We have just witnessed the replacement of 4 by 5 in our Calender year. Now, what is the big deal about it: Has anything changed in you or about you given the change in the Calender year? 

You can be sure that: "If your habits don't change, you won't have a New year...You will just have another year." What then is 2025 to you: A New year or just another year? 

The answer to the question above depends on you, and the choices/decisions you make now, and in the days ahead. There are so many great possibilities, but it takes well crafted strategies to realise them! 

New year resolutions, declarations and even prophesies are not enough but practical actions if getting things done is anything to go by.  Be deliberate in forgiving others or seeking forgiveness from them always. 

Talk less, and act more to achieve new-great feats. Do not be overambitious, but never settle for less. Do not be laggard or concede to leeching mentality, that is, becoming a free rider or rent seeker, but learn to invest in worthy causes that touch lives positively!

Do not be jealous or envy anyone; cultivate emotional intelligence and tame your fears. Keep a clear conscience, watch your moral compass and pursue peace with all people!

May each passing day of this new year radiates, glows and bubbles with exceeding achievements, joy and love for you. 

*(Modest thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 1st Jan, 2025)*


By James Yashiyi
The gubernatorial candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 General Election in Plateau State, Professor Patrick Dakum has celebrated with former Ms. Grace Zamfara the State Chairman of the party as she weds her husband, Reverend Paul Ayuba Posat. The Holy Matrimony of the duo was solemnised at the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Bishara 1 Bukuru, Jos South Plateau State and was graced by dignitaries from both the church and political circles in the state and beyond.
Represented at the occasion by his Personal Assistant, Mr Jonathan Gukut, Prof Dakum who was father of the day extolled the virtues of Zamfara in her capacity as State Party Chairman, stating that the party structure has seen better days under her able leadership and used the occasion to thank her for the selfless sacrifices she has been making to secure the growth of the party in the state. He however added that her new status as wife of a Reverend comes with additional responsibilities and some of these responsibilities will compete with her political office. Hence prays that God Almighty will provide her with sufficient grace to manage both offices effectively.  
Gukut added that his principal, Prof Dakum really wanted to be personally present at the auspicious event but for numerous engagements, nevertheless, he sends that his personal and family’s goodwill are with the couple as they tie the marital knot. He added that with Prof Dakum’s over 41 years of married life experience, he advises that the couple should build their tent under the banner of Jesus Christ who is the author of Christian marriage itself, and concluded that it is the only surety to happy marital union. Gukut further buttressed the sermon of Reverend Silas Yako who was the Guest Preacher that the “Santi” a Hausa word for ‘sweetness’ of marriage is something that can only be derived when the couple individually prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of each other rather than self’s only.
He then wished for a marital bliss for the couple.
At the event were members of the Labour Party National EXCO, with the State Chairman of the Party in Sokoto State representing the National Chairman of the Party, Comrade Julius Abure and other dignitaries that included Pastor Esther Ibanga and Jemimah Mbaya among others who came out in numbers to celebrate with the couple.

Season’s Greetings from the Civil Society for Cancer Eradication in Nigeria (CiSCANEN)

As we celebrate the joy of Christmas, let us also reflect on the gift of good health. This season reminds us of the importance of love, compassion, and community. At CiSCANEN, these values inspire us to take cancer prevention outreach to the grassroot communities—where it's needed the most.

Together, we can empower communities with knowledge and resources to reduce cancer risks and ensure healthier tomorrows for all. Thank you for supporting our mission. May your holidays be filled with joy, hope, and good health!

Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year!


I am not in the right standing to publish this gospel to the world. My reason is simple: I am a sinner needing help myself but when grace speaks, God uses anything, even the unqualified. Therefore, I stand on the alter of Grace to share these treasures that the birth of Jesus represents starting with the historical context.

In his book, "The Road Less Travelled", Peck Scott observed that, "Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid." For determined problem solvers, however, no price is too high to pay. They could risk anything including their lives to fix an outstanding problem. That was exactly what Jesus Christ did!

On 25th December every year, the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. There is a cogent reason for this celebration which is connected to mystery that is associated with the redeeming power that is ever present in the name of Jesus. The power that is in the name brings great joy to those who believe, but sorrow to those who do not as the reality of death and hell crystallises in their minds!

Before the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the world was in shambles. The fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden had polluted the world. Through them, all me have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The man that was created in the glorious image of God had gone astray in pursuit of his evil schemes (Ecclesiastes 7:27-28).

The situation of the world at the time, and even now could best be described in Shakesperean's words: "Hell is empty and all the devils are here." The world was so corrupt and cruel eliciting God's anger and regret for creating man. The cruelty that was in the world could be mirrored in Stephen Crane's fable cited in the book written by Harry Harrison entitle, "Planet of the Damned". In the fable, "A man said to the Universe: "Sir, I exist". "However", replied the Universe, "the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."" In other words, the Universe was literarily saying, you are on your own, i am under no obligation to care - protect, provide and guide you.

The world was in a state of anarchy where anything goes. It was also in its darkest moment, a situation of man eating man feeling normal as if nothing happens. This turn of events was not the original plan of God for man hence the need for redemption of man from dark abyss of sin and eminent condemnation. The birth of Jesus Christ, therefore, signifies the illumination of a dark world. It, also, signifies the ushering in of a new government that entrenches justice, restores orderliness and peace universal and everlasting. Of course, if there is anything the world craves, it is good governance and enduring peace.

Good governance is a government that is anchored on constitutionalism where its institutions are strong enough to root out corruption. It is about due diligence and probity (transparency and accountability). Good governance is compassionate and it is sustained by love empathy and the equalisation of opportunities for all. It does not allocate opportunities based on patronage (prebendalism).

The prophesy of the great redemption move was documented in Isaiah 9:2-8 (NIV), especially verses 2, 3, 6 and 7 which reads: "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.... For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace, there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this." A profound prophecy has whose reality has since come to past in the New testament.

The world is currently living under God's love revolution through Jesus Christ. In other words, the illumination and restoration of man and his world has been consummated in the birth, death and resurrection Jesus Christ Christ. In John 3: 16, the Scripture says: "For God so loved the world and gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." This means that those who believe in this total redemption process, have seen great light and living in the exceeding joy of being saved. The following Chorus bears such witness: 'I've got in my heart, peace in my heart, happiness in my heart all the time; Jesus is my peace, till my journey ends, I have got joy in my heart all the time'!

The darkness that the world is currently witnessing has been a derivative of man's rebellion to God's model of life. Through Jesus Christ, the provision has been made, but the scale has not fallen off the eyes of those whose hearts have refused to yield to God's extravagant grace. They can be happy through the works of their hand but never joyous in life. Being happy has to do with external motivations; being joyous, on the other hand, draws motivation from internal peace irrespective of what happens outside them.

The world is still wallowing in darkness, but the situation would have been worst with the coming of Jesus Christ. The name Jesus is a profile in redemptive virtues. He is love and compassion personified. Jesus conceded his comfort zone for our sake. Though without sin, he bore our transgressions. NK God, captured this trade-off well in her song which says: "He paid the debt that i owe; i owe the debt I could not pay." What a work of sacrificial love and unmerited grace, hallelujah!

The best of Christmas is celebrated in understanding of the generous gift of salvation. Christmas is not about wild celebration but a period for thanksgiving for the great act of love of God towards humanity.

The testimony of the Jesus Christ, in John 10:10, confirmed and revealed that: "The thief (devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." This onerous mission of the Redeemer, our friend, is a heart-warming one because, the devil is an enemy; and in elementary International Relations (IR), an enemy's enemy is a friend!

God has shown humanity great love. As beneficiaries of this rare benevolence, we are obligated to replicate same to others now and always. In doing this, we are guided to 'love people from our heart, not from our mood and needs.'

As a conclusion, people all over the world are called to join in meditatively singing just the three (3) stanzas of this timeless song, "Joy to the World", by Phil Wickham (2019), to usher in the Christmas celebration. If you are ready, let's go: 'Joy to the world the Lord is come
Let earth receive her king
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and Heaven and nature sing...
'Joy to the world the saviour reigns
Let men their songs employ
While fields and floods rocks hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy...
'He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders, wonders of His love 
Joy to the world...' 
Happy Christmas celebration, and a prosperous new year ahead to all and sundry!

(Modest Thought with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 24th December, 2023; 08116181263; loisayuba420@gmail.com).


Diket Plang is commended for his efforts in sponsoring a bill to establish the Federal University of Mining and Geo-Science in Jos, Plateau State. 
Leading a delegation the President of Plateau State Initiative for the Development and Advancement of Natives, PIDAN Plateau Central Alfa John Dakwak paid a courtesy visit to diket plang’s in his jos residence to commend his efforts and accomplishments in sponsoring a bill for the establishment of the university Geo Science and Mining
In his statement this move is expected to boost the state's economy, given its rich solid mineral resources, noting that the proposed university aims to provide comprehensive technical services in mining engineering and related fields, which will likely transform the Nigerian economy.
He said, the group has been monitoring the Diket Plang performances at the National Assembly and discovered his unwavering commitments, dogged efforts and exceptional qualities of representation and describing him as a true son of Plateau State who is poised to go at any length to support any initiatives that will bring development to the central zone and the state atlarge.
The bill, which was passed by the Senate on December 11, 2024, repeals the Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geo-Science Act, 2018. Senator Plang's initiative demonstrates his commitment to promoting economic growth and development in Plateau State. His efforts have been recognized as a significant step towards harnessing the state's mineral resources and creating opportunities for its people.
PIDAN Plateau Central has praised Senator Diket Plang, describing him as a relentless and determined advocate for his constituents. This characterization underscores his unwavering commitment to fighting for the rights and interests of the people of Plateau Central. As a senator, Plang has demonstrated his dedication to addressing the challenges facing his senatorial district, including issues related to security, infrastructure development, and education. His efforts have not gone unnoticed, earning him recognition as a champion of his people's causes.


The deadly stampede which reportedly resulted in the death of ten (10) vulnerable and elderly people that turned up to receive alms at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Maitama, Abuja, on Saturday, 21th December, 2024, is not surprising at all. The victims were not scavenging food for merriment but survival. It was an existential expedition which represents the general struggle of suffering Nigerian people. 

Life has no meaning to a person who is not sure of their next meal; he/she can give up his/her live to earn a day's meal. This is the sad reality of life.

Same day, another similar tragedy has occured at Okija, Ihiala Local Government Area, Anambra State. The report has it that, 'no fewer than 17 people have been killed and many others injured' following a stampede that occured during and after a rice-sharing event organised by Obi Jackson Foundation which is owned by Ernest Obiejesi, an oil magnet and philanthropist.

These tragedies can be put in perspective that poverty and hunger are widespread in Nigeria. Thus, the victims are desperate and will stop at nothing to scamper a morsel when opportunity presents itself.

The Church and the Foundation meant well for the people but the situation at hand has overwhelmed their good intentions leading to avoidable death.

The Maitama incident presents a curious scenerio. This is because the place is in the heart of Abuja. Maitama is one of the city's suburbs for the rich and powerful, but has sizeable number of poor people living there and doing menial jobs like security, domestic cooking, house, etc. There are many big mansions there but their owners hardly live in them. 

Death is a fated human reality but the causes and timing could be human induced. Food, shelter and clothing are basic necessities of life. They are fundamental human rights. So, any person that is lacking in these rights is vulnerable and susceptible. Put it differently, poverty is a red flag! 

For the sake of emphasis, it should be noted again and again that living in perpetual poverty is an accident waiting to happen. In other words, hidden in poverty are possibilities for mass destruction/death. Poverty is a tragedy, and tragedies can be induced by 'dynasty of poverty'.

It was a Dark Saturday on Saturday right under the nose of the seat of power, and at the heart of a well known South-East business state. These two incidents suggests that Nigeria's leadership and economic matrix has a wide inequality gap to bridge, and dishing out palliative by privileged economic agents (spirited individuals, corporate organisations and government) has proven ineffective. 

A mass production strategy that will address mass poverty and hunger in the Country is urgently required. The modalities for wealth redistribution in the country have to be reviewed to minimise sharp material inequality. The new Tax Bill presents ample opportunity for inequality issues to be tackled headlong!

Never again, and may the souls of the departed victims find rest in the great beyond, and the families comforted!

*(Modest thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 21st Dec, 2024)*


Good morning is an everyday courtesy that is loaded with salient mysteries and possibilities that need attention and reflection by humans being toward making better outings in their daily living.

When you woke up in the morning, what comes to your mind? What does the smiles and radiant rays of the morning sun tell you? For me, it has always been the dawn of a new beginning, starting something new or sustaining efforts towards finishing what was left undone the day before. 

Every morning brings hope alive. An Anonymous puts it this way: "A morning is a wonderful blessing either cloudy or sunny. It stands for hope, giving us another start of what we call life." This, for me, is profound. As you read this pieces, you are charged to harken to the wisdom that says: "Make hay while the sun shines." Everyday, is a day to remember; make your mark(s).

There should not be any room for despondency at all even in failure, and there should not be any peak of achievements because the frontiers of achievements are highly elastic. I cannot agree less with Winston Churchill when he said: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

When you achieve a great feat, a new height emerged; to fail is just an opportunity to try again with better experience.

Good morning is an energiser. It alerts and elicits a sense of worthiness in the community of people hence brings warm, inspiration and the motivation to dare great things!

Good morning is a social mobilisation capital. It greases  the will of love and social integration. A world without good morning is a red flag, a sign that war is lurking, in human civilisation!

When you woke each day, find a reason to say good morning to someone. Hello world, good morning! 

*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 18th Dec, 2024)*

Plateau State University Enhances Career Counseling Services for Students

Plateau State University Bokkos (PLASU) has formally completed a three-part capacity training program for members of the university community conducted by the newly established Career Service Center at PLASU in preparation for an aggressive career guidance drive for existing, prospective and graduating students.

The Center aim to empower students to make informed career choices and secure job placements that match their skills, according to the  Director of the center Dr.Annah Faka ,it will contribute effectively to national growth and development.

The training with the theme  "Role of Career Guidance and Counseling in Fostering Various Career Alternatives," featured theoretical and practical training on various aspects of career services, delivered by renowned academics, to include Professor Rahila Gowon of the University of Jos and Professor Buba Mamman Wufem, Director of Academic Planning at PLASU.

Acting Vice Chancellor Professor Shedrack Best expressed confidence in the capacity of the Career Service Center  to deliver quality career services, having received comprehensive training.

 Represented by Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration Associate Professor Keziah Ayuba, the Vice Chancellor encouraged career counselors to regularly update their knowledge and skills to meet contemporary expectations as PLASU has taken a significant step toward enhancing the academic and professional journey of its students.

The initiative aim to address concerns of unemployment linked to career choices and skills, making PLASU one of the first ten Nigerian universities to establish a Career Service Center  with support  from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund).

Prof. Dakum Urges Supporters to Remain Calm and Optimistic Amidst Defection of Reps Members.

Professor Patrick Dakum, the 2023 Labour Party gubernatorial candidate in Plateau State, has called for calm and optimism among LP supporters following the defection of some National Assembly members to the All Progressives Congress (APC). Dakum emphasized that the defectors' decision shouldn't cause any trouble or fear, as the Consolidation for Greater Plateau movement remains solidly grounded.

Dakum, who is also the CEO of the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria, reassured supporters that he is still committed to the Labour Party and is focused on his humanitarian work, prioritizing the betterment of lives through his non-governmental organization. He expressed gratitude to those who have shown solidarity and encouraged him to re-contest, emphasizing that he values friendship above politics and considers his supporters as friends.

Dakum's message of calm and optimism serves as a reminder that the movement is bigger than individual defections, and that better days are ahead. His commitment to the Labour Party and his humanitarian work demonstrates his dedication to creating positive change in Plateau State and beyond.
Professor Dakum Appeals for calm and optimism Despite the Defection of Reps members.
In an interaction with newsmen Shabul Mazadu the media consultant to Prof. Dakum, said the recent defection of Hon. From Dalyop, member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency, and Hon. Alfred Ajang, member representing Jos South/Jos East Federal Constituency in the green chamber of the national assembly, from the Labour Party to the All Progressives Congress (APC) should cost none of our supporters sleep. 
He asserted that the defectors have the right to join forces where they are comfortable, but that should not cause any trouble or fear to members of Consolidation for Greater Plateau as we are solidly on ground. He admonished them to remain calm and optimistic as better days lay ahead.
When asked whether Prof. Dakum is contemplating jumping ship also, Mr. Mazadu asserted that Prof. Dakum at the moment is still LP and is preoccupied with his non-governmental organization (NGO) and other humanitarian aid activities to better the lives of humanity, stressing that helping humanity is his fulcrum and innermost desire, but in the course of time he would address the press on this and other issues.
Mazadu further stated that Dakum has extended his gratitude to those both in the PDP and APC who took their time to show solidarity to him and called on him to re-contest, adding that hope should be kept alive and stick with him as they are doing as in due course he will make known his political decision whether to contest on not. 
According to him, Dakum values friendship above politics and sees all his supporters as friends, and tries bettering their lives in his little way, and as best as he can.

BOSAT felicitate with Principal BUTECHS

National President Bukuru Old Students Association Technical Bldr Raphael Rume, rejoices and congratulates Patu Wambutda Principal Government Science and Technical College Bukuru and Patron BOSAT for the award of excellence as the best performing principal public secondary school in Jos South area office of the ministry of education plateau state, it is wonderful to see your dedication and hard work acknowledged.   
This prestigious recognition is a testament to your exceptional leadership qualities, dedication and unwavering commitment to providing excellence education to our alma mater, the state and the country atlarge and by extension adding value to the society driven by technical education.
Congratulation on your outstanding achievements and we are grateful for your tireless efforts in shaping the development of BUTECHS.
Your award recognition did not come to us as a surprise considering you were the first female head girl of the college, and now the principal and also one of the Patron of the alma mater BOSAT 
BOSAT is proud to celebrate you, once more congratulations

Bldr Raphael Rume, National President BOSAT


"Conscience", the say, "is God's deputy." It is the rudder that guides a person away from evil. The conscience is a moral enabler. At the most basic level, therefore, it is enough to guide someone into doing what is right, and to do it right with the support of the intellect. 

Being religious in the presence of conscience, is an icing on the cake. In other words, being genuinely religious amplifies the dictates of conscience. The danger, however, is when someone's conscience is depraved. 

A depraved conscience can do anything. All bastialities and dastardly acts that human beings commit are results of depraved conscience. A depraved conscience is like an expired and condensed cement which cannot be useful for anything. 

No wonder the Scripture in Proverbs 12:23 says, 'guard your heart with all diligence, for in it are the issues of life' and, I add, death. If we allow our hearts, the house of conscience, to be overcrowded and condensed by mundane one-offs of life, then, we are in for big shockers!

All acts of terrorism and insurgency, banditary, kidnapping, ritual killings, armed robbery, tyranny/despotism, etc, are manifestation of moral depravity. A depraved hearted person lives in a different world, and sees life differently from the way other human beings see them. He could kill and celebrated or perceived the dastardly act as a form of heroism or service to God. It is that bad and abnormal!  

If a man must lose anything in this life, it should never be the guidance of conscience. May we not get to a point where our conscience is depraved or else, that will be the beginning of the end of humanity. God forbid! 

*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 15th December, 2024)*


To be a great achiever is never a geographical feat but a product of mental, emotional and/or physical effort. In other words, success is often and reliably a mental, emotional and physical frequency/reality. 

A hardworking, focused and determined person, irrespective of where he/she comes from (geography),  gender (sex), colour (race), religion, tribe and tongue (language) can be successful in anything over time. In an ideal and functional world, no one fails or succeed based on mere natural cleavages or affliation but mindset!

A positive mindset in a healthy body will generate holistic energies and frequencies that will bring or make success in anything a reality. 

Never believe in the myths of success by geography, gender, tribe, religion, colour, tribe and/or language. Those things are just environments that could shape mentality but, certainly, not the practical determinants of success. Any success that derives from these environments is an accident or coincidence that might not be replicated or repeated with certainty. 

Show me a person with high aptitude, and sustainably committed to excellence, and I will show you a person who will succeed in times and seasons!
*(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, 14th Dec, 2024)*

Bauchi Gov’t Creates Seyawa Chiefdom

Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State has approved the creation of Seyawa Chiefdom with the headquarters in Tafawa Balewa local government area of the state.

The governor stated this in Bauchi on Monday while addressing stakeholders from the area.

He said the decision was taken after a careful study of the reports of the committees set up to come up with detailed modalities of how the Chiefdom could be established.

This, he said, was parts of the efforts of his administration to find lasting solution to the lingering problems around the creation Seyawa Chiefdom, which has defiled efforts by successive administrations for over three decades.

Mohammed expressed sadness over the loss of innocent lives as a result of a series of ethno-religious violence that erupted in the Tafawa Balewa and Bogoro axis in the realisation of Seyawa Chiefdom.

“Upon the receipt of the committee’s reports, a white paper drafting committee was appointed to produce the government’s position on its various findings and recommendations.

“Another committee was appointed to go to three states, namely Plateau, Kaduna and Nasarawa, to study how their Chiefdoms were created. Their structures, mode of succession, among others.

“The decision of the government is as follows; a Chiefdom to be referred to as Seyawa Chiefdom shall be created out of the present Bauchi Emirate.

“The Seyawa Chiefdom shall be headed by a Chief to be designated as Gun Zaar.

“In the event of the stool of the Seyawa Chiefdom becoming vacant, appointment of the successive team shall be made from the two historical clans, namely, San Gami and San Gishi,” the governor said.

According to him, vacancy would only occur in the event of death, removal by government or resignation of the serving Chief of the Seyawa Chiefdom.

BOSAT has held its 2024 national convention amidst project commissioning and deliberation on the way forward

The convention commenced with the commissioning of the by the Governor of Nasarawa state His Excellency Engineer Abdullahi Sule who was represented by the Grand Patron Sir Edwin Gamde amidst the outpouring of commendations and accolades.

In his opening addressed National President of Bukuru Old student's Association Technical (BOSAT) Bldr Raphael Rume took time to reel out some of achievements and challenges of the association, as follows: Created a website for the association, Created a YouTube channel for the association, Composed the BOSAT Anthem, Embarked on a wide spread publicity of the association by featuring on TV and radio programs to promote, propel and project the association and our Alma-mater, Brought in an all-inclusive government by creating a forum for Exco meeting with set chairpersons, past BOSAT President and former Principals who are BOSAT members otherwise known as stakeholders, Abolished or discouraged the table payment of registration for better accountability transparency and proper documentation, All registrations, dues and any other payments made are now been displayed on the general platform, Construction of 50 No of 3 in 1 classroom table and chair for the school, Installation of over 30 solar streetlight to curb the issue of insecurity, Re-modelling and construction of a befitting school gate, Organized a memorable and befitting 70th anniversary, Reviewed our constitution to suit the current time, Rehabilitated road within the school, Carried cooperate social responsibility by visiting two orphanage home and donating material and cash worth hundreds of thousand naira, Established a very cordial working relationship with the school and the PTA, among others

Earlier in her welcoming addressed the Principal Bukuru Science and Technical College Bukuru expressed her appreciation to the Bosat for their response to her plea during the 70 anniversary, ss expected the presentation on convention theme ROLE OF ALUMNI IN RETROGRESSIVE ALMA-MATER led Nde Tanimu Gontur was engaging and exciting.,

After the presentation of the financial reports and other deliberations, the convention came to a close with the votes of thanks delivered by the CHAIRMAN, CENTRAL PLANNING COMMITTEE DR SHIRKA KASSEM as various set groups reconvene for socializing and recreation in their various locations.


Langtang South Announced Invitation to Tender

The office of the Executive Chairman of Langtang South Local Government Council, on behalf of the Legislative Arm & Management of the Council calls in the Council Registered Contractors to bid for the following contracts, this is in strict adherence to rule of engagement as required by the law of contract.

Hon. Vincent Venmak has denied the accusation made against him by Hon Bendel calling them baseless

Hon. Bulus Vincent Venman, the Member Representing Langtang North/South Federal Constituency, has vehemently denied allegations made by Hon. Nancwat Bendel, Member Representing Langtang South State Constituency, noting that no funds was released for him during the electioneering campaign ahead of Governorship held in Plateau State.

While describing the accusations as baseless and unfounded, Hon Venmak described Hon. Nancwat Bendel as political looser and unreasonable to create acrimony blackmailing him that he collected funds from the campaign of APC in the state and squandered it.

According to Venman, he spent millions of naira to ensure that the All Progressives Congress (APC) won the election with a landslide victory. He emphasized that all funds were released through the Commissioner and stakeholders in Langtang South LGA, not him.

Venman urges Hon. Bendel to focus on delivering dividends of democracy to the people of Langtang South rather than engaging in baseless allegations and political rivalry. He calls on APC members and supporters to remain calm and united, stressing the importance of fostering peace and cohesion within the party.

It is well-known among party faithful in Langtang North and South that Hon. Vincent has consistently been the primary financier of APC activities in the area, often utilizing personal resources to support the party's growth and success.

 Accusing him of diverting funds is not only false but also a deliberate attempt to mislead the public and tarnish his hard-earned reputation.

Hon. Vincent further said the suspension of Hon. Bendel from the party is an internal matter, and he was not involved or aware of the decision beforehand. Hon. Vincent said the news of the suspension came to him as a surprise’, ‘I have since called on the party leadership to establish a reconciliation committee to address grievances and promote unity within the APC ," he added.

Hon. Vincent reiterated that he believes internal disagreements should be resolved through dialogue and collaboration, not through unfounded accusations and public disputes. Noting that creating unnecessary crises within the party will only weaken its position ahead of future elections.


By Walbe Ogak

 All is now set as the Ancient city of Pankshin, ‘Ptown’ prepares to host it former students of Government College Pankshin, who are popularly called Pankshin Old Boys Association or POBITE.

It is indeed going to be a moments filled with nostalgia and anticipation, as the POBITEs, are set to embark on a grand reunion, their annual convention scheduled for Friday and Saturday promises to be an extraordinary spectacle, as the POBA National President Kenzy Ngupar of Set 95 has vowed to make it one of the most memorable events in the college's history.

Indeed considering the lineup activities this convention will of it kind which should not missed by any member.

As the President had earlier outlined there will be a free Medical Outreach which is expected to reach 1000 beneficiaries who are living around the school Community.

The Executive Governors of Plateau His Excellency Barrister Caleb Mutfwang and his counterpart the Governor of Nasarawa States Engineer Abdullahi Sule have indicated interest to personally attend in recognition for their specially interest for the school.

Other line up of activities includes, appreciating all Past POBA Presidents from inception and all the first admitted students in the early 60s.

Special recognition will be given to POBITES who have been of support to the association such as, the Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Dewan Kudangbena, the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs Plateau State, Hon. Chief Ephraim Usman, Commissioner for Youths and Sports Development, Hon. Noel Nkup  and  Vice President, Africa Energy Group Dr. Chinnan Dikwal

The Grand finale will be the Investiture of HRH The Emir of Keffi, Alhaji Shehu Chindo Yamusa III,PhD,CON as Grand Patron of POBA.

This indeed will be one of kinds its kind aside the fact that the convention will serve as a platform for these old boys to reconnect with their alma mater and rekindle the bonds forged during their early formative years. It will be a time for reminiscing about old friendships, sharing stories of success, and celebrating the unwavering spirit that has always defined the Government College Pankshin community.

The highlight of the convention will undoubtedly be the assembly of the old boys, a diverse group of individuals who have carved their paths in various professions and walks of life. From renowned military personnel’s, to accomplished engineers, doctors, academics, business mogul, captain of industries and public servants to honoured royal fathers and religious leaders, who coming to pay homage to their shared roots.

It is worthy to note that traditionally in the spirit of camaraderie and brotherhood, the convention has to continue to feature a wide range of activities designed to foster unity and forge new connections, which will include social gatherings, sporting events, and cultural performances, providing ample opportunities for the old boys to interact and celebrate their shared identity.

One of the primary objectives of the convention is for the various set meet and strengthens their set exploring ways to enhance their set reputation and future prospects which center on new initiatives, mentorship programs, and strategic partnerships that can benefit both the set and the institution.

The convention will undoubtedly also provide a platform for the old boys to reflect on their experiences and the impact their alma mater has had on their lives. They will share insights, offer guidance, and inspire current students to strive for excellence and uphold the values that have always been synonymous with Government College Pankshin.

As the sun sets on the convention, the old boys will bid farewell to their alma mater with a renewed sense of purpose and pride. They will depart with the knowledge that their bonds have been strengthened and that they will continue to support their beloved college in the years to come, therefore, don’t be left out, because, the convention will not only be a celebration of the past but also an investment in the future. By fostering a sense of community among its alumni, Government College Pankshin will continue to produce exceptional individuals who will make their mark on the world while embodying the spirit and legacy of their alma mater.

As the countdown to the convention begins, excitement is palpable. The old boys are eagerly anticipating their return to the hallowed halls of their former abode, where they will once again experience the camaraderie that has always been the cornerstone of their brotherhood.

The annual convention of the old boys of Government College Pankshin is more than just a gathering. It is a testament to the enduring bonds that transcend time and distance, a celebration of shared experiences, and a collective commitment to the future. As the old boys converge on their alma mater, they will reaffirm the timeless adage: "Once a POBITE, always a POBITES ."

Plateau State University Takes Over New 192-Capacity Female Hostel

Plateau state University Bokkos has formally taking over a one hundred and ninety-two capacity female hostel newly built  and funded by Tertiary Education Fund TETFUND .
Taking over the edifice,Acting Vice Chancellor of the university Professor Shedrack Best described Hostel accommodation as key component of student life.

The fully furnished one storey edifice built by Tertiary Education Fund under the 2022/2023 merged Tetfund intervention projects is meant to address the hostel accommodation especially for female students.

In an elaborate ceremony to mark the handing and taking over, professor Best said.

“Hostel accommodation is key to student life, student performance and education delivery in every system,” He said. 

He added that measures  
will be put in place to making sure that the edifice is well utilise and maintained by the students.

'It is my desire that all students a well preserved in Hostel so that the management can take responsibility of their safety. We do not want our students to stay off campus"

Speaking on behalf of the contractors,  Obina Ode of the Dang Global Limited said they were constraint by the inflation rate but with persistence in executing the project,they were not able to finished on time due to the high cost of building materials as they incurred so many losses and appealed to the Management of the University for consideration. 

Representative of the beneficiaries and members of the student union who came out in their numbers expressed gratitude as witnessed in the chanting of solidarity song to TETFUND and the university management.

2027: The Guild of Publishers urged Prof. Dakum to re-contest for the governorship of Plateau state

By Walbe OGAK 
As politicians have started recalibrating, realigning and strengthening their standing as 2027 drew nearer, the Guild of Plateau Publishers, comprising of online news medium owners has urged Prof. Patrick Sunday Dakum to contest the 2027 Plateau State gubernatorial election. Citing his impeccable qualities, contribution to humanity and passionate love for the state

The Guild of Publishers In a letter dated 23rd November, 2024 presented to his Personal Assistant Mr. Jonathan Gukut, in his Anglo-Jos officer described Prof. Dakum, CEO of the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) and 2023 Labour Party gubernatorial candidate as a visionary person who is committed to transparency and accountability and unwavering dedication to the welfare of the common man, a truly detribalized plateau man.

The group noted that the prevailing stagnation of development in all spheres of the economy and increasing suffering in the state, necessitate the searched for a true and capable leader who is God fearing and dependable saying ‘we are in the know of the sabotage and betrayal meted out to you in the 2023 general elections, but that should not discourage you because countless citizens strongly believe that you were and you are still the right person with the vision, passion, and sagacity of taking Plateau State out of the woods and to enviable heights, as testified by your excellent performance as the CEO of IHVN and the records you left behind as Commissioner of Health and Information and the numerous places he has worked.

The group, while assuring their resolute commitments and support to the noble cause, emphasized that "we hereby notify you of our willingness to support you in all ramifications if you consider our plea to re-contest." They also emphasized that the right person who will bring excellent governance Prof. Dakum

The Guild of Publishers acknowledged the challenges Dakum encountered in the 2023 general elections but however expressed their belief in his vision, passion, and leadership abilities.

The publishers emphasized that they consulted widely and received an overwhelming yearning and desire for Dakum's prospective candidacy. They pledged their unalloyed support and encouraged him to re-contest, trusting that God will guide him through the process.

In his response, Mr. Gukut said as a messenger, he will convey their noble message to Prof. Dakum, while expressing concern over the use of social media by some unprofessional persons thereby compromise their journalistic standards.

He extolled Prof. Dakum's leadership perception, which is anchored on three principles: leadership with a feat of God, leadership with a human face, and leadership that prioritizes the people's needs.

In conclusion, Mr. Gukut refuted rumors that Prof. Dakum was seeking the Plateau Central Senatorial seat, emphasizing that Prof. Dakum's governorship bid was driven by a desire to provide good governance, not personal enrichment.


The meeting, held at the Plateau State Government House, Little Rayfield, Jos was attended by the principal organs of the party: l NWC, PDP-GF, BOT, NASS Forum, Former Governors Forum, Former Ministers' Forum and other leaders of the party.

Rising from the meeting, the organs of the party resolved as follows
1. The Forum notes the concerns of Nigerians, PDP founding fathers, elders and members of our great Party of seeming divisions within the ranks and files. The Forum wishes to state categorically that it remains resolute in its determination to ensure unity and cohesion of this great Party that Nigerians have come to trust as the best platform for democratic governance. 

2. The Forum is constrained to accept the latest postponement of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the Party in empathy with our colleague, H.E. Governor Eno Bassey, whose late dear wife will be buried on the same day earlier scheduled for NEC. Once again, the Forum wishes to commiserate with our colleague and pray that God will grant him and the family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
3. The Forum is strongly advising the NWC to call NEC latest by the first week of February 2025 to allow for elaborate consultations with critical stakeholders of the Party.  The period between November and February is to address the existential problems confronting the Party, with a deliberate timeline of activities within the period under review to address issues of leadership and litigations confronting the Party.

4. The Forum empathizes with Nigerians who are groaning under the oppressive economic hardship foisted on the nation by the policies and decisions of the APC-led Federal Government. The Forum calls on the President to urgently review both macroeconomic and fiscal policies that will address the welfare and well-being of Nigerians. The Forum wishes to pledge that all PDP Governors will continue to aggressively pursue policies and programs that will reduce the hardship and ensure progress and development.

5. The Forum notes with concern the rape of democracy in Edo Governorship elections. It is clear to everyone with conscience that INEC manipulated results in favour of the APC candidate when in fact majority of lawful votes were won by the PDP candidate, Mr. Asue Ighodalo. Meanwhile, we are still examining the documents in Ondo Elections where the APC manipulated results after openly buying votes. The Forum calls on the judiciary to save Nigerian democracy and the National Assembly to look into our electoral laws to make it difficult for institutional sabotage of the will of the people.

6. The Forum recognises the good work that the majority members of NASS is doing. NASS is therefore called upon to critically interrogate all bills to ensure fairness, equity, national balance and even development nationally. 

7. The Forum commiserates with the Government and people of Plateau State on the recent Katako market fire incident which destroyed properties worth millions of Naira. The Forum also commiserates with the Government and people of Jigawa State on the recent tanker expulsion whereby scores of people lost their lives and several others were injured.

8. The Forum expresses its gratitude to the Government and People of Plateau State for not only hosting the meeting but extending to all the participants the hospitality for which Jos is reputed. In particular, the meeting commends the Government of the State for visible and laudable transformation in social services, tourism and transportation that have taken place and ensure all Nigerians to look forward, with GENUINE HOPE to the replication of this not only presently but after 2027 when the party would reclaim its rightful position in the Nigerian political scene.

Governors in Attendance

H.E. Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed  (Bauchi State) – Chairman of the PDP Governors’ Forum

H.E. Barr. Caleb Mutfwang (Plateau State) – Host Governor

H.E. Dr. Agbu Kefas (Taraba State)

H.E. Rt. Hon. Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri   (Adamawa State)

H.E Seyi Makinde  (Oyo State)

H.E. Dr. Dauda Lawal   (Zamfara State)

H.E. Sir Monday Onyeme (Deputy Governor, Delta State)

H.E. Barr. Ifeanyi Ossai (Deputy Governor, Enugu State)

Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed 
Chairman – PDP Governors’ Forum/Governor of Bauchi State


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...