1. NAME:                   DAKAS CLEMENT JAMES DAKAS

2. PLACE/DATE OF BIRTH:   Tokbet, Katul Village, Jipal Chiefdom, August 23, 1967

3. SEX:                              Male                 

4. STATE OF ORIGIN:         Plateau


6. NATIONALITY:                Nigerian

7. MARITAL STATUS:          Married



The second First Class Honours law degree holder from the University of Jos since its establishment in the mid-1970s;

The first, and so far the only, academic to be appointed Attorney-General of Plateau State;

The youngest person to hold the office of Attorney-General of Plateau State;

One of the youngest Nigerian professors to be conferred with the prestigious and highly coveted rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria;

Conferred, in a rare feat, with the prestigious and highly coveted rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria at first, and only, attempt;

The fourth Nigerian professor of law from the entire northern region of Nigeria to be conferred with the prestigious and highly coveted rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN);

The first professor of law from Plateau State to be conferred with the prestigious and highly coveted rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN);

The second legal practitioner from Plateau State conferred with the prestigious and highly coveted rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN);

The youngest academic to occupy a Distinguished Professor of Law Chair in a Nigerian tertiary institution;

One of the very few Nigerian professors of Law to hold the office of Attorney-General and to be conferred with the prestigious and highly coveted rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria. In this category, the first, and so far the only one, to occupy a distinguished professorial chair in Law.


Fellow in the Programme on Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy, York University, Canada, 2007

Rita & Gustave Hauser Global Scholar, New York University School of Law, New York, USA, 1997 [Selected for this prestigious scholarship “from an outstanding world-wide group of candidates” by an international selection committee led by Sir Robert Jennings, a retired judge of the International Court of Justice and a glittering array of members such as Professor Giuliano Amato, former Prime Minister of Italy; the Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations; the President of New York University; and several other distinguished professors and judges];

University of Jos Prize for the Best Student in Law, 1990;

Dr. Nwafor Orizu Prize for the Best Student in Academic Excellence in the Faculty of Law, 1990;

Gally Brown-Peterside Prize for the Best All-Round Student in the Faculty of Law, 1990;

Gally Brown-Peterside Prize for the Best Student in Constitutional Law, 1990;

Prince Bola Ajibola Prize for the Best Student in Jurisprudence, 1990;

Chief R. A. O. Akinjide Prize for (being the first of) the Three Best Students in Law, 1990;

Best Boy of the Year, Boys Secondary School (BSS) Gindiri, 1986.


Honorary Fellow, Ben Nwabueze Centre for Studies in Constitutional Law and Related Subjects, 2016;

University of Jos Alumni Association (National Body) Distinguished Career in Forensic Brilliance in Law Award, 2015;

University of Jos Alumni Association (Plateau State Chapter) Distinguished Legal Luminary Award, 2015;

Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT) Award of Excellence, June, 2015;

Gindiri Old Students Association (GOSA) Meritorious Service Award, 2014;

Nigerian Bar Association (Jos Branch) Special Award for Excellence in the Legal Profession, 2013;

Conferred with the prestigious professional rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), September 2012;

Conferred with the Fellowship of the Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria, 2006;

National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Merit Award for Outstanding Performance, 1992;

Epitome of Education in Mupun Land – by Baptist High School, Kagu, 2009;

Pillar of Law – by the Law Students Society (LSS), University of Jos, 2008;

Pillar of Law – by the Law Students Society (LSS), University of Jos, 2005/06;

The Pillar of Law – by the Nigerian Law School Students from Plateau State, 2004/2005 session;

Justice of Knowledge (JK) – by the Law Students Society (LSS), University of Jos, 1997;

Courageous Role Model – by the Glorious Praise Chapel, Jos, 2005;

Award of Excellence – by Star Chambers, University of Jos, 2005;

Certificate of Recognition for Academic Excellence – by Mupun Cultural and Development Association (MUCDA), 1993;

The Advocate of NAMS (through educational empowerment) – by National Association of Mupun Students, 2005;

Pillar of Justice and Supporter of Students Unionism – by National Association of Mwaghavul Students, University of Jos Chapter, 2005;

Pillar and Temple of Justice on the Plateau – by National Association of Plateau State Students (NAPSS) University of Jos Chapter;

Democracy Defender on the Plateau – by National Association of Plateau State Students (NAPSS), Plateau State Polytechnic Chapter, 2005;


Professor Dakas is an “outstanding...scholar.” - Professor Philippe Sands, University of London, UK;

Professor Dakas is “inordinately well-read” and “will make an unusually good teacher because of the concise, precise and animated way in which he presents an invariably sound legal argument. I expect him to play a significant role in the rejuvenation of Nigeria.” – Professor Thomas Franck, New York University, USA;

Professor Dakas is a scholar with “a sharp mind” and “a strong personality.” - Professor Georges Abi-Saab, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland;


Professor Dakas “bestrides the legal firmament like a colossus. Yet, despite his outstanding and impressive academic resume, he remains very humble and courteous, is quick to offer assistance to others, undertakes tasks assigned to him with utmost commitment and exhibits tremendous leadership skills. An eloquent, articulate and engaging speaker, I have no doubt whatsoever of his outstanding intellectual capabilities.” - Professor Seokwoo Lee, Inha University, South Korea.


I. Lecturing at the Faculty of Law, University of Jos, rising to the rank of Professor of International Law and Jurisprudence in October 2010.

II. Visiting Professor (International Human Rights Law), Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Canada, 2007 (Renewed in 2008 & 2009 but could not take up the last two offers due to competing schedules).

III. Virtual/Transnational Classroom: Teaching of “Human Rights in Africa” through a virtual classroom which involves interface via video conferencing between Canadian and Nigerian students and faculty.

IV. Serving, at different times, in several administrative and related capacities, at the University of Jos, including:

Dean of Law, August 2014 to 2018;

Member, Committee of Deans and Directors (2014-2018);

Member, School of Postgraduate Studies Board (2014-2018);

Chairman, Freedom of Information (FoI) Committee (2014-2018);

Acting Head, Department of International Law and Jurisprudence, 2004; 2009 to 2010;

Acting Head, Department of Private Law, 2007-2009;

Senate Member (the highest academic organ of the university), 2004; 2007 to 2018;

Governing Board Member, Centre for Conflict Management and Peace Studies, University of Jos, 2009 to 2010;

Member, Partnership for Higher Education in Africa Educational Technology Initiative (PHEA-ETI), University of Jos Team, 2009 to 2010;

University Coordinator, Nettel@Africa Postgraduate Programmes on ICT Policy & Regulation, 2003-2004;

Member, Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit, University of Jos, 2003-2004;

Member, Carnegie-University of Jos Gender Equity Project Team, 2003-2004;

Coordinator, Department of Public and Private Law Seminar Series, 2001-2004.

V. Serving, at different times, in several administrative and related capacities, outside the University of Jos, including:

Honourable Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Plateau State, December 2004 to November 2006;

Ben Nwabueze Distinguished Professor of Law, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2012-2014;

Director of Research, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2012-2014;

Head of the Department of International Law, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2010-2012;

Chairman, Central Planning Committee, Centenary Law Summit, 2013;

Chairman, Central Planning Committee, NIALS @ 35, 2013-2014;

Panel Member, Presidential Visitation Panel to Usmanu Dan Fodio University (UDUS) Sokoto, February 15-March 15, 2011;

Panel Member, Visitation Panel to Plateau State University, 2014;

Member, Committee set up by the Plateau State Government to advise its delegates to the National Conference, 2014;

Governing Board Member, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Institute of Continuing Legal Education (2012-2014);

Member, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Transition Committee, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, September 20-December 20, 2010;

Co-Chairman, National Universities Commission (NUC) Accreditation Team, South Eastern zone, 2008 (in the course of which he led the accreditation team to Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Portharcourt);

Member, National Universities Commission (NUC) Accreditation Team to Benson Idahosa University, Benin, 2010; Anambra State University, Uli, 2008; Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria, 2007; Usmanu Dan Fodio University (UDUS) Sokoto, 2007;

Member, National Universities Commission (NUC) Resource Verification Team to Baze University, Abuja, September, 2011;

External Examiner (Post Graduate School) and External Assessor (Professorial Rank) to several institutions, such as:

National Research Foundation, South Africa;

University of Lagos (UniLag);

University of Nigeria (UNN);

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ife;

University of Benin (UniBen);

Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria;

Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), Awka;

University of Maiduguri (Uni Maid);

Lagos State University (LASU), Lagos;

Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Benin;

Delta State University (DELSU);

Rivers State University of Science and Technology (RSUST);

Benue State University (BSU);

Nasarawa State University, Keffi;

Odumegwu Ojukwu University;

Bayero University, Kano (BUK); and

Igbinedion University (IU), Okada.

External Assessor/Editorial Consultant to several local and international journals, such as:

Journal of African Law, London;

Nigerian Bar Journal,

Nigerian National Human Rights Commission Journal, etc;

Lead Consultant to the House of Representatives Special Committee on Constitution Review (2021 to date);

Chairman of the Governing Council, Federal Polytechnic, Ayede, Oyo State (2022 to date);

Governing Council Member, International Association of Law Schools, with headquarters in the United States of America (USA), 2008-2011;

Governing Council Member, Digital Bridge Institute, Abuja, 2004;

Member, Body of Benchers (“a body of legal practitioners of the highest distinction in the legal profession in Nigeria”: Section 3, Legal Practitioners Act), 2004-2006;

Governing Council Member, Council of Legal Education [charged with “responsibility for the legal education of persons seeking to become members of the legal profession” in Nigeria: Sections 1 & 2, Legal Education (Consolidation, Etc) Act], 2004-2006, 2014 to date;

Governing Council Member, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS), 2014 to 2018;

Member, Judicial Service Commission, Plateau State, 2004-2006;

Chairman, Advisory Council on the Prerogative of Mercy, Plateau State, 2004-2006;

Member, Legal Practitioners Remuneration Committee, 2004-2006;

Chairman, Administration of Justice Committee, Plateau State, 2004-2006;

Council Member, General Council of the Bar (“charged with the general management of the affairs of the Nigerian Bar Association”), 2004-2006;

Member, Plateau State Executive Council, 2004-2006;

Member, Plateau State Security Council, 2004-2006.

PUBLICATIONS - Over 80 (available on request)


Professor Dakas has presented over one hundred and fifty (150) papers on  constitutional law, human rights, humanitarian law, international law, peace building and conflict resolution, building resilient communities and strengthening the security architecture in vulnerable communities, democratic policing,  justice in transitional societies, election management, population dynamics, inter-ethnic and inter-faith dialogue and engagement, migration, refugees and IDPs, drugs and crime, corruption, economic and financial crimes, etc at workshops, roundtables, seminars and conferences, organised by several governmental and non-governmental organisations/institutions within and outside Nigeria. Such organisations/institutions include the following: 

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC);

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);

United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF);

National Commission for Refugees (NCFR);

National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA);

Nigerian Psychological Association (NPA);

National Planning Commission (NPC);

Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA);

Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS);

Joint Tax Board (JTB);

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC);

Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS);

Institute of Governance and Social Research (IGSR) Jos;

National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS), Abuja;

University of Jos;

Federal Ministry of Justice (FMJ);

National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) Kuru;

Ministry of Defence;

National Defence College (NDC), Abuja;

Institute  of Security Studies (ISS), Abuja;

Command and Staff College (CSC), Jaji Kaduna;

Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA), Abuja;

Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR), Abuja;

House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs;

Plateau State Government;

Plateau State House of Assembly;

Kwara State Government;

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Abuja;

National Orientation Agency (NOA);

Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT);

Nigerian Bar Association (NBA);

African Leadership Forum (ALF);

Civil Liberties Organization (CLO);

International Federation of Female Lawyers (FIDA);

Legal Defence and Assistance Project (LEDAP);

League for Human Rights (LHR);

Legal Research Initiative (LRI);

BAOBAB for Women’s Rights(BWR); etc.

Outside Nigeria, Professor Dakas has presented papers at conferences in the United States of America (USA); Canada; Italy; South Korea; etc

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