POBA commiserates with Government College Pankshin over science laboratories inferno

The National President of the Pankshin Old Boys Association, POBA, Mr Kenzy Ngupar, POBA Executives and entire POBA Members received with shock and sadness the news that the Physics, Chemistry and Biology Laboratories of Government College Pankshin were completely razed by fire on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
The president and the entire executive team expressed sadness over the ugly incident and the huge economic loss, discomfort and trauma that the fire disaster caused to the school management and students and prayed against similar occurrences in the future.
POBA leadership described the incident as a great setback to the famous GCP and thanked God that no life was lost in the inferno.
The POBA leadership appeals to the Plateau State Government to immediately intervene and assist the school in rebuilding and equipping the science laboratories.
According to old students, the importance of laboratories to the future of students, especially science students, cannot be overemphasized.
Pam Musa
POBA National Publicity Secretary

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