; people that have set new records and got to the top from nowhere. 

Do not say age is not on your side, because there are no short of Code brokers - people who broke through in their old ages. Do not say you are being mocked. When you live for higher ideals which contrast with bad examples of mediocres, the reactionary tendency is for the latter to called you names but that will matter nothing to a big dreamer who is on course to make it come to reality.

Do not live sleepily like Koala - that 24-hours sleeping marsupial animal common to Australian forests and expect to make any significant difference in a competitive world. 

Sleep makes poor. Stay awake and have the audacity to press on doing what you know how to do best. You have got to  start something even if imperfectly. This is because alignment and perfection come with time and practice!

In the world of work, motivation matters but beyond it, add passion. Passion is motivation amplified! To wish for something big is human but always follow it up with prayer and hard work. Hard work is the continuation of earnest prayers! Have ambition but be disciplined to stay focus on that which matters the most. Discipline is application of  raw energy in perspective! 

You can reach for the stars, the moon and sun starting the journey right where you are. It does not matter whether you are physically challenged or not. If the mind is positive, then, there are no impossibilities. 

It is a positive mindset complimented by positive energy that makes the difference. Cultivate them and you will be glad you did!

*Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 25th July, 2024*

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