There is no rest in a restless world. The world is falling; and in a falling world, everything is falling along except hope. Only hope  Stands, and if anyone loses it, such person should report himself or herself to the grave. I mean the person is finished. Who does that? I can be patient if i do not have bread to eat but no amount of problem can stop me from having a bite if i see one. I can wait when there is no work to do, but no amount of luxury can stop me from taking up a job to help my family and society. Who told you it is over when your life is just began. No one is too old or too young to make a difference. No one is finished who has hope enough to keep trying something worthwhile with his or her life. I have seen the sick gets healed, the poor gets rich and the broken hearted bounces back with great cheers. There is no odd that cannot be reversed with hope and hard work. Hope is effort and effort is a prove of hope. Effort is an act of living with high sense of possibilities. In other words, it is hope expressed in prompt and strategic action. Thus, hope is a potent antidote for a trying and frustrating world! (Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, August 14, 2024)

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