Tallen mourn the passing away of Dogonyaro


I received with immense shock the news of the passing of a brother and a most patriotic Nigerian Lt. General Joshua Nimyet Dogonyaro at the age of 80.

I especially commiserate with his family at the loss of such a loving and devoted father to family and nation.

2. The late General was a very outstanding military officer whose dedication to the oath he swore to for the defence of Nigeria was uppermost in all his activities. 

3. It is on record that his exploits as a Commander of the ECOMOG troops in the 90s helped a great deal to stabilize the West African subregion and indeed the continent and spared it unnecessary bloodshed. 

4. As a daughter of Plateau State, I especially condole with my Governor, Barr.  Simon Bako Lalong, the Government and people of Plateau State on the loss of this  illustrious citizen whose contributions to the will development and fame of the State as great defenders of the Unity of the country will forever remain in our hearts. 

5. As family and friends grapple with the death of General Dogonyaro at this time, my prayer is that God Almighty will be a great Comforter to all who mourn and may the Lord repose his soul.


Dame Pauline K. Tallen 
Minister of Women Affairs. OFR  KSG

13th May, 2021.

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