(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, December 6, 2022; 08116181263; loisayuba420@gmailicom)


It is high time Nigeria draw a lesson from Navajo Proverb which says: "You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep." Taking sleep as a metaphor for ignorance, it can be said that this proverb succinctly captures the core of Nigeria's greatest problem. I have the conviction that in most cases, Nigerians, especially, our leaders claim ignorance as a strategy. They know what our most pressing needs are but acting promptly is always a problem itself. Our leaders prefer the country to last in its current contradictions because they are profiting from it. Even the masses that are worst hit are getting acclimatized and okay with the sorry state of our nation.

Some years past, I read a book that talked about the "fear of freedom". To fear freedom is to be dead-minded and comfortable in a state of serfdom. A dog that has become used to the chain is likely to surrender to fate and refused to go even if unchained. An anonymous writer wrote that "You can't liberate a slave who has found comfort in captivity." He further noted, "That is the state many Nigerians have found themselves today. And it is very sad."

Under what conditions could a man or a people become underdeveloped or permanent savages? There are many causes but the main ones include but are not limited to fear of freedom, intellectual ignorance, political illiteracy, the papacy, hypnosis, religious indoctrination and brainwashing, tribal or religious bigotry, etc.

Fear of freedom is a motivation for tyranny. Tyranny has no future but the allowance or breathing space oppressed cowards sheepishly grant tyrants. In other words, tyranny is a grant-aided political enterprise of rogue elites whose trade in stock is to cash in on the collective ignorance of docile people. No wonder, Fredrick Douglass said, "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose" or oppressed. This means that when the oppressed gets fade up and sustainably react in unison against their oppressors, they helplessly quit and sooner than expected too!

Intellectual ignorance is another window for underdevelopment. Being dormant and lacking in critical thinking skills which is the product of education is a huge setback in personal liberation. Educated people serve and cannot swallow things undigested. Educated and critical-minded people will always ask questions like what, why, how, etc. The idea is to gain enough information to help them make informed decisions. Educated citizens cannot be toyed with or served carelessly but are respected and, in most cases, consulted before decisions that affect them are taken at any given time.

Political illiteracy is a subset but the worst form of illiteracy. A political illiterate does not understand how political systems work and so knows not when a system becomes faulty and he or she is short-changed by the system. He might be knowledgeable enough to read and write books but stay aloof to politics and or do not decipher that his lack of participation has implications for the overall working of the system. He does know that everything starts and ends with politics as far as resource allocation is concerned. A political illiterate does not mind selling his civil and fundamental human rights for the price of a cigarette, data, or plate of porridge and will do so with pride and glaring arrogance.


Paupacy is the status of being poor. It is another sign and propeller of underdevelopment. Living in abject poverty as the case is, in developing countries like Nigeria is capable of leading the citizenry into savage/serfdom conditions, that is, the status of being slaves. In the November 2022 Report released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), it was revealed that 133 million Nigerians are living in abject poverty. This further established the report by Poverty Clock in 2019 which chronicled Nigeria as the poverty capital of the world and has remained so up-to-date. While countries like India, China, Indonesia, etc. are lifting their citizens, in millions, out of Poverty, Nigerians are speedily railroading into it in unusual and unacceptable. A country whose dynasty of poverty is expanding is certainly on the road to serfdom.

Hypnosis is a diabolic and manipulative means of mentally chaining someone to think upside down and to do things that he would have done otherwise if left alone. People who are operating under a spell, that is, being taken captive by diabolic manipulation, religious brainwashing and indoctrination are at risk of facing complex developmental contradictions. In this regard, it can be argued that the obsession of most Nigerians with poor religious orientation has become the greatest undoing of the country since the people cannot help themselves but resort to continuous prayers without working the prayers. I have always argued that hard work is the continuation of prayers and so people who cannot exercise their franchise and faculties to create value but stay in prayer houses 24/7 are cultivating nothing but abject poverty.

Religion has its role but cannot fix problems arising from other systems whose modus operandi is not religion friendly. For instance, creating value or putting food on one's table which is a matter of skilled labor in economics, has nothing to do with prayers. A man who is actively praying and lazily sleeping will eventually die in poverty and hunger. No religion can prevent this. Religion cannot save an over speeding driver who ignores traffic regulations under the guise that he has prayed before taking off. Only total concentration and driving according to the rules of manufacturers who might even be atheists and traffic regulations will help!

A profane member of my faith or yours cannot spare your goats or public treasury just because you voted based on religious inclination. When the demons in him start, you might even be his first victim. A criminal does not have a tribe or religion but one target: His victim. The interest is to have someone to short-change as a means of earning a living. Political criminals who found their way into public offices feast on the gullibility and ignorance of the toiling masses.

Tribal or religious bigotry is another issue. The story of the axe and the forest provide a classical explanation: "The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them" (Turkish Proverb). A sizeable number of Nigerians have no problem with bad leadership provided it is from their tribe or religion.


In 2014, the then APC Presidential candidate and now two terms President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari while discussing the ASUU strike, tutored Nigerians on a sense of what can be indexed as a misplaced and irresponsible government when he appeared on a Chanel's Television (TV) Program, "Hard Copy" anchored by a veteran journalist, Makwe. His words are cited unedited in the next paragraph

"Teachers of the tertiary institutions and polytechnics were on strike. These strikes were, at least, for a whole academic year. I think a serious government if they have N7bilion to throw about, will go and negotiate with ASUU and then the teacher's organization or teachers' unions of the tertiary institutions from polytechnics downward, so that our children should remain in school, even complement equipment (you know) and other social facilities (you know) for educational institutions. I was so personally against that because the National Assembly is there. I believe the executive ought to have sent a memoir to the National Assembly if they want constitutional amendment in line with the 1999 constitution as amended. Why go and take 7 billion that you could not afford when our children are on the street? I think this government has the capacity for wrong priorities." This was a hard knock on the then-PDP administration of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan which was eventually voted out and the accuser took over.

Interestingly today, history is repeating itself as Nigerian universities went on protracted strike for 8 uninterrupted months with no solution in sight under Buhari's regime. How can one explain a situation where these universities and other related tertiary institutions are closed down for this long but some youth and parents who are direct or indirect affected by this ugly development still chant APC, the ruling party that is superintending over this mess? During the Ekiti governorship poll, ASUU was on strike for four consecutive (4) months but the President of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) who is the leader of all students in the country 'was happy that he delivered his polling unit to the winner', APC government. What a paradox!

How can one also explain a situation where a nation and its citizens are living in perpetual fear of the unknown, there is a clear and present danger: People are being maimed, killed, and destroyed with impunity through the activities of insurgents, terrorists, kidnappers, bandits, etc., yet, even direct victims still praise and support the government that has utterly failed in halting these killer threats? There can be some good candidates in the APC but the candidates should be sober and not brag about the performance of the incumbent as though all is well. The party has not failed flat but certainly has not taken Nigerians to the land of Eldorado: Not fulfilled its bogus promises!

How can a people support a system that impoverishes them in such a manner in this country? Nigeria has become the poverty capital of the world with the north which dominated the governance structure of the country for decades, being the worst hit for it. However, the mass majority of impoverished people of this region are still the ones celebrating our indigenous slave masters. Listen to the poetic lyrics of some northern artists/poets and you will be surprised how poor northerners are, ironically, praising the unjustifiably rich amongst them!


How can a country be moving in a reversed gear and the citizens be delusional hoping to attain sustainable development? The author is not known who remarked that Nigeria is the only developing country where poverty is increasing. Yet, the citizens of this country are reputed the happiest people on earth based on World Happiness Index (WHI). This is an unassuming and surprising puzzle of a nation. Given the current hardship in Nigeria, it is rather mysterious that the country's people are the happiest on the face of the earth. The possible explanation for this 21st Century's irony could either be that the citizens are substantiating Marx's thesis that 'religion is the opium of people or that the frustrated people are smiling at the storms of their lives in such a fashion that is common with mentally retarded folks. One index of mental retardation is for a man to be exceedingly comfortable and happy in an abnormal situation!

For a country like Nigeria to be liberated from the clutches of bad leaders, sound wisdom must be applied. One way of doing this is for the citizens to harken to the simple but profound voice of Arthur Ashe which commands as follows: "Start where you are, Use what you have, Do what you can." Nigeria is a free democratic state and so the greatest weapon for liberation in this system is the ballot box. What the citizen can do in the next general elections is to exercise their franchise in stepping out to vote for credible leaders at all levels; not the highest bidders. Nigeria can only get it right when citizens resist hedonistic temptations and massively vote for credibility. The opportunity and possibility for a functional system are lost when citizens vote for money and not their convictions.

Another profound and distilled wisdom can be deduced from the postulation of Marcus Aurelius who stated that "when a bunch of known corrupt people unite against one man and spare no effort to ridicule him, blackmail him and attempt to assassinate his character, blindly follow that one man." This is because the corrupt have no virtue to offer but to destroy those that can. It is, however, important to note that choosing a virtuoso man over corrupt elements is a revolutionary act that must be asserted with tack and unwavering courage. This is the implied sense conveyed in George Orwell's submission that "in a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

It is paradox that a people could celebrate being savaged. Nations that expelled or minimized savage living in history all started by being increasingly dissatisfied with the status quo and rose to the occasion by collectively saying enough is enough. They risk their lives resisting tyranny, the custodians of serfdom, and sometimes recording not only success but casualties. America did. South Africa did. Ghana did. Even the heroes of our struggling democracy in Nigeria did and we can do it too through the power of the ballot box. The ballot revolution is loading again in Nigeria!

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