Hello, citizens of the world. Good morning. I hope you woke up at the right side of your beds today.
Permit me to share with you an incredible motivational piece and lesson of life as contained in a book written by Chuks and Bimfe Ikeh titled, "Finer Than Gold1".
Chapter Five (5) of the great book which is sub-titled, "Have...", reads and I quote:
Have peace enough to press on.
Have hope enough to keep your heart looking forward.
Have strength enough to battle obstacles and overcome them.
Have commitment enough not to give up too soon.
Have fun enough to enjoy every aspect of life.
Have patience enough to let faith complete its work in you.
Have love enough to give to those who deserve it the least but need it the most.
Have focus enough to say "no" to many good ideas.
Have forgiveness enough to never end the day hating someone.
Have honesty enough to never have to remember what you said.
Have character enough to do in the light what you would do in the dark.
Have gratitude enough to say "thank you" for the little things.
Have purpose enough to know why and not just how.
Have perseverance enough to run the entire race that is set out before you.
Have responsibility enough to be the most dependable person you know.
Have kindness enough to share what you have and who you are with others.
Have mercy enough to forgive and forget.
Have devotion enough to do the right things on a daily basis.
Have courage enough to face and fight any opposition to what you know is right.
Have expectancy enough to be on the lookout for opportunities everyday.
Have obidience enough to do what is right without thinking twice.
Have direction enough to know when and where to go.
Have knowledge enough to have your mind continually educated.
Have credibility enough to cause others to want to work together with you.
Have generosity enough to give before you are asked.
Have compassion enough to be moved by the needs of others.
Have loyalty enough to be committed to others."
Ladies and gentlemen, did you hear that? In summary, the chapter is talking about being resourceful - a higher goal for people with excellent spirit. For me, nothing else matters in life but to be resourceful!
It is my considered believe that whoever takes to heart, internalises and practise this lesson will have a date with history. Such a one will be great because I know of no better route to successful life than this. Try applying it and thank me later.
Thank you and God bless. Until I come your way next time.
*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, March 18, 2024; 08116181263)*
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