(Modest Thought with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, March 13, 2023; loisayuba420@gmail.com; Sms: 07116181263)

As a plateau son, I have never felt this proud. I felt proud because I saw hope in the horizon through those who offered themselves and have been nominated as candidates in the forthcoming governorship election in the State. From the murky waters of politics comes the silver linen and pearl of hope for our dear state. Is anyone in double or at a lost as to what I meant? Please, come with me as I represent what I may prefer to call percieved or manifest hope that has uniquely visited Plateau in recent time.

On Saturday, March 11, 2023, I listened to three front line gubernatorial candidates who were guest at Rhythm 93.7 FM. It was a special political Radio programme which followed that fateful day with so much pride but practically confused too. Those who might have come face to face with how difficult it can be to make an objective (not subjective) decision from very similar options will understand my delimma shortly.

The gubernatorial candidates were Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda of the ruling APC in the state; Hon. Barr. Caleb Mutfwang of the main opposition PDP and Dr. Patrick Sunday Dakum of the LP. A computer Engineer; Legal luminary and Medical Doctor respectively. These are practically resourceful and professional gentlemen in their own rights.

It was a very rare appearance on any radio programme but the special guest all shown up and after introducing the guests, the real business of the day began with the Radio anchor, Mr. Samson Omale asks them relevant questions which, I believe, were scientifically and professionally simulated and each of the candidates began to speak.

When the first to speak, spoke, I told myself, hey, there goes the governor; then the second followed and I said, our governor is here too. Interestingly also, when the third spoke, I saw a governor in him as well. That was when my confusion really began!

As the well respected candidates responded to second, third and subsequent questions, I became even more convinced that in speech, at least, all of them are most qualified to govern Plateau State. One might be tempted to say this is the best chance for Plateau State to have any of these candidates as its governor. The only concern, however, will be whether or not they will match their rhetorics with action when elected governor.

Plateau state has got peculiar problems which require both short and long time solutions. Some of these problems, in no particular order include unproductive civil service orientation that needs to be changed towards entrepreneurship; poor state of infrastructure which needs upgrade expansion and automation; intermittent ethno-religious and violent political crises require urgent but lasting solution; poverty and unemployment which must be reversed; human capital deficiencies that mist be improved; tourism potentials that are grossly under exploited; weak and contracted Internally Generated Revenue base which must be fixed; urban congestion, dirty and disturbing environmental contradictions amongst others. Whoever scaled through as governor will have these perennial problems to contend with. This mean that the task ahead is harculean.

With the challenges outlined above hanging in the balance, it can be seen clearly that leadership is not luxury. It's huge burden and practically about selfless service which can be personally unsettling to any serious minded leader. Whoever must fix the problems of Plateau State should be pitied because they are not casual but existential threats which require unusual courage, strategic and deliberate actions to fix. Those who know the length and breath of responsibilities involve in leadership often foot-drag until they are persuaded with cogent reasons to offer themselves!

The political leader Plateau State need at the critical moment must be a visionary, charismatic, pragmatic and courageous person with sound political will to minimise our threats and drive the process of realising our great potentials as a people through appropriate policy frameworks and laws. It has to be a leader that rewards excellence and hardwork on the one hand and punishes indolence and crime in a most decisive manner!

Because our challenges are multifaceted and daringly evolving, they must be compositely diagnosed and frontally confronted strategic efforts with the view to fix them with determined energy and attention. Since we live in the 21st century, we must explore 21st methods and solutions which are characteristically digital and automation compliant.

The leader (governor) must harness the experiences of past leaders of the state. This is with the view to avoid boop traps  that limited performances while consolidating on their most cheering legacies toward making the state a better one.

I strongly feel a good mix of the Generation Next agenda of Dr. Nentawe; the time is now philosophy of Hon. Barr. Mutfwang and the consolidation blueprint of Dr. Dakum will ultimately advance the cause of a new Plateau. In other words, whoever wins the governorship in the state should consider it a priority to acquire and harmonise the blueprints of all the candidates towards building an enviable plateau where we can all be proud of in the community of states. 

Their excellencies Dr. Patrick Dakum; Hon. Barr. Caleb Mutfwang and Dr. Nentawe Goshwe Yilwatda have told us in one and categorical frequency that they are for the unity, progress and prosperity of plateau State. Therefore, we must key into this family consensus or commitment to order our respective campaigns in a fashion that reflects this onerous motivation!

Those marshalling political propaganda as campaign strategy in the manner we are witnessing in the last few weeks are wrong and should stop it; those using character assassination as a weapon to outdo others are also wrong, avoid it. Only issue based campaigns are good enough for Plateau people whose trade in stock is rational gentlemanism!

Perhaps the unethical political horse ridding which has snowballed to shameless political propaganda and character assassination in Plateau state is triggered by politics of zoning which makes futuristic political projectors to feel uncomfortable with a situation where failure to clinch the seat will ultimately mean waiting for decades to try again. Zoning has shortrun stabilizing effect but technically longrun distabilising effect too. In other words, the seeds of discord sworn courtesy politics of zoning which is synonymous with politics of desperation in this clime has to be reviewed to through the chance open for interested but credible persons to try their luck. 

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. There are no perfect systems, methods or arrangements by which nations thrive but what nations normally do when confronted with problems is to go for what works in promoting greater stability and development concurrently. A commanding debate on the stability and development benefits of our subsisting zoning arrangements or otherwise of it is being proposed, going forward. The wisdom of our living or death heroes/heroines who brought the practice of zoning for us is commendable but times are changing and there is need to fashion a new order that will take care of contemporary dynamics and threats to corporate peace in our collective heritage: Plateau. Who will even bother if our leaders are equitably transformative? 

By grand design, Plateau people are peaceful people. The very fibre and heritage of the people is peace, tourism and hospitality. Anything to the contrary is counterfeit and the residents know this. Therefore, we must keep within the promise of our callings as children of God and sustain our most cherished orientation which is centred on love, faith and unity of purpose in God and the the good of humanity.

While crystalise and eulogize our governorship candidates, let is not lost sight of those gunning for house of assembly representation from various state constituencies. Our representative democracy is three (3) arms structure, namely, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. We do not elect members of the judiciary but are appointed by the executive with the understanding that they will function independently and impartially in interpreting laws. The president, governors and charmen of local governments are elected to function as executives while the legislature is composed of counsellors, house members and national assembly members (Senate and representative members) at their respective levels. 

Each of these arms at each level of government are independent and interdependent and are to serve as checks on one another under what is known as separation of power and the principle of checks and balances as propounded by a French political philosopher, historian, judge and man of letters, Baron de Montesqueau. Therefore, the house of assembly hopefuls are critical stakeholders and so must be scrutinised to ensure those our votes will go to for that matter have the requisite capacity to represent well without being 'rubber stamp' agents in the house of the people and house of necessary actions! 

Best wishes to 'the idea whose time has come' be he Mutfwang, Dakum or Nentawe. There is only one seat for grab at Little Rayfield for the faithful service of Plateau people. We cannot all be governor at the same time. If anyone does not make it today, tomorrow is another chance. The excuse Plateau people will not take is for anyone to be graciously favoured with the coveted seat of governor and then the favoured person failed to deliver. 

There is anxiety in every camp but let us take it easy, folks. 'The best laid plans can go so wrong' as Sidney Sheldon will put it and heaven shall not fall. There is life after the electioneering campaigns and with one of these three living assets of plateau as governor. May peace, unity and progress never elude us. God forbid failure of leadership in this state, Nigeria and the world at large!

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