Compliment of the season. Christmas has come and gone but the new year is around the corner. I wish you well, as you round-off the old year and wish you well as you start the new one. 

Many had what our life's dreams are but, today, they have gone six feet down the ground or battling terminal illnesses. Many, also, wish to be like us but are, sadly, gone too or innocently confined to bondages imposed on upon them by their fellow men. Yet, despite all the travails of life, we made it. We are alive!, glory be to God.

Because God lives, we can face tomorrow with hope of victory and, the promise of success in all that we do, going forward. This is the confidence I am starting the new one with when we crossover; what about you? 

Let us step into the new year with faith and confidence to conquer our worst/greatest fears. Let us go there and win; not because we are strong or swift or smart or better than anyone but because the grace of God almighty is richly dwelling upon us and those we always share our lives with. 

There is power in collaboration. If our graces will not take us through, that of our genuine collaborators will make it up for us because we draw from the same source - God who is our sufficiency!

Congratulations in advance for all the victories that await us. Whatever we could not win in the year ended could not have been of praise to God, otherwise, we could have won all (Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha, December 31, 2023)

Nigeria, blood and crucifixion on the Plateau

By Mathew Hassan Kukah
By the banks of the Niger river, on the hills of the Plateau, across the lush savannahs of the Middle Belt, we have sat down and wept. We have questions crying for answers: Who are these killers? Where are they coming from? Who is sponsoring them? What are their grouses and against whom? What do they want? Whom do they want? Who are they working for? When will it all end? Why are they invincible and invisible? Who is offering them cover?

Those invisible men came to the Plateau again, bearing their gifts of death and destruction. They came from the deepest pit of hell, the habitat of the devils that they are. They are children of darkness, sons of Satan. They opted to extinguish and snatch the light of the joy of Christmas from thousands of people on the Plateau. They imagined they would ignite an orgy of blood, seduce the ordinary peace-loving people of the Plateau and set them on a mission of mindless murder of fellow citizens in the name of retaliation. The world would then say that this is was a war of religion – Christians killing Muslims – to ignite a larger war. So far, over two hundred lives are gone and we are still counting, but what next, where next, and who next?
Over the years, these murderers have left their footprints of blood and tears across the length and breadth of the entire northern states, indiscriminately wrecking destruction across large swathes of land and communities. In all this, the Nigerian state and its security agencies are blind-sided, seemingly incapable of cleaning up this augean stable of sorrow and pain in our land. These killers have turned the Nigerian state and its security agencies into objects of cynicism, mockery and mere lachrymal spectators daily accompanying funeral processions. Across the country, these funerals and the coffins are now part of our landscape.
We are gradually taking eerie solace in the fact that these killers do not respect the boundaries of religion, region or ethnicity. We seem to be consoled that they are destroying churches, as well as mosques, killing Christians, as well as Muslims. We seem to be lulled into a feeling of collective consolation and we all believe that we are all victims of an endless orgy of violence that has taken over our land. There is a method to this madness. The choice of location, communities, timings, the seeming hooded identities of the killers, all mask a fact: We may not know who they are, but someone wants something from the Middle Belt. Stretch your imagination from the emergence of the modern Nigerian state and connect the dots.
Sadly, with time, Nigerians are gradually losing hope in the ability of their government to protect and secure them. While we religious leaders have continued to use our moral authority to encourage our people not to take the laws into their hands, we risk being swept away by the anger and frustration of our people. We even risk being seen as accomplices to an erring state. The Nigerian state itself risks becoming an undertaker in the eyes of its citizens. Our cups of sorrow are overflowing. We have cried enough tears. We may pretend that we are not at war, but truly a war is being waged against the Nigerian state and its people. God forbid, but we could snap anytime, anywhere and for any reason.

We are tired of the confusing, inexcusable, monosyllabic excuses saying: this is an asymmetrical war, we are on top of the situation, you cannot kill an idea, it is not about religion or ethnicity, we will bring them to justice. We, citizens of Nigeria, feel collectively humiliated and betrayed by those who are collaborating with these murderers and a government that seems helpless. Can we continue to believe that there is no long-term plan to take over the reins of power of the Nigerian state?

By the banks of the Niger river, on the hills of the Plateau, across the lush savannahs of the Middle Belt, we have sat down and wept. We have questions crying for answers: Who are these killers? Where are they coming from? Who is sponsoring them? What are their grouses and against whom? What do they want? Whom do they want? Who are they working for? When will it all end? Why are they invincible and invisible? Who is offering them cover? Are we condemned to live with this and hand this broken nation to our children? Should we all just become inoculated and sedated to make all this bearable? Who will supply the opium to dull our pain? Are we sleep walking to self-destruction?
Why has the North become the birthplace of so much bloodletting? Why are these killings seen as tools of negotiation with the Nigerian state by the protectors of the North? Why has our North become the incubator of all that is destructive? Boko Haram, banditry and shades of terrorism all live in our region. Why is this so? These killers are not ordinary murderers. They are killers for a purpose. It is the task of the Intelligence community to tell us who they are, where they live and what their goals are. These killers are professionals and are they Nigerians or they just have Nigerian sponsors? Their sponsors are among us. They must be in high places. They are now embedded in the architecture of the state. President Tinubu must know that the legitimacy of his government hangs on resolving this and giving us our country back.
We are tired of the confusing, inexcusable, monosyllabic excuses saying: this is an asymmetrical war, we are on top of the situation, you cannot kill an idea, it is not about religion or ethnicity, we will bring them to justice. We, citizens of Nigeria, feel collectively humiliated and betrayed by those who are collaborating with these murderers and a government that seems helpless. Can we continue to believe that there is no long-term plan to take over the reins of power of the Nigerian state? These people want power. They want it on their own terms. They want their own kind of Nigeria, according to their ideology. These killings are just a preface. These killings are no longer acts by herders and farmers over grazing fields. No, there is more and we as a nation will do well to face this threat before it is sunset. No evil lasts forever. The world defeated slavery, Apartheid, Nazism, racism, and other forms of extremism.
So far, I commend the government in its responses to these tragedies. Unlike before when no one bothered to visit the scenes, we are seeing very rapid responses from the top. This is necessary but not sufficient as a strategy. Rebuilding these communities requires more than mere physical infrastructure. There is need for clearer, more imagined strategies for rebuilding community cohesion and resilience. Rebuilding hearts is more urgent than rebuilding houses. Merely awarding contracts for the building of houses is not as important as building markets, rebuilding roads, providing agricultural inputs for farmers and so on.

This culture of investigation as excuses must end. The media and we the people must continue to remind the government of its obligations to be accountable. If investigations are made public and rewards or punishment are carried out, then it builds confidence. It will enable people to become involved in their own security. Only by pursuing, apprehending and bringing these evil men to justice can we begin to speak of a genuine reconciliation among our people.

There are growing concerns as to the sophistication, professionalism and capacity of the security agencies. Years of military involvement has led to the mistaken notion that issues of security are military. This guns and bullets approach has seen the growth of corruption, lack of cohesion, collaboration and co-ordination, alongside infighting within the security agencies. We civilians hear stories of orders from the top at the last minute, about credible intelligence provided but not used by those at the top. People are dying and no one’s job is threatened. There is an urgent need to re-set the national security architecture. Enough is enough.

This culture of investigation as excuses must end. The media and we the people must continue to remind the government of its obligations to be accountable. If investigations are made public and rewards or punishment are carried out, then it builds confidence. It will enable people to become involved in their own security. Only by pursuing, apprehending and bringing these evil men to justice can we begin to speak of a genuine reconciliation among our people. Bringing criminals to justice is justice to the criminal and justice to the victim too. Fixing our economy is desirable, but it must hang on a rigid security scaffolding to protect citizens and nation. The youth are fleeing their own country. The elites are fleeing their own communities. The poor are becoming refugees outside their own communities. Mr President, give us back our communities. Give us back our country.
Finally, national security is a function of robust, deep intellectual analysis and mapping of the goals and even ambitions of country, its local, regional or global place in the world. It thrives on creating scenarios based on a proper understanding and reading of geo-politics and locating where a country wants to be. So far, we have thrived on ad hoc and arbitrary options.
On the Plateau and elsewhere, so much academic research has been done. All the President needs to do is to order a review of all the options and find the political will to get our nation back on track. The current crucifixion of the Middle Belt is merely a metaphor. However, for us as Christians, in the cross, there is salvation. May this new year begin the healing of our dear nation. Happy new year and God bless our dear country.

Matthew Hassan Kukah is Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto and founder of the Kukah Centre, Abuja, Nigeria.


The Board of Directors,Management,Staff and numerous associates of the Dayyabu Garga Foundation wish to felicitate with its Chairman and Founder,Hon.Dr.Dayyabu Yusuf Garga,the Walin Garga and Galadiman Jhar on the occasion of his birthday,31st December,2023.

Sir your birthday coming on the last day of every year is never a mere coincidence but one that was divinely planned by the Almighty God.

No wonder your whole life has been one that is first for the people before yourself.The countless number of lives you have continued to touch in very unique ways are today standing to pray for you on this day that God should increase you in strength and wisdom.

Working with you has put in us all a spirit to show love and affection to the needy going by your firm believe in the upliftment of those who are down.

Your philanthropic gestures in so many areas of life through the DAYYABU GARGA FOUNDATION has endeared you to so many as such we assure you the prayers said for you daily shall not go in vain.

On this occasion of your 57th birthday sir,we wish you more of uncommon favor from the Almighty Allah.We pray for more open doors so you affect more lives positively in this new year and age that you have been blessed with.

May everything you touch for the purpose of help to people manifest in folds and may the goodness of these times and beyond follow you now and always.

Happy birthday to you Hon.Dr.Dayyabu Yusuf Garga.

Dayyabu Garga Dayyabu Garga Foundation.


by Ayuba, Yilgak'ha.


Throughout history, the factors that drive human progress have continue to vary with time (era, age, epoch or generation). In the feudal age, land owners were respected as the richest; then, came the era where farmers were richest. This was followed by the industrial revolution where those who have or work in industries became richer. Those who were into merchandise and trade later took the lead. Today, attention is shifted towards knowledge economy as source of wealth and greatness. In other words, it takes knowledge asset or capital to be great in today's world. Therefore, this presentation is simply an attempt to appreciate how an individual, community or nation can be heard in the era knowledge economy.

This presentation will be guided by three (3) critical questions:
1. What does it mean to be heard?
2. How can a small community like Gochom be heard?
3. How important is learning in today's world?


Learning is as old as the history of man. However, the deepening of the process of learning (that is, education) through breakthroughs in Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become the defining features of the current era code named the 21st century. This era is knowledge based or knowledge driven. Therefore, education is regarded as the new currency of the 21st century. By implication, every individual, community or nation required to tap into boundless opportunities offered by the new information age to make progress or, at least, minimising social inequality!


In a complex and dynamic world that is full of cacaphony of noise, it takes a someone's or nation's or community's capacity to curve a nitche for itself to to be heard or make a visible difference. To be heard means to distinguish or make a clear difference in an ecosystem (community). It is about creating great impact. There are two binary ways through which a community or people or a person can be heard. One can be heard through positive action(s) or negative action(s).

Positive actions manifest in the creation of or addition of value. It is about being, practically, useful to a community, nation or world). When someone becomes useful, his or her presence is positively felt and celebrated and, when absent, the absence immediately felt or noticed. On the other hand, negative actions are those actions that bring a system to disrepute or disadvantage. It is one that amounts to being a liability. The absence of a negative actionist brings relief but the presence of him or her raises concern or even worry.

Generating positive actions that makes our community members famous is the focus of our discussion today. The process of being positively famous, in any given circumstance, begins by curving a big dream (idea), nurturing the dream (developing it); pursuing the dream (executing it) as using feedback mechanisms to guage progress or failure (monitoring and evaluation). These are the processes! 

A dream is a mental picture of something great someone wants to achieve. It is a statement of hope or vision of things to be accomplished in ones life or community or nation. This implies that dreams can be personal or corporate. They are motivations for human action(s) which may be economic, political, social, etc. In other words, human passion in anything is generated by the value they attached to their dreams and the possibility of bringing them to reality. 

A typical example of political dream is the 'not too young to run' movement which was initiated in 2016 for Nigeria and Gambia, and championed by the coordinator, Youth Advocacy Initiative for Growth and Advancement (YAIGA) Africa, Samson Itodo, sponsored as legislative bill in House of representatives and Senate chambers of the National Assembly by Hon. Tony Nwulu and Sen. AbdulAziz respectively, pass into law and assented to by former Nigeria's president Buhari in 2019. This dream is work in progress vision and mission of ensuring that young people in their twenties could actively participate in the democratic process in Nigeria. Another example of economic dream was the historic "Chor manbi" initiative of our parents whose sole aim was to improve the economic base of its members to reduce poverty. It is unfortunate that the lofty initiative was not fully incubated and executed). The "Pusdung", festival of art and culture is an example of a socio-cultural dream which was initiated in 1989 and have grown into one of the biggest events in Plateau state. 

The dreams (ideas) of 'not too young to run' have become law but having many young people in position of power is yet another journey ahead that needs to be taken seriously and pursued with the energy it deserves. Pusdung has lasted decades but value can be added to it to make it even better. 'Chor manbi' has gone moribund but it can be reactivated to realise it goals since poverty is still a challenge. What this means that for a dream to be realised, it must run its full cause through diligent execution. In other words, a dream is just mere dream until it is fine tuned and, consciously, executed.


Gochom community is located in Kabwir District of Kanke Local government. The community is neither rich human resources (population) nor abundant material resources. It has limited land mass featured by rocky terrain which makes commercial agriculture difficult. Plus or minus, our population is estimated to be a thousand people. In addition, the generational growth curve of the community, in terms of educational enrolment or attainment, has continued to rise and fall, that is, following andulating pattern. This is a situation where one generation has more people enrolling in school beyond primary school while others have more of their peers going beyond secondary school. However, from the lesson of history, the community has unique potential and opportunity for rapid and growth.

Currently, the community has produced one academic professor, doctors, an dean, heads of department in schools and government establishments. It has, also, produced two counselors, secretary of local government; a director and a deputy director in federal establishments, certified chattered accountants, barristers. In short, we have tried having representation in all fields of human endeavour, be it academic, health, sports, business security, engineering, etc (Science, technology and art)!

This is where we are but big is our dream for the community, going fowards? Where do we see GOCHOM in the next 10, 20 or 25 years? The community is one community that is targetted at hitting "the bull". The focus is on the big picture: How to optimise - geometrically increase our current gains and, drastically, reduce any disadvantege that constitutes 'clear and present danger' for us!


Communities are endowed differently. The potentials of every community or nation are three fold - it material resources, it's human capital and contacts. While some communities or nations are highly endowed with material resources (non-human factors of production) like land (forest, rivers, rocks and their associated blessing); capital equipments like machines, they are lacking in population (human resources) - labour and entrepreneurs and public administrators). Some are rich in population but lacking in material resources. Nations or communities hardly have both!

Nations that are rich in both human and material resources like Nigeria are rare - very few. It is important to note that human resources is the most important resources of every nation. However, having plenty human beings alone is not enough but improving the quality of the human being to produce using the material resources that are available is even more important.

Countries like Isreal and Taiwan are good examples of countries that are lacking in material resources but becomes great. Isreal with an estimatedly population of 7 million (far less populated than Lagos State) and surrounded by seven (7) nations that are hostile to it but, yet, has the gut and temerity (chutzpah) to break-through. The nation possibly has more companies than industrialised countries like Japan, India, Korea and Canada. And country that can be referenced is Taiwan. Taiwan is so poor in natural resources that they have to be importing sand from neighbouring countries if they want to use it. However, these two countries managed to excel in all ramifications.

William Shakespeare, one of the world's renowned literary icons, once said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." This profound statement talks about three ways of becoming great: The first is individuals, communities and nations can be great by birth; the second is to be great by personal achievements and, the third, through accident or imposition. Which of these ways is the surest and sustainable way of becoming great for you?

The main thesis of this presentation is that it will take educationally empowered human resource to drive the process of holistic, sustainable and inclusive development in any community or nation. In my estimation, the most reliable way of attaining greatness is to climb the ladder of greatness through personal achievement sustained learning through the art and virtues of hardwork, smart work (skill work) and networking (consultancy, partnership and/or teamwork). To make this submission explicit, the following are critical enablers for great development in the world, generally, and Gochom community in particular:

1. Education: Maximising the limited human resource through education and training towards the acquisition of requisite cognitive (not general) knowledge or technical skills in relevant areas of human endeavour which can be bought a good price. Education is the process of learning which means to acquiring new knowledge and understanding in important ventures (things) in life. It is one of the most effective Channels through which the gap between the rich and the poor can be bridged. In other words, education is a universal leveller. Even democracy numbers (population) rules, education matters even more. With education, least, populated communities like ours could measure up with bigger ones. With education, gender inequality will be bridged in the community but without it, the community will be completely finished or continue to battle these contradiction.

2. Personal discipline: Discipline is the quality of being lawful, ethical, moral and self-controlled. The disciple to wait when the returns on investments are not immediate matters. Lasting success in great processes does not come immediately. In other words, attaining great success is a relay not a hundred metres race. If your dream is big enough, the maturity period might delay.

It is important to not that in the journey of life, delay is not necessarily a denial. It could just be an incubation period. Hence, the submission that: "Everything comes in time to those who can wait" (Francois Rabelais). To wait doesn't mean doing nothing but, instead, doing something worthwhile with your time.

3. Cultivating positive mindset: Nothing good, they say, comes easy. A person who lives with a defeatist mindset will hardly achieve anything. It takes a positive mindset to dare great things.  In other words, a positive mindset is one that dares to try great things. The account of Caleb & Joshua who brought encouraging report to isreal in Numbers 13:26; 14:1-12, especially, 6-12, is a classical example of positive mindset.

There is no winning way than having the courage to try something great even when the atmosphere looks gloomy. No wonder, stoic philosophers held that 'courage is the virtue that can champion the cause of right'!

4. Persistency: Persistency is another enabler. It is a virtue or frequency that enables a person or persons to pursue a dream to a logical conclusion. A persistent person or community goes the extra. He leverages the power of 'extra' to make a huge difference in the world of the living.

5. Networking: Networking means to relate or build productive relationship with others, especially, those who share your vision or could add value to it. To achieve greatness requires functional network with destiny helpers. Nobody has it all and nobody does it all alone. You are better off when you tap from the expertise and contact of others. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together?"!

6. Think global and acting local. You cannot live with local mentality and expect to make global impact. In order to make global impact as a community and, as individuals, we must think and behave like global citizens not local champions.


We have seen that ducation is the lunch path to greatness in the 21st century. Cognitive knowledge helps a person or community to have a niche in specific areas of speciality. As a corollary, note that, no individual, community or nation can breakthrough without cultivation strategic value systems that are in tandem with the kind of dream the want to achieve.

Please, allow me to, brieftly, share with you the story of a dog and an elephant which I got on a social media platform. The dog and elephant became pregnant at the same. However, the dog gave birth to puppies; took in again, the second time, and deliver while the elephant was still carrying its old pregnancy. Concerned by the condition of the elephant, the dog approached it with a question. You and I got pregnant together at the same time, I gave birth  to my puppies and, I have given birth to the second set but you are still pregnant, are you sure you are, actually, pregnancy? The elephant responded: You gave birth to puppies but the pregnancy I am carrying is of an elephants. I  give birth once in two years and, when the baby elephant is born, people will rally round to watch with great admiration!

The moral of this story is that achieving a great feat might take time but not impossible. In other words, achieving greatness is nota 100 meters race but a relay which requires persistency and endurance. For a community to be great, also, all hands must be on deck because every micro-action has macro-implication. It takes consistent, collective and cumulative actions of past, present and future generations make great things happen. In the words of Frank Fanon, 'every generation must out of relative obscurity discover its mission and fulfill it or betray it.' The effort and contributions of succeeding generation is expected to add value to the one handed to her by preceding ones. This means that the failure of any generation in the value chain will spell doom for the growth progression of the whole. This implies that, for a community to grow into global reckoning, it must be consciously transgenerational and inclusive in it strategic development planning. 

We can make our 'Nhicnyi' (the elephant rock) that we have a symbolic hall of fame where the names of past, present and future legends who have achieved or will be achieving great things for the community could be written as a mark of honour or encouragement for present and future generations to strive to do more for us. From this initiative, we can even make that rock a tourist site visitors who might want to know how far we have gone in time. 

The challenged is for us to learn to be part of something bigger than us. Nick Vujicic, author of the book, "Life without limit" puts it this wasy: "The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It is about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference." With education and learning, no one is too small to contribute to the vision of making the world and, particularly, Gochom community great!

Have a dream as big as the elephant, nurture and, diligently, pursue it. There could be difficulties on the way but, if we courageously persist, we shall succeed in making great things happen and the world will have no option but to hear us!

Gochom ching!
God bless Gochom community!
God bless Ngas nation!
God bless Plateau State!
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
God bless humanity!

Thank you all for listening.

*Being text of the paper presented at Gochom Youth Connect Event Held at the Community's Primary School on December 26, 2023)*


It is indeed tragic to experience this inhumane act on the peace loving people of Plateau Communities. So sad that the people were set for Christmas celebrations only for the enemy to unleashed such greusome terror

Our hearts are heavy and grieved over this unprovoked attacks on our communities, it's barbaric that some group of persons will take lives of innocent people who are also created by God for no justifiable reasons

In a statement Dr. Fitka admonished all to know and understand that no one has the right to truncate the life of another because only God is the giver of life.

Sympathizing with the affected communities and victims in B-Ladi, Bokkos and Mangu Dr. Fitka a MINISTERIAL hopeful in Plateau State prayed for comfort to those who lost their beloved and expeditious recovery to the injured.

Dr. Fitka also called on the security operatives to do the needful on the perpetrators of this dastardly act and be proactive in other to avert future occurrence.

    *@Fitka Media Team*


The horrendous and genocidal killings and destruction of property and other means of livelihood by very wicked, evil, criminal  militias in over 20 villages of Bokkos and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas of Plateau State is reprehensible, ungodly, satanic, totally unacceptable and condemnable. As a church, we are pained that this attack was carried out against innocent and harmless Christians who were climaxing preparations to celebrate Christmas. Unfortunately, their joy was turned into pain, weeping and sorrow.

 I pray that God will comfort the families of the bereaved and  the entire  church of God; and bring healing and restoration to all the injured. I appeal to relevant agencies of government and NGOs to provide relief materials to the affected communities. I also appeal for adequate deployment of security forces to forestall any further attacks.

If not for reasons of genocide and ethnic cleansing, what could be the reason for such unprovoked, premeditated, simultaneous and well-coordinated attacks on Christmas eve against communities that are predominantly Christian. This speaks volume of the evil intentions of the attackers and their sponsors. It is very clear that some people have vowed never to allow peace reign on the Plateau.

Reports indicate that well over 100 people were killed and many injured, with very gory sights of victims on the hospital with matchet cuts of very beastly inhuman nature. The attacks were carried out on Sunday 24th December, 2023 between 8.30pm and 12 midnight, a period of almost four (4) hours without any form of response from the security agencies. The attackers, as was the case in previous attacks, had enough time to execute their evil plan. In some communities such as Maiyanga in Bokkos LGA, well over 80 percent of houses and crops were completely burnt down.

While commending the Plateau State Governor for his swift response to the attacks, and doing all he could within his power, in mobilizing security agents  as fast as he could, to  stem further carnage, these attacks have again raised a number of questions. How possible is it for such massive and well-coordinated attacks to take place across two local government areas without any iota of intelligence? Why did security agencies fail to respond swiftly despite several distress calls? Why the choice of Christmas eve for the attacks despite assurances from security agencies to provide adequate security during the yuletide? Why have these militias been allowed to  continue doing their havoc despite the fact that their enclaves, from where they lunch these heinous attacks,  like Mahanga and other such enclaves,  are common knowledge to the general populace, and especially the security agencies? While it is not my intention to draw any inference, it is pertinent to stress that these are questions that can diminish public confidence in government’s ability to decisively address insecurity on the Plateau and other parts of the country. These questions must be sincerely  answered if this tragedy  is to be prevented  in future.  

These attacks once again call for strategic intelligence, synergy, sincerity of purpose, commitment and the political will to address insecurity on the Plateau in particular and the country at large. I urge the government and security agencies to track, arrest and prosecute the perpetrators and sponsors of this heinous crime against humanity. The message must be unambiguous that no one is above the law. The only way to rekindle the hope of Nigerians and build public confidence in the government is to bring all the criminal elements to book.   

Churches on the Plateau, especially COCIN, ECWA, Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostal Churches and many others, have  lost many of our members in these attacks. I expect the government for once  to take decisive action on this. Romans  13:3-5 states that those in governing authorities, are God’s  servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoers.”  Let this be seen to be the case in the case of Plateau.

As  peace-loving Church organizations, COCIN, ECWA, Catholics,  Baptists,  Pentecostal   and other churches alike,  have invested heavily in all positive aspects of the lives of millions of Nigerians irrespective of their faith and tribes. It beats our imagination as to why we have been made to constantly face cold blooded deaths, been constantly subjected to IDP Camps, and our places of worship and communities outrightly uprooted by those we welcome to live with us.

I call on the Federal Government of Nigeria under President Bola Tinubu and his security outfits to put a stop to this unwarranted menace and others against the Church in Nigeria and other innocent Nigerians that have been held captive in their own motherland. There is so much of patience that individuals and communities can sustain as they have already taken more than their fair share of buffetings.  Also, the government must do all within its powers to resettle hundreds of thousands of Nigerians practically sacked from their ancestral homes by these criminal  militias and other groups.

Nevertheless, we  as Christians take solace in the fact that no matter what, ultimately, our God is able to deliver us. No matter how long it will take, good will always triumph over evil. When the Israelites faced a similar situation, after several hundreds of years of oppression,  maltreatment and genocide by their Egyptian slave masters, Moses said to them, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.” (Exod.14:13).

As we stand firm to see God’s deliverance, I appeal to all Christians to remain calm, peaceful and prayerful. Our help will surely come from above, the maker of heaven and earth, for our God, neither slumbers nor sleeps ( Psalms 121:4).

I pray that the year 2024 will bring forth greater love, peace, unity and progress for our beloved country Nigeria.

God bless Plateau.

God bless  Nigeria.

In Jesus name!


Rev. (Dr.) Stephen Baba Panya

ECWA President Worldwide

Head of   Denominational Churches Leaders on the Plateau




Government Science and Technical College Bukuru (GTSC) popularly known as (BUTECHS) is blessed with a new principal in the person of MRS PATU MERCY WAMBUTDA who is also an alma mater of the school. The news of her appointment is exciting considering her track record and accomplishments in the academic fields.

in view of this the National President of Bukuru Old Student's Association Technical (BOSAT) Bldr. Raphael C Rume, on behalf of the National EXCO and the entire BOSAT family at home and in the diaspora, applaud her appointment as the 23rd Principal of the college, noting that it couldn’t have come at a better time than this considering the efforts of the BOSAT family in trying to create a lots of activities that will further unite us as a family as well as contributing our quota to the development of the school.

As an alma mater of the college and the Principal, we are certain that MRS WAMBUTDA's wealth of experiences will help to advance the cause of BOSAT.   

WAMBUTDA, who graduated from BUTECHS in 1984 from the Motor Vehicles Mechanic Department, was the first female Head Girl of the first set of females admitted to the School,

A holder of NCE TECH AND B.TECH all in Automobile Education, Mrs WAMBUTDA has continued to passionately traverse the academic world. We believe this appointment is a stepping stone for a greater accomplishment’.

WAMBUTDA, who has put in 34 years of working experience as a teacher, has served and held several positions; she was the HOD AUTOMOBILE GSTC BUKURU 1997-2018, HEAD OF TRADE, AUTO TRADES, and Vice Principal GSS CHWEL-NYAP 2018- 2021. Until she was appointed the new Principal of BUTECHS, she was the Principal of GJSS CHWEL-NYAP.

This appointment is seen as a homecoming and the best in the history of the school; because this is the first time a female who is also a graduate of the same institution will be heading the school.

We are confident that considering her academic prowess and integrity coupled with her leadership qualities, she will change the school's narrative.

BOSAT as a family is sending its warmest regards and wishing you good health, God's guidance, protection and above all God's wisdom as you take over the mantle of leadership of our dear Alma-mata.

Once more congratulations

Williams Gyang

National Publicity Secretary



As the joyous season of Christmas approaches and we stand on the cusp of a new year, we find ourselves reflecting on the invaluable bonds that unite us as proud alumni of Bukuru Old Students Technical.

May this festive season bring warmth to your hearts, joy to your homes, and an abundance of love to your families. As we celebrate the birth of Christ and embrace the spirit of togetherness, let us also cherish the memories of our time at GTSC Bukuru —a place that shaped us, inspired us, and fostered lifelong friendships.

Let us enter the coming year with renewed hope, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact in our respective fields. Together, as the resilient community of BOSAT, we can contribute to building a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas filled with love and laughter, and a New Year brimming with growth, success, and fulfillment.

Warmest regards,

Bldr Raphael Rume 
Bosat National President


Given the prevailing hardship and the downturn in the  economic activities in the country, there is no better way to  alleviate  the plights of widows particularly at this festive season than sharing food items with this category of friends in our communities to  demonstrate the love of Christ. This is imperative because given to the vulnerable and indigent persons in the society is not only an issue of morals but also an obligation which need to be taken serious said Dr. Ruth Kirnan Ngupar, at the Ruth Kirnan Foundation's office at Limoro Guest In Premises JD Gomwalk Way, adjacent NUJ Press Center Jos. The Foundation  distributes Rice,  oil, seasoning, salt and a token for transportation to over Sixty Widows.

One of the beneficiary Annabel Belin described Dr. Ruth Kirnan as a woman with large heart and a source of hope and God's blessings to the windows. Noting that true religion is exemplified by giving and taking care of the windows, Orphans and the needy.


Sen.Diket Plang declared the legitimate winner of Plateau Central senatorial election by appellate court sitting in Abuja.

G.Y.Gottom suit dismiss for lacking in merit.

Congratulations to the People's Senator.

Here comes Sen.Diket Plang

BREAKING INEC announces date for Bye elections rerun elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced that it would hold bye-elections and rerun elections across the country on Thursday, February 1, 2024, to fill vacancies in the state and federal legislatures.

Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, the commission’s chairman, revealed this during a meeting with political party leaders to prepare for the elections.

Prof. Yakubu said at the end of litigation, the courts have ordered the commission to conduct rerun elections in 34 federal and state constituencies made up of one in the Senate, 11 federal constituencies, and 22 state constituencies.

In addition, he said the commission will conduct bye-elections to fill vacancies created as a result of resignation or death of members.

He said that an authentic date for the election and a comprehensive timetable will be released at the end of the meeting with party leadership.



By Walbe  Orgak

In view of the need to fill the vacant position created by the decision of His Excellency Governor Simon Bako Lalong to relinquished his ministerial position and opted for the Senatorial Seat after his victory at the Federal Court of Appeal, several personalities have intensified lobbying to be considered for the position and among the arrays of these personalities is DR. (SURV) FITKA STEVE BILSHAKKA

Many pundits view him to be the right man for the job, considering his academic accomplishments; Holds PhD in surveying and Geo_ informatics, his tract records as a retired Director with the FCDA , and his political engagements; One time Gubernatorial Aspirant in Plateau State on the platform of APC

Dr.(Surv) Fitka Steve Bilshakka for Minister, Federal Republic of Nigeria to represent Plateau State and Nigeria in the Renewed Hope administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as a member Presidential Campaign Committee PCC member for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's presidential campaign in 2022/23 and a member of the Town Hall campaign for President Tinubu in North Central Nigeria(January, 2023).

a man of unquestionable character who has demonstrated an uncommon passion and loyalty in supporting the decisions of APC at all level during the 2023 general elections stands him out, this is couple with the massive support he got when he was campaigning which confirmed and also testified to the uncommon and massive acceptability he got from the people.

Dr.(Surv) Fitka Steve Bilshakka is a reliable, honest and proficient compatriot, who always leave a trailed of goodwill behind.

In view of the aforementioned summary of his personalities and many more, it is hoped that he would be considered for the ministerial appointment. (To be Continued)

Walbe Orgak



As preparation for the Pankshin Old Boys Association, POBA elective convention gathers momentum, various candidates have equally stepped up their campaign lobbying for positions and one such is Pam Musa who is vying for the position of Public Relations Officer, PRO 

It would be interesting to note that the position of Public Relations Officer, as an image maker, is very critical and significant in every association therefore, any person vying for that position must be a credible and experienced person 

It is given this that Pam Musa picks up the challenge and presents himself at the front burner of enhancing the communication and image of our esteemed POBA.

It should interest you to note that Pam Musa is the current Vice Chairman of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ Plateau State chapter, who has put in over twenty years working as a news reporter with various National Dailies 

Undoubtedly Pam Musa's Wealth of experiences will go a long way in strengthening the image and Communication and ensuring prompt and accurate dissemination of information.

More so, Pam Musa's experiences as a journalist will help in designing a robust media and communication strategy which will help to effectively represent POBA on various media platforms. 

This will include creating and generating content that will boost the image of the Association.

By electing Pam Musa as the Public Relations Officer, you can have confidence that he will work tirelessly to enhance the communication, image, and reputation of our POBA. And together, we can create a stronger and more connected association that takes pride in our Alma mater's achievements and values. 

Thank you for your consideration


PANKSHIN OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION, POBA the alma mata  of Government College Pankshin has over the years since its establishment contributed immensely to the development of the school and the welfare of its members in no small measure. Indeed the association has helped a lot of its members to excel in various fields of human endeavour including Political,religious,educational,business with many have rising to the pinnacle of the public office and other enterprises.

It has become a tradition that towards the end of every year POBITES hold their convention; this event usually excites the members because it is a moment of reunion with long lost friends and classmates which is also an occasion with lots of exchange of jerks and pleasantries. 

Above all it is the moment that the EXCO comes together to reevaluate its activities for the past year with the aim of brainstorming and chatting a new cause for the welfare of its members and the development of the school, as well as render account of its stewardship for the past year.

This year’s event will be a little bit different because the Association is set to elect new officials to pilot the affairs of its members and this is exciting for a lot of the members as various candidates have indicated interest and already campaigning.

One of such candidates is a seasoned broadcaster,public commentator,a researcher and policy expert,Kenzy Npupar of set 95 who is vying for the position of National President.

The positive impact of Kenzy Ngupar as the set 95 Chairman is obviously unwavering, a gentleman of outright charisma who has demonstrated an exceptional leadership skills and passion to serve this noble association as can be seen during his service for two tennures as the National Publicity Secretary of POBA.

His excellent communication skills and image making helped in giving POBA a National attention that today POBA stands strong amongst the comity of Old Students Associations in Nigeria.

He is an individual who feels the welfare and comfort of his members come first as can be seen during the Covid-19 epidemic and whenever a member of set 95 and to some extent any POBITE is sick, bereaved or celebrating he quickly draws attention to it using his media skills and human relations.

In a nutshell, Kenzy Ngupar’s aspiration to contest for the National President enlivens a lot of POBITES who have come in personal contact with him because of his unique personality, a fellow who feels the rights and privileges of the people he represents comes first.

The 2023 convention has offered POBA yet another great opportunity to elect people with greater capability and ideas, men with the right exposure and experience. 

To this end, Kenzy Ngupar has an array of accomplishments as a mobilizer, planner, commentator and broadcaster of repute. His intimidating profiles and legendary accomplishments are praiseworthy, above all his firmly immense dispositions, unquestionable character, and uncommon passion for good service stands him out.

POBA is set to be redefined the more come Saturday the 9th of December,2023 when all POBITES gather in Jos.

Already Kenzy Ngupar has reeled out his excellent agenda to the amazement of so many as he has already visited the Plateau Contributory Health Care Agency to have Members and students registered to benefit.He has also contacted the sister agency in Nassarawa State and considering other catchment areas to have members benefit.

He has also visited the School and an office space for POBA has been allocated and work to commence soon so as to bridge the gap between students,management and POBA.

He has visited the Ministry of Education,Local Government And Chieftaincy Affairs and a few others to see how the attention of Government can be draw on the need to complete the Legacy Project of the school so it doesn't become a project abandoned.

We are very optimistic together with his team he will tell members other visions and missions he has for the alma mater and association if elected come Saturday.

For now the stakes are high and we believe this gentleman who God willing will be the youngest National President in the history of POBA will also make history with the support of all.


The so called Speaker of the  Plateau State House of Assembly is credited to have astonishingly stated that he will not swear-in the legitimate  members of the house, until the end of next month, when the House might have resumed from its abrupt recess on the 23/1/24.

This outburst is expected, moreso when he is just like a robot, acting a script poorly crafted by his master, who temporarily is residing in Government House Little Rayfield.

Right from the time the moribund  House  members suddenly took to their heels in the wake of Court of the Appeal judgements, it was evident that the outgoing government was up to something sinister.

To justify the suspicion, the House of Assembly service Commission without recourse to extant laws, unceremoniously got rid of the clerk and went ahead to  nepotistically foist a new one from the governor's kinsmen.

Now that the one man riot gang in the House, to the exclusion of the majority, has come out to arrogantly  make such an incendiary remark, there is every reason to believe that great danger lies ahead in the execution of the Court of Appeal judgements, as far as the House of Assembly elections petitions are concerned.

With this posture and the illusion that, he alone constitutes the leadership of the House at the moment, the peace and well being of Plateau State does not matter to him, so long as his master's personal interest is not affected.

From all indications, the PDP is determined through a stooge to as usual, disrespect the Court judgements and the rule of law in its quest to hold on to power, even at the expense of peace and tranquility of the State.

The PDP and indeed the so-called Speaker who has been in the minority of the minorities, ought to know that he cannot whimsically hold Plateau State to ransome when as things stand now, APC is in the majority.

Take it or leave it, even as it is, the APC holds the ace and therefore cannot be stampeded by a one man gang, that is out to undermine and subvert democratic norms in the State.

Undoubtedly, the outburst by the Speaker, is not only   self-serving but poses a serious security threat which needs to be appropriately addressed by the security agencies.

The Speaker as young as he is, should not allow himself to be used as a willing tool towards achieving some subterranean motives, which are capable of throwing Plateau State into chaos, and also have at the back of his mind, that he has a name and future to protect.

Powered by Shittu Bamaiyi

2023 World Aids Day: MAHESD calls for Community engagement and access

In commemoration of the 2023 World Aids Day and as the World work towards ending the HIV/AIDS epidemics by 2030, Media Action for Health, Environment and Sustainable Development (MAHESD) is calling on stakeholders to engage  effective Community engagement and access toward ending the HIV/AIDS come 2030.

It may interest you to know that this year's commemoration marks the 35th World AIDs Day Celebration and it is an opportunity to reflect on our journey, acknowledge and celebrate the progress we have made and recognise the challenges which community voices series suffered.

With the theme: "LET COMMUNITIES LEAD", this year's commemoration tends to focus on the need for the proper engagement of communities, because communities serve as a bridge between individual needs and broader societal structures. They are the experts on their own needs and know best how to respond to HIV in their own specific context. 

According to Sarah Oughton and Tinashe Madamombe, "this contextual knowledge is essential for ensuring that HIV prevention and care efforts are successful. By amplifying community voices and empowering communities to take charge, we can create a world where everyone has access to the care and support they need to thrive".

"Ending AIDS will only be possible when access to HIV services for marginalised communities improves. Our Community Voices series was co-created with LGBT people, sex workers, people with disabilities and others most affected by HIV. Co-creation embeds these, often over-looked community voices in our content to ensure they are heard more widely", it stated.

Therefore, MAHESD, in collaboration with the Plateau State Ministry of Health, joins the rest of the world in advocating for the effective engagement of communities in the fight against HIV/AIDs by training more Community Mobilizers in Local Government Areas to effectively drive demands in our society.

We however, wants to use this opportunity to commend Plateau State for attaining HIV treatment saturation with over 49,539 people currently on treatment and over 95% of clients virally suppressed, but urged them to work on the gap amongst the Paediatric Sub population and the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT). 

We also want to appreciate the National AIDS, STIs Control Programme of the Federal Ministry on Health (NASCP) and Global Fund (GF) for scaling up Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in all the States of the Federation, sitting over 861 in Plateau State.


Joel K. Gomiyar
Project Officer



Governor Caleb Mutfwang has reiterated his commitment to tackling insecurity in Plateau as he inaugurated 600 Neighborhood Watch Operatives, the state security outfit saddled with the responsibility of maintaining peace in the hinterlands, codenamed “Operation Rainbow,” 

Mutfwang, represented by his deputy,
Ngo Josephine Piyo, said that the revitalisation of the state security outfit was part of his administration’s effort to ensure the security of lives and property. 

“It is my pleasure to be here for the passing out parade of the Neighborhood Watch Operatives of the Operation Rainbow. Today, we are witnessing the passing out of a crop of 600 galant operatives who were carefully selected out of the numerous citizens of Plateau state. 

“I wish to commend the Coordinator of the Operation Rainbow, the Special Adviser on Security, Chief Security Officer and other security agencies who within this short period, has transformed, tutored and nurtured these young operatives to the end products which we see before us today. 

“From the reports I have received and the parade we witnessed today, there is ample evidence that these soon to be gallant security officials have been put through the mills and have come out refined and ready to contribute their quota to the state’s effort to securing lives and property in our dear state'' 

Mutfwang stated that the revitalisation of the outfit was timely as it was coming when the state was at a critical period and needed consolidation on the gains of tackling security challenges that has ravaged the state for years. 

He urged the operatives to put in their best in securing local communities by reporting early warning signs for swift security intervention, adding that it is the state’s desire to create a conducive working atmosphere for every citizen to carry out their lawful business.

He cautioned the operatives and stated that his administration would not allow indiscipline and unprofessional conduct and must treat matters of security and safeguarding the lives and properties of citizens with utmost importance.

Mutfwang commended the NSCDC for training and accommodating the operatives and all other instructors from different security agencies for their input in training the young men and women. 

The governor expressed his sincere appreciation to the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for his support  to state owned security outfits in the country which he said has helped to beef up the strength of security and enhance capacity to confront diverse security challenges faced by states. 

Earlier, the Coordinator, Operation Rainbow,  AIG Bashir Dabup Makama (Rtd) in a remark said that the establishment which was passed by the Plateau State House of Assembly cited as “PLATEAU STATE RAINBOW AND NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH LAW 2012” and assented to on 20th March, 2013 was set up to perform community policing duties by operatives in their various localities. 

Makama stated that the modus operandi of the outfit was also to provide accurate and timely information on security situations in all wards, which are gathered and shared with appropriate security agencies including the Nigerian Police for necessary proactive measures to be taken.  

He appreciated the Caleb Mutfwang administration for revitalising the moribund security outfit promising to strengthen the security network in the state for sustainable peace, security and economic development.

He added that the operatives would ensure an enduring peace and security of lives and property in the state through the process of proper articulation and development of all embracing measures to adequately address, contain and nip in the bud, within the norms of democracy and rule of law, on issues that could potentially lead to crisis. 

Makama revealed that other batches of operatives would soon be recruited and trained to augment the number on ground and concerted efforts are being made to activate the Neighborhood Watch in all the 17 LGAs. 

Martha Nyam 
Chief Press Secretary to the Deputy Governor of Plateau State. 
November 29, 2023.


Bukuru Old Student's Association Technical (BOSAT)
Congratulate her distinguished members  on their Victory at the Appeal Court! 

The National President of BOSAT Bldr Raphael C Rume has on behalf of the National Exo and indeed all it's members at home and in the diaspora extend their heartfelt felicitations to His Excellency Engr. A. A Sule for  his victory at the Court of Appeal which upholds his position as the duly elected   Governor of Nassarawa State for the second tenure,  the President equally extend members heart felt felicitations to Hon. Prince  Ayuba Aboki Zaku Dampar ( Marafan Wukari) as the Appeal Court affirmed him as the duely elected  Member of the Ibi/Wukari House of Representatives  Taraba State to the National Assembly.

Raphael said the Victory of  their two members is a testimony  to their dedication, leadership and the mandates bestowed upon them by the masses. The president wish them God guidance, protection and wisdom as the carry on with their primary purpose of their mandate

Once again, congratulations our able and amiable Governor and Hon member elect.

Williams Gyang
Nat. Publicity Sec


(Modest Thoughts with Ayuba, Yilgak'ha; November 20, 2023; SMS: 08116181263)

The battle for the soul of the number one political seat on the Plateau, the seat of governor, is far from being settled. The recent outcome of the ruling of the court of appeal which sat in Abuja and invalidated the mandate of His Excellency, Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, is a pointer to this reality. When the governor who was elected under the platform of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) was sworn-in on May 29, 2023, following his declaration as winner of the keenly contested governorship election on March 18, 2023, it was thought, in many quarters, that the battle was over but the current turn of events is saying it is not yet uhuru for the governor yet.

Recall that after results were collated for the March 18, governorship poll,  the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) throught its Returning Officer (RO) and Vice Chancellor, Federal University, Lafia, Professor Idris Amali, declared and returned, Barr. Mutfwang who scored 525,299 as the winner as against the candidate of the All progressives Congress (APC), Prof. Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe of the  who scored 481,400 of votes cast.

Not satisfied with the outcome, Professor Nentawe headed straight to challenged the outcome in what has come to be known as 'water tight pettion.' The case was heard and unanymously dismissed for lack of merit by the Plateau State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal (PSGEPT) on Friday, September 22, 2023. Delivering the judgement, the tribunal panel led by Justice. R. Irele-Ifineh held that the petitioner(s), the APC and its candidate, Prof. Nentawe lacked the locus standing to contest the party structure of a party they were not part of, either as members or aspirants. It said the issues of party structure/nomination raised by them were pre-election matters which they lacked the locus standing to challenge. The tribunal, also, held that the PDP conducted a second unchallenged congress on September 25, 2021, in obedience to the ruling of Justice S.P. Gang of the Jos High Court. Therefore, the APC and its candidate failed to establish its allegation electoral malfiseance.

Not satisfied with the tribunal ruling still, Professor Nentawe Yilwatda quickly filed an appeal at the Appeal Court Tribunal (ACT), Jos Division. The case was indexed and heard but the ruling was reserved for a later date leaving the electorates in treacherous suspense.

On November 18, 2023, a circular from the appeal court conveying the date for ruling on the matter was circulated which reads: "JUDGEMENT NOTICE
TAKE NOTICE The above mentioned Appeal is fixed for JUDGEMENT On 19th November,  2023. By 12:00 noon@Court Of Appeal, Abuja

When the breath taking circular got to the public, particularly in the state, the citizens, particularly, the sypathisers of PDP and APC were anxious about what the outcome will be. This was an extension of the anxiety and cacaphony of debates including street protests in Jos and Abuja generated by earlier judgements of the lower tribunal and appeal courts.

Right from the time of electioneering campaigns, the elections and the aftermath of it, a lot of 'water' has gone under the bridge leaving the state literally and unnecessarily polarised along religious and tribal lines. The authority that be in the state and those challenging the legitimacy of it all know that the state is gasping for air of unity amongst all the tribes, religions and the political class of the state.

The much expected judgement day came and considering that the incumbent governor won at the tribunal level, there was no one who could predict with absolute certainty the direction the pendulum was going to swing. Both camps were tensed with merchants of speculation and propaganda having a field day over a ruling they have no iota of control over.

It was in this atmosphere that I composed and post a piece titled, "IN PURSUIT OF A GOOD NAME", on the D-day, Sunday, November 19, 2023 which reads: "After saying a prayer, step out in absolute confidence because all powers belong to God. He gives it to whoever he pleases. But woe unto those who say unprintable things against others under the guise of politics. I implore our appeal court judges to follow their convictions and the dictates of the law, for in the final analysis, each and everyone of them will give an account to God who made them strategic arbiters. Do not go for food that spoils or biases that stains your conscience and hard earned reputation. A good name has no alternative: It is all that matters in the lives of noblemen which our judges ought to be in thick and thin. Preserve yours!"

The brief piece was goal specific. It was a deliberately aimed at dousing the tension and anxiety that was building in the state. It was, also, targeted at reminding the bench (panel of judges) of their sacred responsibility of dispensing justice without fear or favour, should the reminder gets to them through the promising waves and possibilities of contemtorary social media!

It is no news that in recent times, rightly or wrongly, our courts are under heavy crossfire and public scrutiny following the courts' rulings on election matters in recent times. For instance, the ruling that brought Governor Hope Uzodimma of Imo state on power. Recall, also, that a retiring Justice of the Supreme Court, Hon. Justice Dattijo Muhammad, made unsettling criticisms on the court he was retiring from when he revealed that the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) was exercising “absolute powers” and, therefore, the court had become 'something else'. And interesting, this damaging insinuation came on Friday October 27, 2023, barely a day after the court validated the election of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu!

The hour came and the three panel of judges led by Justice Elphreda Williams-Dawodud delivered the unanimous judgement which invalidated the tribunal judgement that affirmed the victory of incumbent governor, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang and ordered the withdrawal of the Certificate of Return (CoR) earlier issues him by INEC and to reissue another to the appellants, the APC and its candidate, Professor Nentawe Yilwatda!

The main thrust of the appeal by the APC candidate bothers on issue of qualification which his counsels argued was both a pre and post election matter under Section 177 (c) of the Nigerian Constution, 1999 as well as Section 80 and 82 of the Electoral Act, 2022.This position was countered by the defendant the people's Democratic Party and its candidate, the incumbent governor. However, the court ruled that Muftwang was not validly sponsored by the PDP as provided by Section 285 (2) of the Nigerian Constitution. Therefore, it concluded that the appeal brought by Professor Nentawe Goshwe of the APC succeeded and thereby granted!

As it stands, the APC and its governorship candidate had lost at the tribunal; the PDP and the governor has also lost at the appeal. This makes the league table scores 1-1 in favour of both sides. With the subsisting ruling, governor Mutfwang and his party only has one extra window of opportunity to challenge the judgement of the appeal court and, from all indications, they will do that. This means there is a pending fight-to-finish legal battle ahead. This, also, implies more tension in the state for both camps, especially, when these anxious supporters concede to the dictate of their emotion and, not the power of their conviction and faith in God who is the ultimate decider!

Plateau State is at the verge of making a unique but not new history should the subsisting appeal judgement scale through at the Supreme Court. The implication will be that governorship elections in the state will be conducted off-season with all its implications. Should the incumbent succeed at upturning the appeal court judgement, on the other hand, it will be the first time intermittent victories and defeats are being witnessed in any governorship legal tussle in the state with all its implications too. Whichever way it goes, Plateau state will never remain the same. Going forward and for every discerning mind, the unfolding events are lessons that will forever remain a school in institutional strengthening as it affects the courts and/or internal party democracy as it affects our political parties.

The issues at stake have now left the ballot and, are in the domain of the courts where our collective intelligence is limited except you are a member of the bench, especially, judges selected by the respective courts to seat on this matter. Every interested person would have wished to have a say or air his view on the matter but to no avail; our power as electorates end at the ballot. If you are not asigned to be at the bench, whatever you say or do will be of no consequence at this stage!

Should governor Mutfwang and his party scales through the last hurdle, the state will remain green. In the same vein, should professor Nentawe and his party win at the supreme court, the state will, equally, turn blue. Blue or green are just colours, by the way. Whether the state goes from green to blue or from blue to green, no Plateau citizen has the power to decide anything at this level except the supreme court, highest court in the land!

In a democracy, constitutionalism is very critical. In a constitutional democracy, the will of the majority matters but the ruling of the courts which follows, at least, the power of micro majority decision of judges in any matter is binding too. As it stands, the people have spoken at the ballot; the lower tribunal court has spoken; the court of appeal has also, spoken. Lets be patient for the supreme court to decide should the matter gets there within 14 days after ruling. Of course, the process of election involves the creation of constituencies; setting up of party structures and membership, nomination of candidates; election and declaration of candidates which could be challenged at the tribunal right up to appeal court or supreme court as the case maybe. It is a long admistrative and citizenship engagement protocol which requires meticulousness from all stakeholders: The courts, INEC, political parties as well as candidates and, indeed, the electorates!

Because I'm not a bencher under whose hands this matter will be decided and put to rest, it makes no sense if I take side now. The poll is over and will be a total waste of time if any citizen, in the present circumstance, chooses to take side. However, permit me to draw the attention all parties to the fact that we all need each other. All powers belong to God and He dispenses such powers the way he pleases irrespective of our bias wishes. Interestingly, there is only one governorship seat in the state (one tenure that is subject to renewal through periodic elections). If the development of the state is all that we ever aspire for, then, let us drop all primordial sentiments and join forces together to build the state after the final judgement. We cannot settle for less under any guise!

Whether it is "the Time is Now" or "the Generation Next", does not matter. It is inclusive growth and sustainable development of Plateau which is the essence of politics that matters. Afterall all these slogans are mere philosophical mantras; it the quality of the leader or leadership that can breath life into them!

In the state, currently, what is being witnessed in all of these cacaphonies are nothing but changing dynamics of power play: The intervening role of the courts and their sweet or bitter consequencies. While those who lost at the poll or courts of final jurisdiction (appeal) for national and state assembly are already counting their losses, those that scaled through are counting their gains. Whichever side of the divide you belong, understand that politics is a game and the players must cultivate the spirit of sportmanship. The winners must show maturity and willingness to carry everybody along while the losers gallantly bear the cross of defeat, hoping that there shall be another time to try again. As citizens, we are challenged to pray more for the peace and security of Plateau state. God, they say, rules in the affairs of men. My earnest prayer is for God to bless the state and all those who are determined to work together to build a heritage full of enduring legacies for the corporate benefit of both the present and future generations.

In the state, currently, things are happening in quick succession and, so, it is hard to track and predict any outcome with precision. Even authorities in rational expections theory could hardly say it certainty; not even prophets, soothsayers and/or magictians. This shows the days ahead will be puzzling and interesting.

As a citizen, my humble counsel to our justices always is to do what makes them worthy arbiters as required by ethics of their profession and worthy brokers of justice as expected by God who elevated them. Together, we are solemnly obligated to seek the corporate peace of the land and, add not to its woes. Only then can we be fit to be called worthy citizens.

In the school of life, never give up on your dreams too soon or celebrate them prematurely. There is so much uncertainty in the scheme of things in Plateau state but, there is high prospect for collective victory too. All things, the scriptures says, works for the good of those who believe in God. Therefore, whatever happens shall' end in praise because God is the ultimate authority. He alone is in charge of Plateau State!



Chairman of Kanam Local Government Council of Plateau State,Dr.Dayyabu Yusuf Garga says with the now dominance of the All Progressives Congress,APC Lawmakers in the Plateau State House Of Assembly,the APC is rightly placed to add better value to issues that will benefit citizens.

Speaking with Newsmen in Abuja shortly after the Court Of Appeal returned more lawmakers under the banner of the party as rightful winners of their various constituencies he said that is the opening of a new vista to developmental politics which has been a core principle of the APC as started by former Governor now Minister Labour and Employment as we as Senator Elect, Simon Lalong.

According to Dayyabu Garga when the last two members are returned by the Court any moment now there will then be twenty two members of the APC out of the twenty four seats and that will surely ensure a seemingly taking over of the APC on the leadership of the house that will in turn ensure a harmonious and robust engagement with the people for the good of the state.

Asked what are the chances of the Governorship Candidate of the party to clinch the seat,Dayyabu Garga said himself and other party faithful remain optimistic that the APC Candidate,Dr Nentawe Yilwatda will triumph because he has a more credible case that has been advanced

He said all of them have remained prayerful to God that judgment favors them because of the believe they have in the ability of Dr.Nentawe to drive better development to the people of Plateau State.

"You can all see how we all have rallied round our Governorship Candidate and others in the various courts right from the tribunals to where we are today,it is because we believe in the vision of our Governorship Candidate and these crop of legislators that have now been returned will work with him for the good of plateau state.

Dayyabu Garga added "for me by the special grace of the Almighty Allah victory will be ours because he sees our genuine hearts which Dr.Nentawe carries.He will break all the barriers and treat us all equal in a state that belongs to us all.I therefore call on our lawmakers to quickly put heads together and get down to business of legislation for our common good."

On the issue the APC dominance in the state the Chairman said "yes we are.We have two Senators for now by the grace of God while anticipating that of the Plateau Northern District will come our way after the rerun,we have five of the House of Reps now while also anticipating two more,We are about having twenty two members out of the twenty four of the state assembly,we have the seventeen elected Local Government Council Chairmen and their Councilors.This in no small measure is what we can wish away.The leadership of the party in the state under our Chairman,Hon.Rufus Bature must be commended for its synergy with all other stakeholders to keep the party afloat."

Appeal Court Sacks 11 PDP Lawmakers, Party Loses Control Of Plateau Assembly

The Court of Appeal sitting in Abuja, on Friday, sacked eleven lawmakers of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Plateau state assembly.

The panel led by Justice Okon Abang, in a unanimous decision, held that all the sacked lawmakers scored wasted votes at the time of the March 2023 general election because their party lacked structure.

He added that the PDP violated section 177 of the 1999 constitution and, hence could not sponsor candidates in an election.

The court however declared all the second runners-up in the March 18 elections as winners.

Those sacked are; Hon Timothy Dantong (Riyom), Hon. Rimyat Nanbol,- (Langtang North Central), Moses Sule (Mikang), Salome Waklek,-Pankshin, Hon. Bala Fwangji (Mangu South), Hon. Maren Ishaku (Bokkos), Hon. Dagogot (Quaanpan North) and Nannim Langyi,-(Langtang North North).

Others are Nimchak Rims (Langtang South) Hon. Danjuma Azi (Jos North West) Gwottson Fom (Jos South) and Hon. Abubakar Sani Idris (Mangu North) respectively

The All Progressives Congress (APC) is now the leading party in the Parliament 


PLASU Achieves Landmark 5km Road Project Through Internal Funding.

Plateau State University (PLASU), Bokkos, has launched a significant road grading project, covering approximately 5 kilometers w...