"When you erect defences against your inadequacies and try to hide your faults, you close the door to a vital source of self-knowledge. And in so doing, you deny yourself the joy of growing."! These lines were extracted from an anonymous devotional piece sent me on WhatsApp for today, Wednesday, August 11, 2021 titled, "Be teachable today". Modest Thoughts found it profound to share with you for self instruction and evaluation. You may wished to read through it again and again to get the life changing message.

Raising defence against wrong doing is a proof that the action  was deliberate. A man who behaves in such manner incubates lawlessness and when in power propagates impunity. 

Impunity is the bane of developement in most developing countries like Nigeria where institutions are very weak. In these climes, people who cannot take corrections seem to be in the majority in the public space. Public office holders who cannot tolerate even constructive criticisms perpetrate lawlessness with reckless abandon!

How long can this continue? In societies where there are no laws; people are governed by oral norms, protocols or conventions. Where there are laws, constitutionalism, the act of living through the dictates of constitution apply. In the absence of this, the conscience of man is always there to convict men of any wrongdoing!

When a man's conscious becomes condensed or is in a state of deprivity, he becomes a dangerous specie. He can kill and nothing pricks his conscience. Such personality could even boast about his crime!

All sadists, murderers of all sorts be they terrorists, bandits, kidnapprs, etc.; tyrants, despots, racists, traffickers (human and drugs) are altered beings whose humanity is not the same as it were at creation.

Human beings can default but to defend it is inhuman. No human person is error free but the surest antidote to this infinite fallibility is to deal with pride by surmounting the courage to make correction (s). That is the only way left for the redemption of a man in a falling world!  

(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba Yilgak'ha, August 11, 2021; SMS: 08118161263)

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